Libertarianism for Tweens

The Politics of the Mask : Photo Gallery



Anonymous in Context: The Politics and Power behind the Mask ...

Anonymous in Context: The Politics and Power behind the Mask ...

Runciman, D.: Political Hypocrisy: The Mask of Power, from Hobbes ...

Runciman, D.: Political Hypocrisy: The Mask of Power, from Hobbes ...



Paul Laurence Dunbar and the Politics of Representative Reality ...

Paul Laurence Dunbar and the Politics of Representative Reality ...

Memory, Amnesia and Politics: The mask of Ira Hayes

Memory, Amnesia and Politics: The mask of Ira Hayes

Montreal Simon: Stephen Harper and the Politics of Punishment

Montreal Simon: Stephen Harper and the Politics of Punishment

Speaking Through the Mask: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of ...

Speaking Through the Mask: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of ...

Red shirts join in cyber war of the masks - The Nation

Red shirts join in cyber war of the masks - The Nation

Sipsey Street Irregulars: The Mask Slips: When Billy Beck said ...

Sipsey Street Irregulars: The Mask Slips: When Billy Beck said ...

The monarch and the mask - The Hindu

The monarch and the mask - The Hindu

Japan: Politician Banned for Wearing Wrestling Mask to Council ...

Japan: Politician Banned for Wearing Wrestling Mask to Council ...

The mask of corruption By rodrigo | Politics Cartoon | TOONPOOL

The mask of corruption By rodrigo | Politics Cartoon | TOONPOOL

The mask By Roberto Mangosi | Politics Cartoon | TOONPOOL

The mask By Roberto Mangosi | Politics Cartoon | TOONPOOL

Kyrgyzstan: Behind the Mask of a Provocative Performer | EurasiaNet.

Kyrgyzstan: Behind the Mask of a Provocative Performer | EurasiaNet.

WEHNAM | Homage to men who support women: The blog that deals with ...

WEHNAM | Homage to men who support women: The blog that deals with ...

Framing Political Protest, Thailand

Framing Political Protest, Thailand

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project

Beyond the Cloth: The Kafiye Project



Record-breaking Chinese artist Zeng lifts the mask of money, politics

Record-breaking Chinese artist Zeng lifts the mask of money, politics

Russell Brand joins thousands to protest for Anonymous Million Mask March

Russell Brand joins thousands to protest for Anonymous Million Mask March

The 15 worst movies of all time

The 15 worst movies of all time

What is nation's fiscal plan?

What is nation's fiscal plan?

Photos of the day

Photos of the day

On Braves deal, Cobb officials act like they have something to hide

On Braves deal, Cobb officials act like they have something to hide

The Million Mask March - muppets

The Million Mask March - muppets

Dumbing us down

Dumbing us down

Who is Behind the “Anonymous” Mask: Can the Million Mask March turn a ...

Who is Behind the “Anonymous” Mask: Can the Million Mask March turn a ...

Tina Packer to Direct Actors' Shakespeare Project's HENRY VIII, 12/11-1/5

Tina Packer to Direct Actors' Shakespeare Project's HENRY VIII, 12/11-1/5

"Stalked by a strangler!" - Daily Sun

"Stalked by a strangler!" - Daily Sun

Is Gaga-mania on the wane?

Is Gaga-mania on the wane?

Libertarianism for Tweens

Libertarianism for Tweens

Heart of darkness

Heart of darkness

Blind Loyalism: The Demise of Progress

Blind Loyalism: The Demise of Progress

The Politics of the Mask : Videos

Let's Play: Majora's Mask! Part 39 - All Nighter ...

Let's Play: Majora's Mask! Part 39 - All Nighter ...

V. S. Naipaul: The Masque of Africa | 92Y Readings ...

V. S. Naipaul: The Masque of Africa | 92Y Readings ...

Japanese Politician Banned For Refusing To ...

Japanese Politician Banned For Refusing To ...

Saif al Islam trial - political show under mask ...

Saif al Islam trial - political show under mask ...

Behind the Mask - The Animal Liberation Front - YouTube

Behind the Mask - The Animal Liberation Front - YouTube

GROUNZERO DVD: PokerFace "Protest Rock ...

