Osbornes spending review – winners and losers at a glance

2 new bus services to be introduced by September : Photo Gallery





LTA rolls out new bus routes, bus services and new vehicles - inSing.

LTA rolls out new bus routes, bus services and new vehicles - inSing.

Brown Line Buses Benefit from Bigger Buggy Bays

Brown Line Buses Benefit from Bigger Buggy Bays

State and local officials laud Salem-Bridgeton shuttle bus service ...

State and local officials laud Salem-Bridgeton shuttle bus service ...

Bus Rapid Transit - Routes

Bus Rapid Transit - Routes

File:Lothian Buses bus Volvo B7RLE Wrightbus Eclipse Urban new ...

File:Lothian Buses bus Volvo B7RLE Wrightbus Eclipse Urban new ...

GO canceling service between Sutton and Newmarket; YRT takes ...

GO canceling service between Sutton and Newmarket; YRT takes ...

BU Shuttle Bus Service | BU Today | Boston University

BU Shuttle Bus Service | BU Today | Boston University

SWISS provides new lounge and Business Class bus service and ...

SWISS provides new lounge and Business Class bus service and ...

Ivybridge Bus Service 45 - Beginning 30th September 2012

Ivybridge Bus Service 45 - Beginning 30th September 2012

MTA Select Bus Service | S79 Hylan Boulevard

MTA Select Bus Service | S79 Hylan Boulevard

Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Managment ...

Effects of Catastrophic Events on Transportation System Managment ...

New York State Fair

New York State Fair

義大利-米蘭-生活指南-交通 | Global Education Center

義大利-米蘭-生活指南-交通 | Global Education Center

Andy's Bus Blog: September 2012

Andy's Bus Blog: September 2012

312 and 671

312 and 671

Liverool coperation atlantean L501 Reg No 501 KD

Liverool coperation atlantean L501 Reg No 501 KD





MULTICULTURALISM  IN ACTION............ THE MSNBC  MORONS must be in a state of shock these guys weren’t “right-wing extremeists"

MULTICULTURALISM IN ACTION............ THE MSNBC MORONS must be in a state of shock these guys weren’t “right-wing extremeists"

Old railway line

Old railway line

Old railway line platform

Old railway line platform

LAK 309G - 1969 Leyland Titan PD3A/12 Alexander H41/29F

LAK 309G - 1969 Leyland Titan PD3A/12 Alexander H41/29F

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Precision Harley-Davidson of Pawtucket, RI & SteelHorseShades.Com

Lincoln City Transport Bristol RE RVL70L (70) in Lincoln City Bus Station, 14/09/1990

Lincoln City Transport Bristol RE RVL70L (70) in Lincoln City Bus Station, 14/09/1990



Cab company objects to surcharge

Cab company objects to surcharge

Politics live: June 27, 2013

Politics live: June 27, 2013

Osborne's spending review – winners and losers at a glance

Osborne's spending review – winners and losers at a glance

Hamilton landlord protests plan for bus-only lane

Hamilton landlord protests plan for bus-only lane

Community Calendar for the Midlands, June 27

Community Calendar for the Midlands, June 27

Little Argus: Carlsbad Community Events for June 27-29

Little Argus: Carlsbad Community Events for June 27-29

NYC Traffic Report for Wednesday, June 26

NYC Traffic Report for Wednesday, June 26

Robson Street traffic closes for pedestrian-only Corduroy Road

Robson Street traffic closes for pedestrian-only Corduroy Road

Fred K's Cancer Event

Fred K's Cancer Event

Orange punts Facebook for non-data handsets

Orange punts Facebook for non-data handsets

Town Asks Community To Help Name New Trolley

Town Asks Community To Help Name New Trolley

Rockwood students will lose their special busing in September

Rockwood students will lose their special busing in September



Osborne announces spending review 2013: Politics live blog

Osborne announces spending review 2013: Politics live blog

Whole school banned from zoo for two years after pupils MOONED at monkeys ...

Whole school banned from zoo for two years after pupils MOONED at monkeys ...

2 new bus services to be introduced by September : Videos

Buses in Gloucester September 09 - Introduction ...

Buses in Gloucester September 09 - Introduction ...

Buses in Liverpool September 2012 Part 2 With ...

Buses in Liverpool September 2012 Part 2 With ...

OC Transpo Buses Travelling East on Westbound ...

OC Transpo Buses Travelling East on Westbound ...

Buses in central London, 3rd September 2011 ...

Buses in central London, 3rd September 2011 ...

New Bus For London Important Information Update ...

New Bus For London Important Information Update ...

iBus: Route Changes, iBus Updates and Never ...

iBus: Route Changes, iBus Updates and Never ...



Buses around Greater Manchester September ...

Buses around Greater Manchester September ...

