Resolute and a little defensive, Obama sells his Iran deal.

Arizona Republican Debate live blog - The Washington Post
Arizona Republican Debate live blog - The Washington Post

Arizona Republican Debate live blog - The Washington Post

Arizona Republican Debate live blog - The Washington Post

and President Obama.

Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is.
Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is.

Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is.

Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is.

Gene Weingarten is a Pulitzer

Obamas Hard Sell on the Iran Deal | Foreign Policy
Obamas Hard Sell on the Iran Deal | Foreign Policy

Obamas Hard Sell on the Iran Deal | Foreign Policy

Obamas Hard Sell on the Iran Deal | Foreign Policy

Obamas Hard Sell on the Iran

Congress Protests Russias Sale of Missile System to Iran.
Congress Protests Russias Sale of Missile System to Iran.

Congress Protests Russias Sale of Missile System to Iran.

Congress Protests Russias Sale of Missile System to Iran.

Sergei Shoigu, Hossein Dehghan

Resolute desk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Resolute desk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resolute desk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resolute desk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resolute desk

Weighing Choice for Fed, Obama Offers His Party a Defense of.
Weighing Choice for Fed, Obama Offers His Party a Defense of.

Weighing Choice for Fed, Obama Offers His Party a Defense of.

Weighing Choice for Fed, Obama Offers His Party a Defense of.

and President Obama after

Black Power in Washington and the Iran Nuclear Deal
Black Power in Washington and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Black Power in Washington and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Black Power in Washington and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Black Power in Washington and

Netanyahu denounces very bad deal; Obama unfazed; Iran calls him.
Netanyahu denounces very bad deal; Obama unfazed; Iran calls him.

Netanyahu denounces very bad deal; Obama unfazed; Iran calls him.

Netanyahu denounces very bad deal; Obama unfazed; Iran calls him.

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon





Obama Administration Falls Into GOPs Iran Letter Trap - The Daily.
Obama Administration Falls Into GOPs Iran Letter Trap - The Daily.

Obama Administration Falls Into GOPs Iran Letter Trap - The Daily.

Obama Administration Falls Into GOPs Iran Letter Trap - The Daily.

U.S. President Barack Obama

Netanyahu denounces very bad deal; Obama unfazed; Iran calls him.
Netanyahu denounces very bad deal; Obama unfazed; Iran calls him.

Netanyahu denounces very bad deal; Obama unfazed; Iran calls him.

Netanyahu denounces very bad deal; Obama unfazed; Iran calls him.

2015 in Washington,

Obama says he willing to defy Democrats on his support of Trans.
Obama says he willing to defy Democrats on his support of Trans.

Obama says he willing to defy Democrats on his support of Trans.

Obama says he willing to defy Democrats on his support of Trans.

President Obama listens to a

Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu Clash on Possible Iran Nuclear.
Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu Clash on Possible Iran Nuclear.

Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu Clash on Possible Iran Nuclear.

Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu Clash on Possible Iran Nuclear.

President Barack Obama





Obamas claim that Keystone XL oil bypasses the U.S. earns Four.
Obamas claim that Keystone XL oil bypasses the U.S. earns Four.

Obamas claim that Keystone XL oil bypasses the U.S. earns Four.

Obamas claim that Keystone XL oil bypasses the U.S. earns Four.

President Obama speaks at

Obamas Course to a Nuclear-Capable Iran - US News
Obamas Course to a Nuclear-Capable Iran - US News

Obamas Course to a Nuclear-Capable Iran - US News

Obamas Course to a Nuclear-Capable Iran - US News

President Barack Obama answers

Iran nuclear talks seen as constructive and useful ��� CNN.

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said in an opinion piece published Friday in the Washington Post that Tehran is committed to a peaceful program, but it needs to see trust from the international side. Despite sanctions, threats of. However, Irans official Press TV cited a source close to the Iranian delegation in reporting Friday that Iran sees little encouragement coming from the remarks of European and U.S. officials ahead of the talks. Iran has been under��.

Early delivery of all six print and digital issues of the magazine

The Washington Posts Missy Ryan and Erin Cunningham: ���In a sign of the risks, military officials said American soldiers have been transported to the Ayn al-Asad base under the cover of night by helicopter ��� partly to maintain a low profile for the.

Hes Trolling Us Now ��� President Obama: Iran Wont Develop

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, July 27, 2009. ���Our patience. On Iran, the president said the chance that American efforts to strike a deal on nuclear weapons is ���a little less than 50-50,��� in part because some Islamic leaders may fear such a pact would loosen their grip on power. ���That may.. The lifeblood of AIPAC is here in this room ��� grass-roots activists of all ages, from all parts of the country, who come to Washington year after year to make your voices heard.

Retired US Army Major General Picks Apart Sen. Cottons.