GROUNZERO DVD: PokerFace "Protest Rock ...

Biodiversity: The Politics & Religion of the ...

Biodiversity: The Politics & Religion of the ...

Biodiversity: The Politics & Religion of the ...

Biodiversity: The Politics & Religion of the ...

HD Trailer - The Obama Deception:The Mask Comes ...

HD Trailer - The Obama Deception:The Mask Comes ...

Obama rodeo clown mask: So? - YouTube

Obama rodeo clown mask: So? - YouTube

Anonymous : Behind the Mask - YouTube

Anonymous : Behind the Mask - YouTube

Gunman wearing Romney mask robs Virginia bank ...

Gunman wearing Romney mask robs Virginia bank ...

Russell Brand Protests With Thousands For ...

Russell Brand Protests With Thousands For ...

Look Behind the Green Mask 2 - YouTube

Look Behind the Green Mask 2 - YouTube

Anonymous Million Mask March Protest Against ...

Anonymous Million Mask March Protest Against ...

OBAMA The CLOWN RANT - Rodeo Clown Wears ...

OBAMA The CLOWN RANT - Rodeo Clown Wears ...

Anonymous 5th November 2013 - Million Mask ...

Anonymous 5th November 2013 - Million Mask ...

Million Mask March: Anonymous is Planning V for ...

Million Mask March: Anonymous is Planning V for ...

Democrats Look to Remove Tea Party from ...

Democrats Look to Remove Tea Party from ...

The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask Part 49 / Heart ...

The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask Part 49 / Heart ...

Hrithik Roshan used 700 masks for Krrish 3 - YouTube

Hrithik Roshan used 700 masks for Krrish 3 - YouTube

HAMAS - Behind the Mask 6of6 - YouTube

HAMAS - Behind the Mask 6of6 - YouTube

Anonymous Million Mask March - YouTube

Anonymous Million Mask March - YouTube

Hamas: Behind the Mask - YouTube

Hamas: Behind the Mask - YouTube

The Politics of the Mask : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Museum and Gallery Listings

ART Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: KOHEI YOSHIYUKI: THE PARK It is hard to characterize this unusual exhibition of black-and-white photographs from the 1970s by the Japanese photographer Kohei Yoshiyuki. Basically they are snapshots, taken in Tokyo parks at night - By THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Politics and Power behind the Mask - Centre for International ...

Anonymous in Context: The Politics and Power behind the Mask. Gabriella
Coleman ...

THE POLITICS OF THE MASK | Thomas Nail - Huffington Post

21 hours ago ... On Tuesday, November 5th, protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks
demonstrated in more than 400 cities around the world in celebration of ...

Where The Guy Fawkes Masks Come From - Business Insider

A Guy Fawkes mask (C), used by many demonstrators in protests around the world and in the recent wave of demonstrations in Brazil, hangs on a wall next to various other masks of Brazilian politicians, at a factory in Sao ...

Why do so many people think that shouting at the rain is the same as actually having substance?

Whether its sports, politics, religion, video games, or what color your socks are, why are there some people who think that being loud and argumentative and obnoxious in general is the same thing as actually doing something of value?

You try to have a rational, logical discussion with them, but they are more interested in just being strident and hysterical and rattling their cage. Why do the act that way? Is it because they lack the intelligence and substance to actually talk about something worthwhile?

Answer: Do you realize you just described Rosie O’Donnell and her ilk?

These people simply mask their ignorance under the cloak of aggressiveness.

Category: Elections

High School Players Shrug Off Concussions, Raising Risks

To Kelby Jasmon, there was only one answer. The question: If he received yet another concussion this football season, while playing offensive and defensive line for his high school in Springfield, Ill., would he tell a coach or trainer? Jasmon, with his battering-ram, freshly buzz-cut head and eyes that danced with impending glory, immediately - Many of 1.2 million teenagers who play high school football either do not know what concussion is or they simply do not care; many say they would not tell their coach or trainer if they sustained concussion during game; their code of silence, bred by footballs gladiator culture, allows them to play on and sometimes be hurt much worse--sometimes fatally; at least 50 high school or younger football players in more than 20 states since 1997 have been killed or have sustained serious head injuries on field; sampling of injuries and deaths that have occurred; graph; photos (L) - By ALAN SCHWARZ

Concern that electing Obama will mask white privilege?