Buses in Leicester 20th September 2008 - YouTube

Buses in Leicester 20th September 2008 - YouTube

2012 September Buses - YouTube

2012 September Buses - YouTube

Route 466 London Buses in South London 15 ...

Route 466 London Buses in South London 15 ...

OC Transpo Buses Travelling East on Westbound ...

OC Transpo Buses Travelling East on Westbound ...

Buses in Cambridge (29 September 2011) - YouTube

Buses in Cambridge (29 September 2011) - YouTube

OC Transpo Buses Travelling East on Westbound ...

OC Transpo Buses Travelling East on Westbound ...

New Istanbul Buses (Mercedes-Benz OM 457 LA ...

New Istanbul Buses (Mercedes-Benz OM 457 LA ...





Mayor Bloomberg Announces First Staten Island ...

Mayor Bloomberg Announces First Staten Island ...

Bus in Shoreditch High Street-London Buses-23rd ...

Bus in Shoreditch High Street-London Buses-23rd ...

Buses in Cheltenham 15th of September 2012 ...

Buses in Cheltenham 15th of September 2012 ...





Buses & Trains around Merseyside September ...

Buses & Trains around Merseyside September ...



2 new bus services to be introduced by September : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites


In a way, the coming marketing campaign for Ozon, a family restaurant, began more than a year and a half ago, in the spring of 2003, when Patrick Benasillo met Chris McKee at a marketing conference called Kid Power, held in Orlando, Fla. Benasillo, the president of Studio D, a company in New York that designs and manufactures logos and signs for - Jon Gertner article on Geppetto, marketing agency that limits itself to kid products and kid campaigns for assortment of companies; several campaigns discussed; drawings (L) - Jon Gertner is a contributing writer for the magazine. His last article was about DVDs. - By Jon Gertner

New Bus for London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

New Bus for London (LT13) on route 24 on its first day of service ... Curb weight, 12.65 tonnes (12.45 long tons; 13.94 short tons) ... were introduced, Boris Johnson) is a 21st-century replacement of the iconic Routemaster as a bus .... XRM design work was cancelled in September 1980, as it was calculated that it would cost ...

Blood! Stolen tour buses! The mafia! 2 Bad Mice tell us their wildest ...

Blood! Stolen tour buses! The mafia! 2 Bad Mice tell us their wildest Rave Tales. Use your ← → arrow keys to navigate. next article 1 of 1 previous article ... Arcade Fire reportedly set to release new music in September. News

New Bus For London Comes To 24 Route | Londonist

As of this morning the 24 route between Pimlico and Hampstead Heath became the first in London to be served entirely by the New Bus for London (NB4L). At peak times up to 27 of the vehicles will ply ... In September, the 11 between Fulham and Liverpool Street will be converted; seems south Londoners are being overlooked on the transport front yet again. Critics of the vehicle have kvetched about the ..... Extra, Extra. 2 image003irrepressibles 16:30 | 26 June 2013 ...

Route 24 to be served by iconic New Bus for London from Saturday ...

The route 24 which is operated by Metroline, will be followed by the route 11 which will be converted to New Buses on 21 September. The route 11 is operated by Go Ahead and runs from Liverpool Street Station to Fulham ...

what is bio-diesel and where does it come from/how do we get it?

Answer: Biodiesel......... fuel made from natural, renewable sources, such as new and used vegetable oils and animal fats, for use in a diesel engine. Biodiesel has physical properties very similar to petroleum-derived diesel fuel, but its emission properties are superior. Using biodiesel in a conventional diesel engine substantially reduces emissions of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, sulfates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrated polycyclic aromtic hydrocarbons, and particulate matter. Diesel blends containing up to 20% biodiesel can be used in nearly all diesel-powered equipment, and higher-level blends and pure biodiesel can be used in many engines with little or no modification. Lower-level blends are compatible with most storage and distribution equipment, but special handling is required for higher-level blends.
Biodiesel is made from oils or fats, which are hydrocarbons. Fresh soybean oil is most commonly used, although biodiesel can be made from mustard seed oil or waste vegetable oil (such as used oil from restaurant deep fryers). These hydrocarbons are filtered and mixed with an alcohol, such as methanol, and a catalyst (sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide), resulting in a chemical reaction whose major products are the biodiesel fuel and glycerol.

The Fuel Standard (Biodiesel) Determination 2003 was signed by the Minister for the Environment and Heritage on 18 September 2006. The determination sets out the physical and chemical parameters of the Biodiesel standard. It also sets out the associated test methods that the Government will use to determine compliance.

Biodiesel subsidies are to be phased out by 2011, after the passing of the Fuel Tax Bill 2006.

Australian Farmers Fuel (SAFF) began retailing B100 in South Australia in 2001 and now also sells B20 (marketed as "Premium Diesel") at some 52 service stations across 4 states. SAFF currently sells B100 at 14 of these service stations.

