![]() PLACES THAT DONT EXIST: TRANSDNIESTRIA. PLACES THAT DONT EXIST: TRANSDNIESTRIA.Please visit www.simonreeve.co.uk for more information.. He visits a little- known country. |
Alan Henning murder: Sunni tribes must help us defeat Islamic State
The beheading of Alan Henning, the aid worker from Manchester, by a knife-wielding British jihadist rams home a number of horrible truths. The first is that the cancer of Islamist fundamentalism knows no borders. The second is that the fanatics of Isil.
Nato must rediscover its sense of purpose
This applies to Britain where, as Dr Liam Fox argues today, David Cameron must make a firm commitment to keeping defence spending at 2 per cent. The decision to establish new logistics centres along the Russian border to enable the rapid provision of .
The mystery of IRG Ltd: Britains former defence secretary.
As far as the Prime Minister was concerned, the story was done and dusted with the resignation of Liam Fox and the publication of a report based on a full and proper inquiry by the Cabinet Secretary. There are two. company G3. The Telegraph reports of this firm:. For its part, Labour has not come close to confronting this right-wing lobby since the Arms to Africa Affair, and was ultimately co-opted by it entirely with the war on Iraq.. Liberalism in neo-liberal times.
Britain returns East of Suez with permanent Royal Navy base in Gulf
That was called into question almost immediately as the Arab Spring drew renewed attention to the Gulfs record on human rights, including in Bahrain, and was also set back by Mr Foxs resignation over the role played by his adviser Adam Werritty on.
The case for defence
If ministers seriously believed they could avoid unpopular military interventions abroad, the violence currently ravaging Ukraine and large swathes of the Middle East will have come as a brutal reality check. Britain and its allies have now reluctantly .
Scotland: What the future holds
Whatever the outcome, there is no chance that the independence movement will fade away any time soon. For those fired by the dream of full secession, any form of ���devo-max��� will never be enough. Unless this fragile post-referendum situation is handled .
Conservative election poster: politics is on a road to nowhere
In that electoral car crash, an actor trudged along an empty road, telling us that Britain had been through some tough times but was now sort of going the right way (a bit). The fact that the Tories are running with the exact same message in 2015 tells.
Nato summit in Wales - EU to announce new sanctions.
Petro Poroshenko, Ukraines president, and the main pro-Russian separatist leader in his country have both said they will order a ceasefire on Friday, provided an agreement is reached on a new peace plan.. Britain is to directly arm the Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State (Isis) in the north of Iraq and has dispatched a senior British military officer to advise the Kurdish forces prior to what may be a larger Nato-led package to train the Kurdish fighters, it has emerged.
Britain prepares for airstrikes in Iraq - as it happened
He told Sky News: ���We have been supplying humanitarian aid, we have been delivering ammunition and arms and now the parliament has agreed that our forces can get involved in direct military action in air strikes obviously we will now be part of this.
Libya attacks under way ��� Saturday 19 March part 2 | World.
9.50pm: The New York Times has significant behind-the-scenes details from the Paris summit, with claims that Frances unilateral decision to strike Libya angered some of the countries gathered at the summit meeting ��� and.. Sunday Telegraph: British forces attack Gaddafi. ��� Mail on. 1.26am: A statement from Defence Secretary Liam Fox has more details of the British military forces involved:... We have opened arms depots to equip people against aggressors..
Unity rally for Paris shootings: live
The Slovenian prime minister Miro Cerar is also there as well as Swedish prime minister Stefan L��fven, Finnish prime minister Alexander Stubb, Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, Swiss president Simonetta Sommaruga, Kosovo president Atifete Jahjaga.
Lisbon Summit: NATO To Retain Nuclear Arms, Build.
In an editorial published before the treaty was signed, British Defence Secretary Liam Fox wrote, ���There are many reasons why this cooperation makes sense. We are Europes only two nuclear powers.��� In fact there is another��.
The Media War on Libya: Justifying War through Lies and.
The Obama Administration also requested Foreign Military Financing assistance for Libya for the first time in FY2010, with the goal of providing assistance to the Libyan Air Force in developing its air transport capabilities and to the Libyan Coast... 10 Alice Johnson, ���Fox Defends Wests arms sales to Libya,��� Gulf News, April 3, 2011.. 31 Liam Fox, ���Liam Fox: Libya crisis shows why were right on defence reform,��� The Sunday Telegraph (U.K.), February 26, 2011.
NATOs Secret Ground War in Libya | Global Research
At a time when the commercial sector was unable or unwilling to fly, the [British] Government used a range of military assets, including Royal Navy warships each with a detachment of Royal Marines and C-130 Hercules aircraft to evacuate hundreds of Britons and citizens from a... 9 Liam Fox, ���Liam Fox: Libya crisis shows why were right on defence reform,��� The Sunday Telegraph (U.K.), February 26, 2011.. UKRAINE REPORT �� SYRIA: NATOS NEXT WAR?
Sketch: MPs debate air strikes on Islamic State in Iraq
It may, for all they know, prove in time to have been the most wrong. In which case, history will judge them as if they knew from the. ���There will undoubtedly be a cost of acting,��� said Liam Fox. ���But the cost of not acting would be infinitely.
Lisbon Summit: NATO To Retain Nuclear Arms, Build.
In an editorial published before the treaty was signed, British Defence Secretary Liam Fox wrote, ���There are many reasons why this cooperation makes sense. We are Europes only two nuclear powers.��� In fact there is another��.
Media academic attacks press campaign against The.