Is anyone else concerned that electing Obama will mask white privilege and allow everyone to say, "Look--we cant be racist. We have a black president, dont we?"

Electing a wealthy black man wont prevent people from seeing poor black men as lazy, unintelligent, violent, and/or outright criminals. Does anyone else think that electing Obama might exacerbate this problem by sweeping it under the rug?

Or do you think that all problems will be solved in November?

Answer: I don't think the systemic economic inequalities of American society will disapear but I do think it will be very good for the race politics of the US. Having black leaders in national leadership roles is a sign that they're no longer confined to the ghetto or being representatives of their limited local ethnic community rather than being able to speak for the American people as a whole.

I think JFK (an Irish Catholic whose image and politics flew in the face of ethnic stereotypes) represented a major change for Irish Catholics in America, who went from being poor and discriminated against to being largely middle class and having equal access to political power. We won't be a colorblind society by any means but it will send an important symbolic message to both blacks and whites that the worst is behind us and that blacks are full members of the US.
Category: Elections

Anonymous in Context: The Politics and Power behind the Mask

Sep 23, 2013 ... Since 2010, digital direct action, including leaks, hacking and mass protest, has
become a regular feature of political life on the Internet.

This Is Not A Bob Dylan Movie

You could begin the story of Todd Hayness Dylan movie at the very beginning, about seven years ago, while Haynes was driving cross-country in his beat-up old Honda. But since Todd Hayness film about Dylan is as much about Todd Haynes as it is about Dylan (or maybe even more); and since Haynes is a filmmaker who, in midcareer at age 46, is doing - Robert Sullivan profile of experimental filmmaker Todd Haynes during making of Im Not There, biopic starring six people as Bob Dylan, or different incarnations of Bob Dylan, including Cate Blanchett; photos (L) - Robert Sullivan a contributing editor at Vogue, is the author of Rats: Observations on the History and Habitat of the Citys Most Unwanted Inhabitants and Cross Country. - By ROBERT SULLIVAN

What would you say are the reasons otherwise rational adults accept the one or two of the?

following premises:

1.) Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility, "traditional values" and small government or that

2.) Democrats are the party of working man, fighting against corporate domination of politics, and for healthcare for every single Americans.

In other words, one party is good. The other bad. That simple.

Answer: The problem is that these are the only two choices. Have you ever seen one of these Internet polls that had two choices, but neither of them was YOUR choice? You have to pick one or the other, so you pick the one that's closest to you, but really you don't like either of them.

The fact is, money has become so important in our electoral politics that we no longer have elections, we have -auctions-. And since both parties desperately need money, and they both get it from the same sources, you can't really expect their agendas to be all that different. The Republicans are certainly no longer the party of fiscal responsibility, and the Democrats are no longer the party of working people. They are both the Party of Corporate Control, concentration of wealth, and the US's slide towards 3rd world status.

Whenever you have two basically identical products in a marketplace, they spend all their time and money trying to distinguish themselves from one another. It's true with toothpaste and laundry detergent, it's also true with political parties.

Back in the 1970s, the trend was away from partisanship. From the 1950s to the mid 70s, more and more Americans were registering as independent, voting 'for the man, not the party'. Starting with the 1980 campaign of Ronald Reagan, the Republicans began trying to divide people along party lines. This was to the Republicans' advantage, because they have always been the minority party in terms of voter registrations nationwide. The only way a minority party can take control is by getting their 'base' all excited, getting them to the polls. The bitter partisanship we see today is actually on both sides these days, but it was engineered by the Republicans, mostly to hide the fact that both parties really have about the same goals.

And that's why Reagan and the Bushes didn't raise a finger to ban abortion or get prayer back in public schools. And why Obama wasn't able to propose any health care reform that might hurt the profits of the corporations that control our health care. Partisan bitterness masks this by making party the most important thing in peoples' minds.
Category: Politics

How do you subtly get a co-worker to stop taking credit for your work & not jeopardize your job?