All of the metropolitan trains and most of the metropolitan buses in Adelaide (capital of South Australia) operate on a B5 blend. The South Australian Government has stated that it will soon move to B20 or possibly higher blends.

Several councils (local Governments) across Australia are using B20 (including Townsville City Council, Adelaide City Council, Sydney City Council and Newcastle City Council).

In February of 2005 the first retail outlet for Biodiesel opened in the Sydney suburb of Marrickville. It offers B20 and B50 blends to the general public, and caters to qualified fleets wishing to utilize B100.

2006 saw the second rollout, after SAFF, of Biodiesel by a service station network. Gull, a Western Australian based company, introduced B20 Biodiesel to several Gull service stations on April 3, 2006 which has since expanded to a total of 21 sites of purchase. In addition, pure Biodiesel (B100) along with other blends can be purchased in bulk. Gull is also involved with the Western Australian Government to provide B5 Biodiesel for use in Transperth buses. Eventually the fleet will be provided with B10 or B20 blends. Currently seven percent of Transperth's bus fleet is running Biodiesel.

More recent news is the launch of reeFUEL biodiesel in "Sustainable," a retailer in Townsville, Queensland. reeFUEL sells only B100 and as of September 2006, was selling 50,000 litres per week into a community of about 160,000. This is believed to be the highest penetration of biodiesel per capita in Australia. See www.reeFUEL.com for more information.

Brazil opened a commercial biodiesel refinery in March 2005. It is capable of producing 12,000 m³ (3.2 million US gallons) per year of biodiesel fuel. Feedstocks can be a variety of sunflower seeds, soybeans, or castor beans. The finished product will be currently a blend of gas oil with 2% biodiesel and, after 2011, 5% biodiesel, both usable in unmodified diesel engines. As of 2005, there were 3 refineries and 7 that are planned to open. These three factories were capable of producing 45.6 million of litres per year.

Petrobras (the Brazilian national petroleum company) launch an innovative system, making biodiesel (called H-Bio) from the petroleum refinary. In Brazil, castor bean is the best option to make biodiesel, because it's easier to plant and costs less than soybean, sunflower or other seeds.

On December 27, 2006, Brazil's government announced they will advance the 5% biodiesel blend mandate to 2010 instead of 2013.

In Belgium, there are refineries in Ertvelde (belonging to the company Oléon) and at Feluy.

Quebec - Rothsay of Ville Ste Catherine, Quebec, produces 35,000 m³ of biodiesel per year.[1]
Nova Scotia - The Provincial Government of Nova Scotia uses biodiesel in some public buildings for heating as well as (in more isolated cases) for public transportation. Halifax Regional Municipality has converted its bus fleet to biodiesel, with a future demand of 7,500 m³ of B20 (20% biodiesel fuel mixture) to B50—reducing biodiesel content in low temperatures to avoid gelation issues—and 3,000 m³ split between B20 and B100 for building heat. The municipality forecasts a greenhouse gas reduction of over 9,000 tonnes CO2 equivalents (4,250 tonnes from fleet use and 5,000 tonnes from building heating) if fully implemented. Private sector uptake is slower—but not unheard of—possibly due to a lack of price differential with petroleum fuel and a lack of federal and provincial tax rebating. Ocean Nutrition Canada produces 6 million gallons (23,000 m³) of fatty acid ethyl esters annually as a byproduct of its Omega-3 fatty acid processing. This surplus is used by Wilson Fuels to produce blended biodiesel for use as transportation and heating fuel.
New Brunswick - Wilson Fuels have also opened a biodiesel station in Moncton.
Ontario - Biox Corporation[2] of Oakville is building a biodiesel processing plant in the Hamilton harbour industrial lands, due for completion in the first half of 2006. There are also a few retail filling stations selling biodiesel to motorists in Toronto and Unionville.[3]
Manitoba A rush of building of biodiesel plants in 2005 and 2006 started in June 2005 with Bifrost Bio-Diesel in Arborg. In addition, biodiesel is made by individuals and farmers for personal use. BioFuel Canada Ltd has small scale affordable plants for farmers and off-road users.
British Columbia - the cooperative association proves a successful structure for micro-economy-of-scale biodiesel production reaching the end-user. Vancouver Biodiesel Co-op (located at 360 Industrial Ave, Vancouver, BC), Nelson Biodiesel Co-op, WISE Energy and Island Biodiesel Co-op are notable examples. [Cascadia Biofuels Inc.] (“Cascadia”) is an incorporated joint venture enterprise of Autogas Propane Ltd. and United Petroleum Products Inc., two B.C.-owned and operated companies who have been providing the British Columbia marketplace with quality fuel products and services for over 30 years. Collectively, the companies have a network of over 50 retail and cardlock locations throughout the province, Biodiesel was added to the corporate group’s fuel product mix in 2005, and is currently available at six locations in the province. Additionally, plans are in the works to expand the offering of this renewable, environmentally responsible fuel to other retail and cardlock locations in British Columbia, including sites in North Vancouver, Squamish, Abbotsford, and Kelowna.

Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a large producer of crude palm oil and this has spurred interest in biodiesel. Currently several small biodiesel production projects are starting in the country. There are also biodiesel reactor manufacturers in Costa Rica which provide equipment to the Central American and Caribbean region.

Czech Republic
Czech production of biodiesel was already above 60,000 m³ per year by the early 1990s and is now even larger.[4] Many of the plants are very large, including one in Olomouc which produces almost 40,000 m³ per year. From the summer of 2004, Czech producers of biodiesel for blend receive a subsidy of roughly CEK 9.50/kg. All Škoda diesels built since 1996 are warrantied for biodiesel use.

Biodiesel is available at Favora fuel stations.

Neste Oil will begin production of alkyl biodiesel using the NExBTL process in summer 2007 in Finland, with a capacity of 170000 tons/year. A contract has been signed with the French Total, to begin production in some Total refineries in 2008.

NExBTL diesel, in contrast to rapeseed methyl ester, is a clear and colorless paraffin, and contains no oxygen. It is used to improve the quality of petro-diesel; its' quality is higher since it has a homogenous source, namely plant-synthesized fatty acids. It doesn't require any special engine repairs and it doesn't foul systems. It is produced by direct hydrogenation of the plant oil (chemically, triglyceride) into alkane, water and carbon oxides on a nickel-molybdenum catalyst. The total CO2 produced in the entire lifecycle is only 0.45 to 1.33 kg CO2/kg oil, in contrast to transesterified fuel with 1.4-2.0 kg CO2/kg oil, or mineral diesel with 3.4 kg CO2/kg oil. [5] Therefore, it's not only an "oil derivative" like ester.

According to the Union zur Förderung von Öl- und Proteinpflanzen UFOP[6] (Union to promote oil- and protein plants), in 2006 the sale of biodiesel through German gas stations rose to 2,000,000 m³, although it is not available at outlets operated by major petroleum companies, such as Shell and Esso/Exxon (these companies see biodiesel as competition to their core petroleum business). In 2004, 45% of all biodiesel sales went directly to large end users, such as trucking companies.

In Germany biodiesel is, for the most, part produced from rapeseed. Sales in Germany stood at two billion litres (about 600 million US gallons) in 2006. This amount was sufficient to meet the average yearly consumption of well over 2,000,000 automobiles. Diesel engines have become increasingly popular in Germany and almost half of all newly manufactured cars are diesel powered. This is in part due to the greater efficiency of diesel engines, the desire by consumers to use environmentally friendlier technologies and lower taxes on diesel fuel that make it cheaper than gasoline.

With 1,900 sales points, equal to one in every ten public gas stations, biodiesel is the first alternative fuel to be available nationwide. The industry is expecting a surge in demand since the authorisation at the beginning of 2004, through European Union legislation, of a maximum 5% biodiesel addition to conventional diesel fuel. In Germany biodiesel is also sold at a lower price than fossil diesel fuel.

Main article: Jatropha incentives in India
Biodiesel is now being produced locally in India for use in three-wheeler motor rickshaws. These engines actually run on regular diesel fuel or CNG, but in the past kerosene was used because it was far cheaper, and worked just as well. However, kerosene was dirty and wasn't as clean-burning. Biodiesel is rapidly replacing both kerosene and diesel as a more efficient, cheap, and clean alternative. Today plans are being chalked out to cultivate Jatropha plants on barren land to use its oil for biodiesel production. Now it is used for Railway engines and the plantations are recommended to plant these plants everywhere in unused areas through government sectors. Biodiesel is being used experimentally to run state transport corporation buses in Karnataka. University of Agriculture Sciences at Bangalore has identified many elite lines of Jatropha Curcas and Pongamia pinnata. Large scale activities have been initiated quite recently. For example, large-scale plantations have been initiated in North-East India and Jharkhand by D1 Williamson Magor Biofuels, a joint venture between D1 Oils of U.K. and Williamson Magor of India. The hilly areas of the North-East are ideal for growing this hardy, low-maintenance plant.

Since September 2005, Eterindo Group has been producing Biodiesel using Palm Oil derivatives as its raw materials. Currently the production capacity of Eterindo Group has reached 120,000 tonnes of Biodiesel annually. Meeting the standard requirements of ASTM D-6751 and EN 14214, in 2006 the group begin to export its Biodiesel to United States, Germany and Japan. It is now exploring another export destinations, i.e.: Asia Pacific countries, etc.