Asked if Cotton will speak about his Iran letter tomorrow, Jimmy Thomas, NDIA Director of Legislative Policy, said, ���[M]ost members���talk about everything from the budget to Iran���so its highly likely that he may address that in his remarks.. Washington Post. The open letter to the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran signed by 47 senators and instigated by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) was a stunning breach of protocol. One so outrageous that my former colleagues at��.

Benghazi, the Sequel

Compare and contrast with Candidate Obama in 2008: ���A lot of you remember the tragedy of 9/11 and how all of the country was ready to come together and make enormous changes to make us not only safer, but to make us a better country and a more unified.

The End of a Dream

Doubtless Putin told the EU leaders what he wanted and demanded a third signature to the deal. Merkel duly flew to Washington and Obama announced that, why, he will take one more swig of the bottle. If it fails to bring relief well then he might think.

Netanyahu on Iran nuclear deal: Were better off without it.

President Barack Obama dismissed Netanyahus speech as ���nothing new���, and the White House insisted the proposed deal represents ���the best possible way to confront the threat from Irans nuclear program.��� ���Iran will become even.. The bitter re-election campaign Netanyahu is waging in Israel may not be much affected by the theater of his speech in Washington, the Guardians Peter Beaumont (@petersbeaumont) reports Jerusalem. Reflecting the criticism of��.

France and the New Charismatic Jihad

The terrorist attack in Paris on Wednesday���with 12 people killed by masked men yelling Islamist slogans���has been a long time coming. After the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., Western counterterrorist experts probably feared European radical Muslims more.

The Disappearance of US Will | FrontPage Magazine

Washington shrugged its shoulders despite its mutual defense treaty with the Philippines.. But despite the programs relative success, according to The Washington Post, the administration suspended drone attacks in December 2013 after it endured modest criticism when one in Yemen inadvertently hit a wedding party.. The interim nuclear deal the Obama administration signed with Iran last November was supposed to limit its oil exports to a million barrels a day.

GOP stuck on immigration

But some would still like to see the Senate vote on the House $40 billion proposal to prove it cant pass the chamber, rather than prematurely admit defeat on Obamas unilateral moves to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation.

RealClearWorld - The Complex Conundrum of Iran

The twin pillars of President Barack Obamas foreign policy framework are a willingness to negotiate with adversaries and to collaborate with other nations to bring about stability and peaceful change. This approach is idealistic and. It appears resolute in its pursuit of nuclear technologies suitable for both civilian and military use. It is a center of. 30, the New York Times and the Washington Post both editorialized about Iran, in sharply different ways. The Post argued��.

Sen. Mitch McConnell: Voters Not Satisfied With Direction of Obama Administration

Mr. Obama, in his own press conference later in the day, said he hoped to work constructively with newly ascendant Republicans in Congress, and highlighted areas for immediate action. He also noted other areas where he hoped to strike deals with .

US - Congress Protests Russias Sale of Missile System to Iran

Members of Congress petitioned Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday to oppose the recently announced sale by Russia of an advanced missile defense system to Iran, citing concerns that such a move would embolden. The arms deal had been in the works for some time, but hit several roadblocks after Russia reneged on its promise to make good on an $80 million deal enabling Iran to purchase five S-300 systems, which are long-range surface-to-air��.

For Jeb Bush, Evolving Views Over 2 Decades

Jeb Bush once called for building prisons and emphasizing ���punishment over therapy��� for juvenile offenders. Today, he supports reforming the criminal justice system, arguing that incarceration can harden low-level lawbreakers into career criminals.

Netanyahu on Iran nuclear deal: Were better off without it ��� as it happened

President Barack Obama dismissed Netanyahus speech as ���nothing new���, and the White House insisted the proposed deal represents ���the best possible way to confront the threat from Irans nuclear program.��� ���Iran will.. The bitter re-election campaign.

Bodies of couple killed in mystery plane crash recovered

ROCHESTER, N.Y. ��� A plane carrying two New York entrepreneurs and philanthropists that crashed into the ocean last year after flying unresponsive for hours has been recovered more than four months later, the family of the victims said Wednesday.

Obama: Romney Was Wrong On Russia, Still Is

WASHINGTON -- Ever since Vladimir Putin invaded Crimea, U.S. conservatives have gleefully recalled how President Barack Obama condescendingly dismissed Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign for labeling Russia as. Russia, after all, invaded Crimea when Putin ally, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, was forced to flee that country because the masses had turned against Russia and toward Europe.. Did he not know who he was dealing with?

Resolute and a little defensive, Obama sells his Iran deal.

But Obama, resolute and a little defensive, hadnt come to celebrate; instead he wanted to make the case for the agreement to the American people and to the world. ���When you hear. The president got it shortly after his 10 a.m. daily briefing. Less.