This woman pawns off her work and when things get better, she receives ALL of the credit for it. If you ask her a question, she plays the shell game and distracts you so youre so confused that you forgot what you asked. This happens with EVERYONE who interacts with her and its been going on for YEARS. Its like shes got a free pass to screw up and benefits from it! And as far as passing the buck goes, her nickname ought to be "Franklin {Mint}"! Funny thing is, shes pretty cool--just extremely untrustworthy!! Help me out here--lotsa office politics from the past are at work.

Answer: This answer is not for the faint of heart. The only way to fix it is a good old fashioned parking lot beat down. How can she take credit for your work when she's eating through a tube? Be sure to wear a mask and gloves.
Category: Other - Arts & Humanities

OP-ED COLUMNIST; Rush to Judgment

One of my male colleagues was explaining why men age better than women. Its evolutionary, he said. As we wear out our wives, who are running around taking care of the kids, we know were going to have to get another younger wife, so we stay good-looking. He was kidding. (I think.) We were discussing Hillarys latest hurdle: the Old Hag - Maureen Dowd Op-Ed column holds that Republicans have tried to paint Hillary Clinton as angry, but since that has not worked, they are criticizing her appearance; discusses Rush Limbaughs comments about unflattering picture of Clinton; notes that Limbaugh says that women do not age as well as men and that if Clinton appears to age it will impact poll numbers (M) - By MAUREEN DOWD

Does American liberalism and the promotion of identity politics aim at diversity of the ruling class instead ?

of equality for all like this article suggests and socialists believe? How do liberals react to these left wing observations concerning their ideology?

The top one percent in American society controls more than 45 percent of the wealth. The top one-tenth of one percent has monopolized nearly the entire increase in national wealth over the last two decades, while the vast majority of the people have seen their living conditions deteriorate, their jobs become more precarious, their overall social position become more insecure.
For black workers and youth, the decline has been even more precipitous. It is hardly necessary to recite the well-known figures: more young black men in prison than in college, crumbling schools and other social services in the inner cities, poverty levels once again approaching those of the early 1960s, disproportionate levels of unemployment, drug abuse, violence, homelessness and other social evils.
This social polarization has been to some extent masked by the inclusion of a small layer of blacks, women, gays, Hispanics, etc., in the privileged elite. But the rise of an Oprah Winfrey or a Tiger Woods or a Barack Obama does not make America a more egalitarian society.
Doomsday, Obama continues the same policies, Republican policies so who really wins?
Politics is not football and Id like you to answer the question asked or post elsewhere.

Answer: Socialized Comminust Capitalism = Wallfart

the NEW Republican ORDER FAILED

ha ha ha ha h ahh ahah ah
Category: Politics

In the absence of a moral consensus, is power the ultimate reality?

Since we dont seem to be able to agree upon a definition of good and bad, does our moral languge serve merely as a mask for a will to power? Is there any other avenue toward social reform than to seize and use political power?

Answer: I have been pondering your question and I am not sure that I can convey my answer the way I mean it.but here's an attempt.

Since we don't seem to be able to agree upon a definition of good and bad, does our moral languge serve merely as a mask for a will to power?

It may well do. If you take religion as an example, most that I have looked at share the same basic premise. So, you could say all religions are the same..........except that each take a particle stance. The different focus is where the 'arguments' begin. Your god is wrong beuase....etc, etc.

Is there any other avenue toward social reform than to seize and use political power?

Yes, I believe there is but it would take a radical shift in the consciousness of human beings. The realisation that actually, we are all a global family and should be working together instead of using politics as a means of division.

In my ideal world there would be a collective conscience and the wealthy nations of the world would distribute food and other things just because they can. And the nations in need would accept these things just because they can.

No suspicion, no thoughts of undermining the local government........just people helping each other however they can, whever they are on the planet.

Best I can do, for now.
Category: Philosophy

Hollow Christianity: the mask of religion cloaked in politics ...