Biodiesel is not yet sold on the market, things start to change and biodiesel is been produced in two small-scale experiments. The amounts produced in these experiments are up to 10,000 liters a month. The lack of production of biodiesel in Israel is in contrary with the Research and Development abilities of the country, for Israel is a center of development for agriculture technologies.[citation needed] The Israel North Recycle Group (INRG) is forecasting much progress in the next year, including consumption agreements with municipal bodies, as part of the wider view of the municipalities on the subject.

Biodiesel called the Envo Diesel was launched by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Tuesday 22 March 2006 [7]. Malaysia currently produces 500,000 tonnes of biofuel annually and the government hopes to increase this number this year. Envo diesel blends 5% processed palm oil (vegetable oil) with 95% petrodiesel. In contrast, EU's B5 blends 5% methyl ester with 95% petrodiesel. Diesel engine manufacturers prefer the use of palm oil methyl ester blends as diesel engines are designed to handle 5% methyl esters meeting the EN14214 biodiesel standard, which palm oil cannot meet.

Projects requiring Malaysian and Indonesian palm oil as feedstocks have been criticized by some environmental advocates. Friends of the Earth has published a report asserting that clearance of forests for oil-palm plantations is threatening some of the last habitat of the orangutan.[8] Also, in a column for The Guardian, writer George Monbiot claimed that land clearance by cutting and burning large forest trees frees large amounts of carbon dioxide that is never reabsorbed by the smaller oil palms. If true, then biodiesel production from plantation-grown palm oil may be a net source of atmospheric carbon dioxide.[9] How these issues are resolved may determine whether Malaysia eventually becomes a major producer of biodiesel.

The palm oil industry has recognized this concerned and in conjunction with the WWF has formed the Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil RSPO[10] which endeavours to ensure development of palm oil in a sustainable way.

With the increase in awareness and importance attached to environmental issues such as global warming, more environment-friendly fuels are being developed as alternatives to fossil fuel. One such fuel, which has been gaining prominence in recent years, is biofuel. Clean and renewable, biofuel has been touted as the answer to the issue of the diminishing of energy reserves.

Led by Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron, former Director General of MPOB, MPOB has been the pioneer and is at the forefront in researching into palm biodiesel project. Since the 1980s, MPOB in collaboration with the local oil giant, PETRONAS, has begun to develop a patented technology to transform crude palm oil into a viable diesel substitute. This process involves the transesterification of crude palm oil into palm oil methyl esters or palm biodiesel. It has also been successfully demonstrated in a 3000 tonnes per year pilot plant located in the MPOB headquarters.

Palm biodiesel has been systematically and exhaustively evaluated as diesel fuel substitute from 1983 to 1994. These included laboratory evaluation, stationary engine testing and field trials on a large number of vehicles including taxis, trucks, passenger cars and buses. Exhaustive field trials with 30 Mercedes Benz of Germany mounted onto passenger buses have been successfully completed with each bus covered 300,000 km, the expected life of the engines.

The advantages of palm biodiesel, drawn from the field trials are no modification of the engines is required, good engine performance, cleaner exhaust emission and comparable fuel consumption in comparison with the petroleum diesel. The palm biodiesel can be used neat or blended with petroleum diesel in any proportions. Recently, to overcome the long standing pour point problem of palm biodiesel (pour point = 15°C), MPOB has developed a process to produce low pour point palm biodiesel (-21°C to 0°C) which is suitable for temperate countries.
Category: Other - Cars & Transportation

MTA Select Bus Service | FAQs/General Questions

Select Bus Service is New York City Transit's new, innovative bus service designed ... 2008 and introduced changes to the way buses operate by incorporating the ... Phase I Enhanced Bus Priority Corridor - launched September 2008/Phase II ...

Cambridge resists mandatory immigration enforcement measure we do not arrests illegals no matter the crime?

Cambridge — Cambridge city councilors voted unanimously Monday to resist a national program that sends fingerprints of those who are arrested to federal immigration officials.

Through the Secure Communities program, fingerprints of everyone arrested in Boston and other cities are sent to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement so that they can be checked for immigration violations.

Police generally check fingerprints of people arrested against FBI criminal history records. Under Secure Communities, local and state police computers automatically send fingerprints to be checked against Department of Homeland Security immigration records, too.

If there is a match, ICE officers check the persons immigration status and decide whether to take any action. The agency says its priority is only to remove illegal immigrants convicted of serious crimes, such as murder, rape or major drug offenses.

At the end of September, ICE reported that more than 4.2 million fingerprints had been submitted and 64,072 persons had been “removed.”

The states public safety commissioner said Dec. 17 that Massachusetts will sign on to the federal program. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement pressed the state earlier this year to join. The Patrick administration had resisted but now thinks it has no choice.

In a statement Dec. 17, state Public Safety Secretary Mary Beth Heffernan said that, over the past year, ICE had given Massachusetts conflicting information about the program.