John McCain On Iran Situation: A Train Wreck

. Italy ��� U.S. Sen. John McCain says he is disappointed with his partys presidential candidate for sidestepping world affairs in his campaign for the White House but reserves his most scathing words for the current dweller, blaming Ba.. In the interview he was happy to detail how he would have done things differently, criticized Obama for pulling troops out of Iraq and telegraphing an intention of ending military operations in Afghanistan by 2014. I would have left a��.

Training the Syrian opposition is a bad idea | RedState

In Washington, the Obama administration is groping for a strategy to deal with a force that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says is ���beyond anything we have ever seen.��� But in this south Turkish city, in the office of the chief of��.

Current News ��� Early Bird (April 24, 2013) | Southwest.

(Washington Post)���Anne Gearan and William Booth. The Obama administration expressed caution Tuesday about new claims by Israel that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against rebels. 4. U.S. Still Not Sure Syrias Assad Has Been Using Chemical Agents... Little said they discussed a proposed sale of advanced U.S. missiles for Saudi F-15 fighters as well as mutual concerns about Irans nuclear program and the violence in Syria. The Israelis��.

Congress Protests Russias Sale of Missile System to Iran

Members of Congress petitioned Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday to oppose the recently announced sale by Russia of an advanced missile defense system to Iran, citing concerns that such a move would embolden Tehrans ���pursuit of nuclear .

The UN Vote on Palestine Was a Rehearsal

Washington cast the only permanent members ���no��� vote, which is characterized as a veto only when nine or more Security Council members vote in a draft resolutions favor. Will President Obama now have the stomach to cast a real veto against a U.N. .

Hillary Clintons History as First Lady: Powerful, but Not Always Deft

She talks about championing womens rights globally, supporting her husband during years of robust economic growth, and finding inspiration in Eleanor Roosevelt to stay resolute in the midst of personal attacks. What Mrs. Clinton. She emerged from.

The Complete Idiots Guide to Iran and the Bomb, Or: How I.

By contrast, Iran spends somewhere between $10-12 billion on defense annually, after factoring in foreign and domestic paramilitary units such as the Revolutionary Guards and Basij���Irans domestic volunteer militia... is as upsetting to Washington as it is to Tel Aviv, the Pentagon brass is opposed to an attack, not because they suddenly favor the regime in Tehran, but because their own strike simulations predict a great deal of injurious blowback in exchange for,��.

War on Whatever

The Islamic State has murdered another American hostage, 26-year-old Kayla Mueller of Prescott, Ariz., an aid worker abducted in Aleppo, Syria, where she had gone to help refugees. ���The White House said that Muellers family received a private message .

Be strong and resolute: Obama aids Islamic terror and stabs.

GENEVA (AP) ��� The United States and Iran are working on a two-phase deal that clamps down on Tehrans nuclear program for at least a decade before providing it leeway over the remainder of the agreement to slowly ramp up activities that could be. Iran is open about wanting to destroy Israel, the little satan, and the Great Satan, USA.. Obama claiming his negotiating with Iran was making good progress with stopping Iran.���

End the Bush-Obama Fecklessness: Destroy Irans Nuclear.

At a post-midterm elections press conference, 11/5/14, Mr. Obama openly expressed his endorsement of the apparently forthcoming nuclear deal with Iran: I think that well be able to make a strong argument to Congress that��.

Netanyahu Slams Obama Policy in Speech to Congress by.

Posted By Ruth King on March 4th, 2015. Obama knew that Israel would balk at his decision to abandon a tough sanctions strategy, a strategy on which Israel depended and in deference to which Israel has refused to strike Iran itself.. Bibi took direct aim at Obamas own talking points: So you see, my friends, this deal has two major concessions: one, leaving Iran with a vast nuclear program and two, lifting the restrictions on that program in about a decade. That is why this deal is so��.

David Simons New Political Thriller For HBO

In his next project, ���Show Me a Hero������a six-part miniseries for HBO���Simon focuses his lens on Yonkers, New York, in the late 1980s, yet another divided city at a time of deep societal, economical, and political unrest.. to constituent pressures to.

25 Really Annoying Liberals | RedState

His recent series on Showtime on American history was very good until the end when his diatribe about corporatism, human rights violations, etc. has one yearning for censorship. #21.. Actually, her biggest achievement of late is foisting the Huffington Post on AOL which was a good business deal... He is proof that a Nobel Prize really means little these days (Al Gore and Obama have won for crying out loud)... Obamas Iran Deal Makes Israel Into a Ghetto.

Voices: Defiance in the face of terror

That was an eyewitness account told to us by a 12th-grader who was at the Army Public School in Peshawar on Tuesday, when 132 children and 14 teachers died after six militants stormed the building. As my reporting team sifted through the interviews we .

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