This issue of how Christians are to be living in a worldly society can be a difficult one when you get lost in the fog of political pragmatics by trying to whitewash an unbelieving world with the veneer of “Christian morality” absent ...

Protesters, some donning masks, gather at Capitol Campus to air ...

Many of us wear masks as they participate in our activities. Many do not.” ... “We're very hopeful that it will be an enthusiastic statement of people's political opinions that will remain peaceful,'' Calkins said. Nov. 5 is Guy ...


Corrections Appended PRINCE ALBERT of Monaco was still eagerly expected, but already a thick throng of Moscows clubbing elite and dolled-up wannabes was trying to claw its way into the Dyagilev Project nightclub. Dressed as if fresh from a Dolce & Gabbana year-end sale, the crowd pushed, pleaded and shouted the name of the doorman -- Pasha! - Seth Sherwood travel article on Moscow as one of top luxury destinations of 2008; photos; map (L) - SETH SHERWOOD, based in Paris, is a frequent contributor to the Travel section. - By SETH SHERWOOD

Riots Batter Kenya as Rivals Declare Victory

With the results from Kenyas closely contested elections still up in the air and evidence growing of election mischief, riots erupted across the country on Saturday. Columns of black smoke boiled up from the slums ringing Nairobi, the capital, as supporters of Raila Odinga, the leading presidential challenger, poured into the streets to protest - Riots erupt across Kenya as supporters of presidential challenger Raila Odinga protest what they say was government plot to steal election for Pres Mwai Kibaki; preliminary results had shown Odinga leading by about one million votes; Odingas lead shrank to mere 38,000 votes with about 90 percent of vote counted; photos (M) - By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN

How to deal with superiors playing politics?

It is one thing if your immediate boss does not think too high or good about you but what to do if the top management level people also start playing politics.
My husband because of his sincerity and hard work was liked by the previous managing director. Now with the new managing director things are not same. Though he is a very nice man, however his second man being jealous of my husband is feeding all wrong things to the new MD about him.
There is no way my husband can talk to the MD about this man. My husbands only negative point is his short temper for which others get offended easily. With my husbands retiring time being only few years left(4-5years), what should he do. He is feeling very low lately and I hate seeing him like this as he he is a gem of a person.

Answer: Learning to deal with your own emotions is essential to successfully deal with office politics. Losing your temper has too many bad side effects too be a useful tool with higher management. Some use effectively to bully subordinates, but quickly loose their power when dealing with equals or superiors. In fact most competitors would use as a tool to manipulate him. Once your husband learns to control his temper or at least mask it with a smile he will be easy prey for anyone who wants to set him off, whether just for fun, or to gain an advantage. I actually worked for two different upper level managers who used losing their temper to get their way. They had a good run, but in the end were basically sidelined. If you husband is just trying to hang on till retirement, his best may be to disengage, and focus on the work and not the managers. There comes a time in every career when you have to step aside and let the younger guys run things. This is usually a hard pill to swallow, but it will get you to retirement. The PracticaL Mentor's guide has plenty suggestions on how to deal with your husbands situation may be worth for you both to read. Best of luck The PracticaL Mentor
Category: Administrative and Office Support

We are in a de facto Civil War in this country and we don't realize it ...

The Government, ANY major one, is an illusion (A Mask) to induce consent for what the FACE is imposing on the population all over the Globe, not just the US. ..... Every politician in D.C. was for sale, then, before and since.

Ted Cruz: The Mask of Sincerity : The New Yorker

When the President held firm and the Republican leadership backed down, the fallout included collapsing poll numbers for the Republican Party and the possibility, mentioned by nonpartisan political analysts, that the ...


Ronan Bennetts ZUGZWANG (Bloomsbury, $24.95) takes its title from a chess term for those endgame maneuvers in which a player must execute moves that can only lead to defeat. However inelegant the word sounds when applied to a thriller set in St. Peters burg in 1914, it aptly conveys the refined cruelty of the games of intrigue that entrap a - Marilyn Stasio reviews books Zugzwang by Ronan Bennett, Fresh Kills by Reggie Nadelson and The Black Lizard Big Book of Pulps edited by Otto Penzler; drawing (M) - Reviews by MARILYN STASIO

Runciman, D.: Political Hypocrisy: The Mask of Power, from Hobbes ...