"It has become clear now that this program is going to be mandatory for all communities in the near future," she said.

So the state will now sign a memorandum of understanding with ICE, she said.

In an order passed Monday night, the Cambridge City Council objected to the program.

“I’ve actually been contacted already by several dozen constituents in the city of Cambridge who are really concerned that this is going to hurt the fabric of our community and more and more hurt the fabric of many Cambridge families,” said Councilor Marjorie Decker, who submitted the order. “It just feels like a very back door secretive approach to immigration policy.”

Councilor Leland Cheung called Secure Communities a “big brother” program because it sent all fingerprints to the federal officers, not just those of illegal immigrants.

“I think when you introduce something like this, it doesn’t just target immigrants, it puts all of us under more scrutiny,” he said.

The Cambridge City Council has a history of resisting attempts to crack down on illegal immigration. In June, the Council condemned statewide proposals that included include a hotline for anonymous tips about businesses hiring illegal immigrants, insisting that state contractors confirm their workers’ status, requiring proof of citizenship before obtaining welfare services and public health benefits, would permanently bar illegal immigrants from receiving in-state college tuition rates, and force the courts to report any illegal immigrants charged with crimes to federal authorities, among others.

In 1985, the Cambridge City Council passed an order declaring Cambridge a “Sanctuary City.” The order required that — when legally possible — city employees not assist in the investigations of the citizenship status of any Cambridge residents. It also barred city employees from will disseminating information regarding the citizenship of residents.

So a drunk driver in the country illegally who took out a bus load of kids is free to walk the streets and drive again , sanctuary city. Illegal muder somebody , may not be arrested sanctuary city, an illegal ha srelations with 2 month old baby, no charges filed, sanctuary city, Bank robber will not be arrested, sanctuary city, illegals free to break whatever laws they want, sanctuary cities protect them from any laws in American, isnt that nice, illegals above the law

Answer: I am still trying to understand how these cities get away with defying national laws! The mayors and city councils of sanctuary cities openly declare their cities as safe havens for illegals, yet nobody sues them or punishes them in any way. Yet, Arizona decides to enforce Federal immigration laws that the Feds refuse to enforce, and is sued for it! I guess illegals are above the law.
Category: Immigration

486-12 m86 m&s_Layout 1 - MTA

Bus Timetable. Effective as of September 2, 2012 ... Where applicable, posters on express buses will describe the express bus PM rush hour,. “early departure” ... Fares – MetroCard® is accepted for all MTA New York City trains (including.

Why Isn't SF Painting the Streets Red Like New York Is ...

In New York City, it's apparently easy to stumble across new expansions of public space using low-cost, temporary measures. ... Remember, bus lanes arent just for local buses, tour buses with lost drivers also can use them.

Major changes to GO bus service <br/ >in Durham Region, starting ...

GO buses operating along the new 92 Oshawa / Yorkdale route drop off or pick up passengers at all stops that buses operating along this route currently serve along the Highway 2 corridor. GO is also introducing new stops:.

The Lessons of Classroom 506

I. First Impressions It was the first day of school last year, Sept. 8, 2003. The kindergartners were arriving in batches at Classroom 506 at the Manhattan School for Children, on 93rd Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues. The parents of these 5-year-olds said they felt lucky to be taking their children to M.S.C. that morning, lucky to - Lisa Belkin article describes what happened when boy with cerebral palsy goes to kindergarten like all the other kids; when Richard and Lora Ellenson could not find school for their son Thomas, Richard devised experiment, an attempt to reconfigure classroom at Manhattan School for Children so that Thomas could find way to fit into world that often seems to resist him; it became most ambitious step toward inclusion by largest school system in country; story is also extended look at what it means to be parent of special-needs child in United States right now; Thomass year described; photos (L) - Lisa Belkin, a contributing writer for the magazine, last wrote about attention-deficit disorder in adults. - By Lisa Belkin

The Turnpike in Mid-Life Crisis

SIX ex-governors, as well as the then-current Governor, Abraham Ribicoff, were present at formal ribbon-cutting ceremonies held in Greenwich and Killingly Jan. 2, 1958. Clergymen representing the three major faiths gave their blessings. And the Connecticut Turnpike was opened. Governor Ribicoff hailed the new highway as a great construction - Opening of Connecticut Turnpike 41 years ago was hailed as great construction achievement that would spur development and relieve traffic congestion; by mid 1970s, turnpike was already operating at close to full capacity, and congestion and has continued to worsen; measures being undertaken to relieve problems range from safety studies, traffic management and ongoing construction to programs encouraging ride-sharing and alternative transportation; map; photos (M) - By SUSAN BANFIELD

Bus Rapid Transit - Hylan Boulevard - NYC.gov

S79 Select Bus Service started in September, connecting Hylan Boulevard, ... The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) and MTA New York City ... Service (SBS) on Hylan Boulevard, which launches on Sunday, September 2, 2012. ... Optimizing signal timing and introducing Transit Signal Priority; Repairing ...