He contrasts political difference between UK and the USA.. He then points to a Sunday Telegraph column by Tory MP, and former defence secretary, Liam Fox, in which he called for legal action against The Guardian. He is also quoted in a. That is why the NSA revelations are so shocking to Americans. they expose an arm of government acting without the permission, or indeed the knowledge, of the American people and their representatives in Congress..
Alex Salmond urged to drop referendum conspiracy theories
Speaking as Holyrood met for the first time since the vote, opposition party leaders said Scotland would only ���move on��� when everybody accepted the result and warned the First Ministers immediate reaction would nurture a sense of grievance among Yes .
Iraq conflict: David Cameron pledges to get these people off that mountain
. troops should be stationed in Iraq to provide training and support. He joined Lord Dannatt, the former head of the armed forces, and a string senior Tory MPs including Liam Fox, the former defence secretary, who have called for Parliament to be.
Funding the Tories: Payback time for David Cameron | The.
There are not many people who think their mantel would be improved by a bronze bust of British Prime Minister David Cameron, but Ukrainian oligarch Alexander Temerko appears to differ. He shelled out an.. Hinze was implicated in one scandal when it was revealed he was channelling funds to a lobbyist who is a close friend of then Defence Secretary Liam Fox. This male. The Zabludowicz family fortune was begun by his father Shlomo, an Israeli arms trader.
Liam Fox: It is time to arm Ukraine
Thousands of pro-Kremlin demonstrators gathered in Moscow to denounce the Ukrainian uprising. :: New figures show that British jets have scrambled 43 times since David Cameron took office to intercept Russian bombers. Dr Fox warns that the West must .
http://world.politiciciacs.com ��������������� ��������������������� ������������
Many of these were also Illuminati leaders in their own country, and they were welcomed with open arms by the U.S. group.. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/ukraine/10669670/Ukraine-Russia-crisis-live.html?service=artBody. Their insistence on having what they call the near abroad, in other words those countries that they demand to have control over, is anachronistic and destabilisingWe have to make very clear at all times that sovereign��.
The Liam Fox Leak Doesnt Mention The Real Threats We.
Fox has got it right. EXTRACT FROM LIAM FOX ARTICLE IN TIMES 2007. Russias petrodollars are financing a $189 billion overhaul of its armed forces between now and 2015. They will purchase more than 1,000 new aircraft and helicopters, 4,000 new tanks and armoured vehicles and a new submarine fleet. New missiles. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/telegraph-view/8033376/The-strategic-defence-and-security-review-must-not-be-rushed.html. The Tap��.
New START treaty - The Economist
Over the past two decades, a series of arms-control agreements have led to negotiated reductions in nuclear weapons from roughly 12,000 to the current level of around 2,000. New START would bring that number. That is the withered remnant of neoconservative thinking about foreign policy���a remnant that today, through Fox News and the other organs of right-wing opinion-formation, increasingly dominates the Republican Party. It has no interest in understanding��.
The Bucharest Summit: Time to Revitalize the NATO Alliance
As British Shadow Defense Secretary Dr. Liam Fox notes, The EU Constitution is reshaping our Defence Alliances by stealth away from NATO and towards the EU.[42]. The Lisbon Treaty will also assert the EU as a... [38] David Blair, General Criticizes Afghanistan Troop Restrictions, Daily Telegraph, March 3, 2008, at www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/03/03/wafghan103.xml (March 17, 2008). [39] American Forces Press Service, Gates:��.
Editorial Roundup: Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in the US and.
James Risen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times, won his legal fight against the U.S. Department of Justice, which wanted him to disclose the sources he used in his newspaper and book coverage of a failed U.S. operation against.
The Shadow World - Bristol Against Arms Trade
The Shadow World is an incisive expos�� of the weapons trade By Justin Marozzi ( In The Telegraph) If there is one book unlikely to appear on the Christmas reading lists of the former defence secretary Liam Fox and his self-professed. Feinstein, founder of Corruption Watch and one-time ANC Member of Parliament, gives an absorbing portrait of Basil Zaharoff, the worlds first flamboyantly high-living arms dealer, ���godfather of the modern BAE���, a man who once��.
Iraq crisis: David Cameron breaks off holiday to lead response
He joined Lord Dannatt, the former head of the armed forces, and a string senior Tory MPs including Liam Fox, the former defence secretary, who have called for Parliament to be recalled. Mr Duncan Smith defended the governments approach to Iraq.
Editorial Roundup: Excerpts from recent editorials
James Risen, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times, won his legal fight against the U.S. Department of Justice, which wanted him to disclose the sources he used in his newspaper and book coverage of a failed U.S. operation against.
Premier League Team of Week for November 8-9: Matic, Mane and Montero Star
Welcome to the 11th installment of our Premier League Team of the Week for the 2014-15 season. Here we analyse every game and pick out a star XI from the weekends fixtures, choosing the best players to form a viable formation (in this case, a 4-2-2-2.).
The defence review: Painful, but not fatal | The Economist
Chief among them: a doughty rearguard action fought (at some personal political risk) by the defence secretary, Liam Fox; the persistent demands of the campaign in Afghanistan; pressure from the Americans not to go too far; and the sheer riskiness of abandoning important. I feel really sorry for the young in the UK; they are going to go to school with a barely adequate education due to the cuts, and getting into uni will be harder with the rise in tuition fees. They will��.
Britains Failed Intel Operation in Libya: Her Majestys.
4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1359316/Prime-Minister-David-Cameron-takes-arms-dealers-Egypt-promote-democracy.html#ixzz1G7KYnGUx �� SHOP GLOBAL RESEARCH �� Comment on Global Research Articles��.