Nov 4, 2013 ... Description of the book Political Hypocrisy: The Mask of Power, from Hobbes to
Orwell and Beyond by Runciman, D., published by Princeton ...

Anonymous in Context: The Politics and Power Behind the Mask

Jul 31, 2013 ... Friday, July 19, 2013 Anonymous is a banner used by individuals and various ad
hoc and stable groups unfurling political operations across ...

Is it true that George W Bushs invasion of Afghanistan was motivated by craving for petroleum there?

George W Bush always spoke to the world that troops must be deployed to Afghanistan to eradicate terrorists threatening global security there. But Ive heard that its just a mask veiling the true intention, which is craving for enormous petroleum reserve there. Is it true?

Answer: Honestly, it was so long ago and I've heard so many different points of view that I don't know what to think anymore. President Bush's invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan came years before I was old enough to care about politics.

I guess all I can say is yes, it is a legitimate possibility that the invasions were motivated only by the need for oil reserves. I don't know for sure, and quite frankly I don't think anyone does.
Category: Politics

Behind the Mask: The Politics of Employee Appraisal

erately distort and manipulate appraisals for political purposes seems
unspeakable. Yet we found extensive evidence to indicate that, behind a mask of

Does American liberalism and the promotion of identity politics aim at diversity of the ruling class instead ?

of equality for all like this article suggests and socialists believe? How do liberals react to these left wing observations concerning their ideology?

The top one percent in American society controls more than 45 percent of the wealth. The top one-tenth of one percent has monopolized nearly the entire increase in national wealth over the last two decades, while the vast majority of the people have seen their living conditions deteriorate, their jobs become more precarious, their overall social position become more insecure.
For black workers and youth, the decline has been even more precipitous. It is hardly necessary to recite the well-known figures: more young black men in prison than in college, crumbling schools and other social services in the inner cities, poverty levels once again approaching those of the early 1960s, disproportionate levels of unemployment, drug abuse, violence, homelessness and other social evils.
This social polarization has been to some extent masked by the inclusion of a small layer of blacks, women, gays, Hispanics, etc., in the privileged elite. But the rise of an Oprah Winfrey or a Tiger Woods or a Barack Obama does not make America a more egalitarian society.
Excactly zee ster.
Smartty Kat. Im sure you believe that but it isnt true.

In terms of the human development index, the United States has fallen from second place in 1990 (behind Canada) to 12th place. This decline continued through both the Clinton and Bush administrations, with the US falling to sixth in 1995, ninth in 2000, and 12th in 2005.
In certain respects, the decline is even worse. The US is 34th in infant mortality—with a level comparable to Croatia, Estonia, Poland and Cuba. US school children perform significantly below their counterparts in countries like Canada, France, Germany and Japan, and 14 percent of the population, some 40 million people, lack basic literacy and number skills.
Of the world’s 30 richest nations, which comprise the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United States has the highest proportion of children living in poverty, 15 percent, and the most people in prison, both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of the whole population.
With five percent of the world’s population, the US has 24 percent of the world’s prisoners.
The report notes: “Social mobility is now less fluid in the United States than in other affluent nations. Indeed, a poor child born in Germany, France, Canada or one of the Nordic countries has a better chance to join the middle class in adulthood than an American child born into similar circumstances.”
In overall life expectancy, the United States ranks an astonishing 42nd, behind not only Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and all the countries of Western Europe, but also Israel, Greece, Singapore, Costa Rica and South Korea.

Answer: Society will never become more egalitarian so long as the top 1% controls practically everything, whether or not there is diversity among the top 1%. That alone is tokenism & adds a thin sheen of lustre to the myth that our society is merit based and fair.
Category: Politics

Why is the politics section full of religious people & the religion section full of atheists?

You can tell because here there is an overwhelming majority of religious people masked as republicans, and in the religion section there is an overwhelm of atheists or liberals.