A NATION CHALLENGED: PORTRAITS OF GRIEF: THE VICTIMS; A Spitball-Shooting Executive, a Frank Zappa Fan and the Lawn King

Here are glimpses of some of the victims of the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center. DANIEL BRANDHORST RONALD GAMBOA DAVID GAMBOA-BRANDHORST Proud Adoptive Parents Daniel Brandhorst and Ronald Gamboa changed their flight plans so they could return to Los Angeles from Boston on Sept. 11 with their son, David Gamboa-Brandhorst, on United - Portraits in Grief profiles of some of victims of World Trade Center attack; photos: Daniel Brandhorst, Ronald Gamboa, David Gamboa-Brandhorst, Keith J Burns, Edward DeSimone III, Kathleen Shearer, Michael Shearer, Louis Steven Inghilterra, Richard Morgan, Oscar F Nesbitt, Joel Miller, Jeff L Simpson, Peter Christopher Frank, Bernard F Patterson, Lourdes Galletti (M) - These sketches were written by Sherri Day, Aaron Donovan, Jonathan Fuerbringer, Constance L. Hays, Jan Hoffman, Lynette Holloway, N. R. Kleinfield, Melena Z. Ryzik and Barbara Stewart.

Routemaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the new Routemaster launched in 2011, see New Bus for London. ... Routemaster RM1414 (414 CLT), MMT Manchester Bus 100 event (2). ..... The RCL entered service in areas where the RMC was not introduced. ... of Lords regarding its subsidised fare scheme, major service reductions followed in September 1982.

Red Arrow (bus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 7 September 1968 LT introduced these new buses on more Red Arrow routes , ... decker was trialled on Red Arrow routes, a 2-door specially built bus, DA2.

In Death Watch for Stranger, Becoming a Friend to the End

That first day, Bill Keating hoped that Lew Grossman was not a weeper. Anything else he thought he could handle, but, please, not someone who cried. In a nursing home bed, still as stone, Mr. Grossman looked awful. A bedraggled, brittle-looking man, 77, he was able to move only his left arm. He had a large nose and protruding ears. He had sunken - Special report, Final Days: a Last Hand to Hold, on program founded by Phyllis Farley that trains volunteers to befriend those fated to die alone; focuses on experiences of volunteer Bill Keating and nursing home resident Lew Grossman; photos (L) - By N. R. KLEINFIELD

A NATION CHALLENGED: THE VICTIMS; A Mr. Fix-It in Brooklyn, A Dedicated Traveler, A Model of Self-Discipline

Here are glimpses of some of the victims of the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center. EUGENE WHELAN Guilty of Serial Hugging He was no saint! said Eugene Whelans mother, Joan, her laughter bubbling up. Yeah, he could be a giant pain! her husband, Alfred, added, chuckling about the ninth of their 10 children. But examples eluded them. - Stuart Elliott Advertising column on successes and follies in advertising, marketing and media in 2001; photos (M) - These sketches were written by Ford Burkhart, Alison Leigh Cowan, David W. Chen, Sherri Day, Abby Goodnough, Jane Gross, Constance L. Hays, Jan Hoffman, Charlie LeDuff, Felicia R. Lee, Tamar Lewin, Frank Litsky, Melena Z. Ryzik, Ben Sisario, Dinitia Smith and Edward Wyatt.

Service Change Information - King County Metro Transit

Jun 3, 2013 ... Look for new pink timetables on your bus and at Metro information racks. ... Introduction & Highlights; Schedule & Route Revisions; Past Service Changes .... Day, Thursday, July 4, and on Labor Day, Monday, September 2.

Where Boys Grow Up to Be Jihadis

No one thought it was strange when Muncif Ben Aboud disappeared from his crowded, unkempt neighborhood in the Moroccan city of Tetouan. Men are always leaving Jamaa Mezuak, as the quarter is known. And Muncif, who was 21, had ventured off before, roaming the worn medinas of Casablanca and Marrakesh, posing stiffly for snapshots to take home. His - Andrea Elliott article probes roots of terrorism in group dynamics of Jamaa Mezuak neighborhood in Tetouan, Morocco, home to many of men involved in Madrid train bombings of March 2004 and others who went off to do jihad against Americans in Iraq; photos (L) - Andrea Elliott is a reporter for The New York Times. She won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for feature writing for a series of articles about an imam in Brooklyn. - By ANDREA ELLIOTT

Service changes - London Bus Routes

New buses will now always be low floor and wheelchair ...

CTA to test Ventra card in August; full rollout set for September | CTA ...

As part of Ventra outreach efforts, mobile Ventra Buses will visit multiple Chicago and suburban events and festivals to familiarize customers with Ventra and demonstrate how to use the new fare payment system. August.

