![]() 14-3-1988 China Invaded Spratlys Tr�����ng Sa G���c Ma. 14-3-1988 China Invaded Spratlys Tr�����ng Sa G���c Ma.Time does not ease the pain, and that grief and sorrow over lost lives will. Show more. |
Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/6/2014 | Gates of Vienna
Financial Crisis. �� Financial Transaction Tax to be Introduced by Years End. �� France Was On Verge of Bankruptcy, Hollande Says. �� Italy: Spread Down to 154 Points. �� The Western World is in Crisis and Democracy is on the Brink. USA. �� 10 Examples of How... If they mean the cables, etc., plus their own subjective analyses, there is little to fear of confusion given that areas of interpretative divergence are made quite clear in American Betrayal. After all, American��.
With Washingtons Syria Gambit in Tatters, Irans Smart Power
One of the more persistent tropes in Western discourse about the Syrian conflict is that, by ���siding with��� the Assad government, the Islamic Republic of Iran has marginalized itself in regional affairs and squandered much of the soft power it had... Some of the victims���like a young woman who was eight months pregnant ���were strangled with an electrical chord and left slumped backwards over her desk in a room that shows no sign of fire or smoke damage. In another��.
Chinas story: putting the PR into the PRC
The good professor suggests that India gets less Western criticism over Kashmir and its other seccessionist problems because its domestic press is freerer. I disagree..India gets an easier pass over Kashmir because the Kashmiri rebels are Muslims in .
Sound or Unsound? | Doug Noland | Safehaven.com
I look at Russia and the ongoing Ukraine crisis and I see deep Russian animosity towards their view of U.S. dominated global finance and economic arrangements. It seems obvious to me that Russia, China and others... Chinas end game is to have de facto -- if not de jure -- control over adjacent waters, the Western Pacific, said Richard Javad Heydarian, a political science lecturer at the Ateneo de Manila University. June 9 - Bloomberg: China said Vietnam sent��.
global glass onion: week ending Nov 29
Here is an excerpt from the Bureau of Economic Analysis news release: Real gross domestic product -- the value of the production of goods and services in the United States, adjusted for price changes -- increased at an annual rate of.. Russia puts losses from sanctions, cheaper oil at up to $140 billion per year (Reuters) - Lower oil prices and Western financial sanctions imposed over the Ukraine crisis will cost Russia around $130-140 billion a year - equivalent to��.
sept 26 Daily Briefing: Inflation risk remains subdued.
Photo DR ShutterstockSNBDL Daily BriefingReport prepared using big data solution Quid Our take away from the last 24 hours news US Federal Reserves: While James Bullard sees the FOMC to drop ���Considerable Time��� in the October meeting and. RBI: Suffers from monetary divergence pricing, INR depreciation pass through is likely to continue to overshadow the benefit of commodity prices plummeting until markets start pricing the US mid-term elections risk.
Todays News July 21, 2014 | The One Hundredth Monkey
While employment has indeed returned to levels seen just before the financial crisis, there is clearly an issue between the Feds view of full employment versus the real economy. The next chart shows the ratio of total... power of Western opinion as a political tool.��� As Time reports, On July 18, shortly after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed over eastern Ukraine, extinguishing 298 lives, Chinas Xinhua state news agency cautioned against making snap judgments���
Full Steam Ahead: Chinas Ever-Increasing Military Budget
Reverberations from recent events in Ukraine might well generate further military emphasis, but Moscow lacks Chinas economic engine to sustain such military growth over time. Bottom line: Chinas double-digit increases to defense spending are without .
Which Sectors Will Lead the Stocks Bull Market During 2010
While the NASDAQ Composite Index has managed an impressive breakout from its multi-month trading range, its doing this on the back of fewer and fewer stocks based on the number that are over their 50-day moving average. Part of the. The popular.
China: Bo Xilai and the crisis in the CCP | socialistworld.net
This delay underlines the seriousness of internal divisions over positions in the new leadership line-up to be unveiled at the congress. The dates of the last three congresses (1997, 2002 and 2007) were announced in late��.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: A Fading Star.
The governments have remained deadlocked over the SCOs appropriate security functions and ambitions, suitable energy and other non-security dimensions, how to manage the Western withdrawal from Afghanistan, and whether to.. limited to Central Asia, the organizations heartland, rather than other regions, where its members are more likely to hold divergent views (such as with Russias forceful seizures of Georgian and more recently Ukrainian territory).
Mixed Signals: China In The Middle East - Analysis.
Moreover, Middle Eastern affairs are split between two separate departments in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing rather than being gifted with its own one ��� the Department of West Asian and North African Affairs, and the Department of European and Central Asian Affairs. The complexity of. Today, as the charts below show, over 50 percent of this comes from the Middle East, and this dependency is likely to grow. Chinas total.. A Journal of Analysis and News.
Germany Combat Operations in Afghanistan and Arms Trade
Never slow to and never scrupulous in using strained comparisons to World War II Germany when it suits their respective governments purpose at the time, the Western media can be depended upon to pass over the genuine article in favor of false.
The Fox News of China Sparks a National Debate on Proper Corruption
In the airtight Chinese print media world, where officials wield the power to splash the same headline across many newspaper front pages or to keep a taboo subject out of even obscure one-line advertisements, editorials are usually painless scratches.
Meteor and Popes resignation. - Forums - The-Dispatch.com
They will not report that the crisis in Ukraine started late last year, when EU and US-supported protesters plotted the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Without US-sponsored regime change, it��.
Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/30/2014 | Gates of Vienna
Read over the 28 points of comparison between 1970s America and America today posted below and then share your opinion by leaving a comment at the end of the article���... contractor has sacrificed his career and risked his freedom to expose systematic wrongdoing by Western intelligence agencies: America and Britain spy on other Western countries; they hoover up and store vast quantities of information about domestic emails and phone calls; they use secret��.
Middle East Conflict Costs Region $12 Trillion Over 20 Years
An illustrative case in point is an August 29 report from Chinas Xinhua News Agency on a news article by Egypts Middle East News Agency regarding a study conducted by the Strategic Foresight Group in India. The latter, a report published in a book.
Trouble brewing for the self-appointed Worlds Policeman
If you page through the large number of nonsense appearing in the US news press, you may be able to find a handful of articles that are closer to the not-so-comfortable reality that currently exists between the US and China. The following two.. The show of Russian military might in a country seeking to join the European Union comes as Russia, blamed by the West for fomenting the Ukraine crisis, tries to increase the Kremlins presence in the Balkans. During our��.
Chinas Gold Reserves At Least 2.5 Times Higher Than Reported, De.
Gold may jump 7.5% or $100 to $1,450/oz by year end if prices break out of a pennant formation, according to technical analysis by Paul Kavanaugh of Future Path Trading as seen on Bloomberg. The chart above shows gold trading in a ���pennant flag,��� when .
News Analysis: The West shows internal divergence over Ukraine crisis
MUNICH, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- The 51th Munich Security Conference entered into its second day on Saturday, dedicating more than half of its agenda to the Ukraine crisis, an issue which few who was here a year ago had expected could be fueled from a spark .
China Economic Outlook 2011, The Red Dragon Takes Its Next Step Forward
Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis Article Jason Simpkins writes:. According to Fitz-Gerald the scope of Chinas gray market shows that many Westerners have misjudged the progress the country has made transitioning to a more.
Sept 25 Daily Briefing: UN General Assembly, Climate.
We see the recent weaknesses to be short lived for the eurozone while Russia government attitude to avoid reforms (as conservatism struck a win in the public debate in the aftermath of the Ukrainian crisis).. The news flow out of this weekend G20 meeting shows that the global community is gently pressing the government and the BoJ to pursue structural reforms, economic rebalancing, solvency improvement (through VAT 2nd hike commitment) and adequate��.
Economists View: Is Japan Doomed?
anne said. U.S. borrowing is at all-time highs, but demand for Treasuries shows no sign of flagging, and most of that demand - more than in the past - is from domestic U.S. investors. -- Noah Smith... BEIJING (Reuters) - China has postponed a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic ties with Japan as a result of a territorial row between the two countries, the official Xinhua news agency said on Sunday. A dispute over uninhabited��.
Shadow banking in China
IN THE town of Jingjiang, a few hours drive from Shanghai, Yangzijiang Shipbuilding is making 21 huge container ships for Seaspan, a Canadian shipping firm. An enormous sign declares, ���We want to be the best shipyard in China.��� It is certainly among.
Chinas Stock Market and the Baltic Dry Index
The following Baltic Dry Index chart shows the index collapsing in the last 6 months. However, FXI (the China ETF) did not fall nearly as much, resulting in the rising relative performance shown in the middle panel of the chart. Both FXI and the Baltic.
aleppo: syrian army storms through north aleppo; anadaan.
Home �� Analysis and Op Eds; Sections. Their days are numbered here as the hands of a pincer moving from West Huraytaan and North Kafr Hamraa has interfaced with the hundreds (if not thousands) of rodents infesting this area... http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/europe/europe/2014-12/02/c_127267575.htm. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has called on Turkey to join the economic sanctions campaign against Russia over the Ukrainian crisis.
Why Chinese Economy Wont Collapse, Premier Wen Real Story
Diamond Rated - Best Financial Markets Analysis Article Keith Fitz-Gerald writes:. at 7.5% this year. But this isnt the bombshell most Western analysts think it is-even though the markets sold off on the day and may continue their temper tantrum.
G20 Summit, Yet Another Global Cluster F*ck
The last G20 meeting ended in chaos, the same nonsense that triggered a flight into commodities in Q3 as Global investors lost faith in ALL of the World leaders to be able to solve ANY of the many problems that face the Global Economy. Why should this.
Chinas story: putting the PR into the PRC | openDemocracy
Those days are over. Since broadcasts, newspapers and everything else are now online, and lots of foreigners understand Chinese, Chinese domestic news gets out. Even stories that are squelched in China get out.
Gold Pivot Points and the Dows Future
He believed that most technicians today are over-reliant on computer trading systems and have gotten away from the basics of what he called Technical Analysis 101. Bloch made a point of reading Edwards and Magees classic work, Technical Analysis of .
Merkelnomics v. Abenomics: German Rigor Or Seductive Japanese Stimulus?
Japans consensus forecast ��� the average of all projections from research institutions and banks predicting Japans future growth ��� anticipates that it will hit 4% over 12 months, but unemployment figures rose to 3.9% in June of this year. As Europe.
Mixed Signals: China In The Middle East - Analysis
Its policy towards the region sits within broader foreign policy parameters; respect for sovereignty of others and non-interference in their domestic affairs, and support for a more multi-polar world order as an alternative to Western hegemony. The.