In this section you can tell that the religious/republicans will get the most thumbs up, but in the religion section they would get the most thumbs down, and vice versa for the atheists/liberals

Answer: Because atheists tend to ask, "How can you believe in religion?" while the religious tend to ask, "Why aren't we legislating from the Bible?"
Category: Politics

Obama Plays Convincing Obama in a Skit Mocking Clinton

Saturday Night Live has relentlessly mocked Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and this weekend allowed Senator Barack Obama, a chief rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, to join in the skewering. The comedy show portrayed Mrs. Clinton dressed as a bride at a Halloween party, while the actors playing Bill Clinton and some of the other - Democratic presidential aspirant Sen Barack Obama appears in Saturday Night Live sketch mocking his rival Sen Hillary Clinton; show lampoons all candidates except Obama, who has been enjoying glut of positive news coverage; photo (M) - By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE; Jim Rutenberg and Jeff Zeleny contributed reporting.

Behind the Mask: The Politics of Employee Appraisal - Jstor

t The Academy of Management EXECUTIVE, 1987, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 183-193.
Behind the. Mask: The. Politics of Employee Appraisal. By Clinton 0.

Do Republicans realize how immoral their politics are?

Basically, they steal from the poor, and give to the rich. They dont understand that taxation, and a well-funded, fiscally responsible government is key to having a successful Democracy. They claim to be Christian, but I feel that all too many Republican politicians use their religion to mask their own immorality.

-Obama 08
Also, Ron Paul is the sanest of all Republicans. Unfortunately, that is like being the fastest guy in the special olympics.

Answer: I wish they were able to realize this... but sadly they are not. they are demented enough to think what they think is right. They think it is okay to tell people who they can marry, what they can do to our own bodies, let the poor suffer while the rich benefit, lie publicly to the public just to get oil, and take our rights away.

I bet I just got a ton of ppl mad at me. but i really don't care. i stand up for what i believe in and what's right. :)

-Democrats in 2008!
Category: Elections

Speaking through the Mask: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of ...

Speaking through the Mask: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Social Identity (
Psychoanalysis and Social Theory) [Norma Claire Moruzzi] on

Pavan K. Varma : When art masks politics - Sardar Patel, Modi and ...

Pavan K. Varma in The Times of India, September 28, 2013 When art masks politics Narendra Modi is a good orator, and his first public speech, (...)

Why is it common practice to shift blame on another person in politics?

To explain two wrongs dont make a right, and if both are wrong then wouldnt it make more sense to acknowledge these failures, rather than point to another event that attacks the opposition. If people did this in serious debates, theyd be thrown out. So if politics is meant to be serious, shouldnt it be that certain guidelines should be followed, in that person has to debate points rather than point to the persons own ideological faults or mistakes their party did.

Its idealistic I admit, but even if political debates became like this again it be a start.

Answer: Politics are inherently hypocritical and self-righteous.

They were not designed to give the people power, but to distract them.

It's always "them" and never "us".

The very nature of politics is to give us an outlet to complain and push the burden of blame onto the "other" side.

Self-righteousness is always a mask for a guilty conscious.

We so badly want to express our true selves but our fear of consequences and social reprisal prevents us from doing so.

As a result we blame others for what we ourselves do, and thus attain a type of Baptism with the water of hypocrisy.

Only once we have blamed others for what we do can we create a type of washing away of our guilty conscious.

Likewise, the inability to be self-critical is often manifested in the assumption of a faithful attitude towards ourselves.

We don't really want to know ourselves-we won't likely be happy with what we find. So we go with what we want to think is true of ourselves-while pointing out the kind of people we really are in others.

Faith is in reality more about what we don't want to believe that is right in front of us than it is the lack of evidence.

Often we will bash down evidence contrary to what we want to believe. We want to believe "they" are a certain way, so evidence against what we want to believe must be in some way corrupted by "them" and hence we never feel bad about not seriously looking into it.

So no, people never really grow up. "But Bobby did it too!" The logic not of a five year old-but of people in general. At least the five year old has an excuse. We do not.
Category: Politics

What percentage of questions in the politics and goverment section abide by the YA guidelines?