You wait years for a question on buses, and 16 come at once ...

Cllr Lockington was concerned that the new bus route 39, introduced to replace services 22 and 31, both deregistered by their commercial providers, didn't give the same coverage for residents of St Margaret's Ward, and Cllr ...

Bus service shake-up beckons (From Barry And District News)

2:21pm Monday 17th June 2013 in News By Sharon Harris. CARDIFF Bus has ... Cardiff Bus business development manager, Gareth Stevens said: “Following a review of our current routes and times, some changes are being introduced. “These changes have been made to improve ... The 91 will be a new summer Sunday service operating from July 21 and every Sunday and bank Holiday Monday until September 22 from Cardiff Central bus station to Mermaid Quay and Penarth Pier.

A NATION CHALLENGED: THE VICTIMS; A Mr. Fix-It in Brooklyn, A Dedicated Traveler, A Model of Self-Discipline

Here are glimpses of some of the victims of the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center. EUGENE WHELAN Guilty of Serial Hugging He was no saint! said Eugene Whelans mother, Joan, her laughter bubbling up. Yeah, he could be a giant pain! her husband, Alfred, added, chuckling about the ninth of their 10 children. But examples eluded them. - Portraits of Grief; brief sketches of some victims of Sept 11 attack on World Trade Center; photos (L) - These sketches were written by Alison Leigh Cowan, David W. Chen, Sherri Day, Abby Goodnough, Jane Gross, Constance L. Hays, Jan Hoffman, Charlie LeDuff, Felicia R. Lee, Tamar Lewin, Frank Litsky, Melena Z. Ryzik, Ben Sisario, Dinitia Smith and Edward Wyatt.

Blue Bus and its schedules?

I heard that the blue bus is changing schedules on sunday is it true?

Answer: well they are adding some new services
cal Mini blues

and their SMC commuter bus will run more often
and have a new routing.
as well there might be some small schedule changes but
thats about it

below is from their website (http://www.bigbluebus.com)
Coming 8/27 and 9/2: Route & Schedule Improvements!
To better serve our customers, route and schedule changes will be introduced over the next two weeks to Lines 6 (SMC Commuter), Line 4 (San Vicente & Carlyle), Line 10 (Downtown Express), Line 12 (Palms & Westwood) and the Crosstown Ride. New route maps and schedules will be posted to this site by 8/22/07.

Line 6 – SMC Commuter
Starting August 27, 2007: To better serve Santa Monica College students and staff, Line 6 will begin traveling further east into the Palms neighborhood, instead of traveling north towards the Westside Pavilion. Additional trips will also be added to this service to best serve both SMC riders and the public, since everyone is welcome to ride Line 6.

Crosstown Ride
Starting August 27, 2007: There will be minor schedule adjustments to improve on-time performance.

Line 4 – San Vicente Blvd. & Carlyle Ave.
Starting September 2, 2007: There will be minor schedule changes to improve on-time performance.

Line 10 – Freeway Express
Starting September 2, 2007: In response to a survey of riders earlier this year, the Downtown LA portion of the Line 10 route will be adjusted slightly to help riders make their connections to other transit services.

Line 12 – Palms/Westwood
Starting September 2, 2007: There will be minor route and schedule changes to the Line 12 to improve on-time performance.

Please call Customer Service if you have questions about any of the following at 310-451-5444. Thank you for riding the big Blue Bus!
Category: Los Angeles

A Rebel In the Emperors Court

The Legislative Council of Hong Kong meets every Wednesday afternoon in a three-story building that looks like any state capitol, with standard-issue neo-Classical dome and high columns all around. From the councils roof, a statue representing justice brandishes a sword and raises a scale into the tall shadows cast by fabulously expensive - Daisann McLane profile of Leung Kwok-hung, better known as Long Hair, indefatigable, if eccentric, advocate for democracy in Hong Kong for more than 25 years and now an equally eccentric member of 60-member Legislative Council; says that while his election to council has given Long Hair a legitimacy he lacked before in seeking to improve lot of Hong Kongs poor, his ability and even ability of councils 25-member pro-democracy caucus to do much against Hong Kongs entrenched elite is severely restricted by constitution; photos (L) - Daisann McLane is a journalist who lives in New York and Hong Kong. She is working on a book about Cantonese language and culture. - By Daisann McLane

Pope John Paul II, Church Shepherd And a Catalyst for World Change

On the night of Oct. 16, 1978, a vast, impatient throng in floodlit St. Peters Square cheered wildly as white smoke curled from a chimney atop the Sistine Chapel, signaling the election of a new pope. A long wait had ended, but the enthusiasm was somewhat premature. Cardinal Pericle Felici emerged minutes later to introduce Cardinal Karol Wojtyla - By ROBERT D. McFADDEN

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