How many are legitimate sincere people looking for an answer, as opposed to oafs masking political statements in the form of a question like:
"Why are liberals lazy?" "Do Republicans know how evil they are?" "Why is Obama ashamed of being a racist Muslim?" or "Whos a better liar; Bill or Hillary?"
I do it all the time and its fun, but just wondering what the percentage of questions on YA Politics and Goverment that abide by community guidelines would be.
Ill say 5%.

Answer: about 2%, but if we always followed the rules, life wouldnt be any fun
Category: Elections

politics aside, were you moved seeing Biden choke up talking about losing his first wife and daughter?

i must admit that i was choked up by it. very seldom does a politician drop his mask, it was very moving.

Answer: Some of the responses are amazing. Yes, it was moving. He was thrust into being a single parent and lost his best friend in the process. I feel that it was a deep hurt that still haunts him. Very unfortunate.
Category: Politics

Can the Million Mask March turn a vendetta into a victory? — RT Op ...

The Million Mask March delivered the numbers, but somehow the message got lost somewhere behind the mask. But what this group lacked in succinct communication and a packaged political message, they made up for in ...

The Gift

W HEN a friend told me my mother was giving me a gift, my first instinct was to belt the guy. Its a good thing Ive never belted anybody. Still, what kind of gift is the chance to stand around helplessly while your mother dies? I chalked up my friends comment to one mans attempt at pseudo-spiritual spin. He meant well. Secretly, I sensed he - Essay by Sam Lipsyte, former drug addict, on gift he received from his mother as he cared for her while she was dying of cancer; drawings (L) - Sam Lipsytes most recent book is Home Land, a novel. This essay is adapted from The Gift, published this month in the anthology An Uncertain Inheritance: Writers on Caring for Family, edited by Nell Casey. - By SAM LIPSYTE

Why is the politics section full of religious people & the religion section full of atheists?

You can tell because here there is an overwhelming majority of religious people masked as republicans & they are usually middle age over 40, and in the religion section there is an overwhelm of atheists or liberals.

In this section you can tell that the religious/republicans will get the most thumbs up, but in the religion section they would get the most thumbs down, and vice versa for the atheists/liberals

Answer: I think they should make some sort of atheist forum where you guys can be smug, intolerant douche bags to yourselves and stop bothering people.
Category: Politics

The Stay-at-Home Woman Travels Well

AT a recent shrimp dinner here for Republican women, Ann Romney seemed less like a campaign spouse trawling for votes than like visiting nobility. She was probably the wealthiest person in the room and, according to the crowd, the prettiest, too. You are so beautiful! one woman gushed. Another presented her with flowers. But when the visitor in - Profile of and interview with Ann Romney, 58-year-old wife of Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney; unlike some other candidates wives, she has experience and is at ease on campaign trail; photos (M) - By JODI KANTOR

Do you agree we wear different masks around different people?

I dont really believe there is some true person beneath all the personas. I think the way we act in different situations combines to make us who we are.

For example:
Around my friends I make dirty jokes and Im sort of funny and laid back.
Around my mom Im really open and tell her exactly what is on my mind.
Around my conservative grandpa I never talk about politics.
In school I act a bit smarter and try to participate in class.
Around my younger brother Im strict and argumentative.

Just because when Im by myself Im more artistic and read a lot doesnt make it my true personality. I think my personality is the sum of all these parts.

What do you think?

Answer: This is a cool perspective. Yeah, I feel like a lot of people have some weird idea that the real you is only how you act when no one else is around. But as long as you feel like you when you're wearing your different masks with different people, you're being you... or that's just what I believe. I really think 'who we are' is a feeling, not just what we do. What we do is what we are, not who. So basically if you feel like you, you feel 'at home' with yourself, no matter what mask is on, you're still you? I know I explained that poorly.

In short, I pretty much agree.
Category: Philosophy

Anonymous in Context: The Politics and Power behind the Mask ...

In Internet Governance Paper No. 3: Since 2010, digital direct action, including leaks, hacking and mass protest, has become a regular feature of political life on the Internet. The source, strengths and weakness of this activity ...

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