Deadly Year For Journalists On The Job - NPR (blog): Photo Gallery
Deadly Year For Journalists On The Job - NPR (blog): Videos
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Deadly Year For Journalists On The Job
Its been another deadly year for journalists worldwide. The Committee to Protect Journalists issued a report saying at least 60 reporters, photographers and other members of the media were killed in 2014 while on the job, and that nearly half of those.
Research Examines Character Concerns Versus Performance In The NFL
NCPR News Blog: Inbox NCPR Variety Blog: All In · Agriculture · Crime and. Dec, 18 2014 ��� (Morning Edition) ���. Copyright 2014 NPR. To see more, visit Read full story transcript. Missing some content? Check the source: NPR.
NPRs Book Concierge
Use the filters below to explore some 250 titles NPR staff and critics loved this year. (You can also... ���When journalist Walter Kirn discovers that his friend of 15 years, a man he knew as Clark Rockefeller (wealthy, powerfully connected and, yes.
Japans Beloved Christmas Cake Isnt About Christmas At All
But Christmas didnt catch on as a popular holiday until the postwar years, when the Japanese embraced a glitzy, commercial version of the holiday that was less about religion than about prosperity, explains Konagaya. The Christmas celebrations gave.
From Potatoes To Salty Fries In School: Congress Tweaks Food Rules
Earlier this year, a political food fight ensued after the SNA backed a proposal that would have allowed some school districts that were operating at a net loss to temporarily opt out of the nutrition standards. But the opt-out waiver was dropped after.
Eyeing That BB Gun For Christmas? Dont Go There, Doctors Say
And though BB guns still top the eye doctors list of way-too-dangerous toys, each year there are new contenders for that dubious prize. Like the Air Storm Firetek Bow, which makes it possible to shoot glowing brands across a darkened room. Am I alone.
North-Of-The-Border Horror In Go Down Together
The cast is sprawling, but Files laces is deft at lacing their lives together ��� an incredible feat, considering she wrote these stories for various publications over the course of a dozen years. Four of the ten stories, however, are new to this.
Ferguson: teargas, gunfire and arson following grand jury verdict - as it happened
Many had been pressed around a car broadcasting a live NPR feed of McCullochs statement from a Clayton courtroom. Several stood on the roof, listening intently to the long statement. But around five minutes in, the crowd was running out of patience.
Social Media Drives Stories Of Black Men Being Shot By Police
What you would always see in these other cases or in cases in past decades is that youd see someone after the fact, [with] maybe some bruises or maybe some reports of the injuries they sustained, Laura Casta��eda, a journalism and media professor at.
Doctor Remembered For Dedication To Fighting Deadly Ebola
He liked his job so much. Aissata Khan, another sister, says her brother was born a doctor, and that if you are born into it, then you will really have a passion for it. He [was] born a medical doctor and he died like a doctor, she says. Khans.
Family of Washington Post Reporter Calls on Iran to Free Him
Mr. Rouhanis American-educated foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, who knows Mr. Rezaian and has called him a fair reporter, told NPR last month that the matter was out of his hands. Other Iranian officials have hinted that he is suspected of .
Iran Frees Wife of Detained Washington Post Journalist
During his visit to the United Nations in September, Irans foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, told NPR that Mr. Rezaian was being interrogated ���for what he has done as an Iranian citizen.��� Iran does not recognize dual citizenship and regards Mr.
What Policing Looks Like To A Former Investigator Of Misconduct
It was my first job after graduating from college in 2002, and many of my colleagues were also 22- or 23-year-olds fresh off some elite, verdant, northeastern campus, filling out a resume while contemplating law school. The cops dismissed us as kids.
Bernard Mayes, 85, Dies; Started First US Suicide Hotline
Of all his varied endeavors ��� he was a journalist, a professor and a gay rights activist among other things ��� Mr. Mayes was most proud of San Francisco Suicide Prevention, the hotline he set up in 1961 with a single red telephone in the citys gritty.
Alan Greenspan talks jobs, the economy and borrowing
In five years, if I can look back on all of this and say that our organization is able to truly help people, that I was able to share a little bit of hope, and that I never stopped learning, then I know this all stood for something. Well, now our.
Guns and Graham Zing!s
Wanna bet Marion Hammer becomes a huge advocate of mental health services? Again. Until this all blows over. Thank you, Mr. Gabordi, for Fridays editorial. It is one of the best you have written. #WeAreFSU. Im pretty darn sure that the incoming.
Refusing to Take Sides, NPR Takes Sides With Torture.
National Public Radio, following the lead of the Washington Post (FAIR Blog, 12/9/14) (and in contrast to the New York Times���FAIR Blog, 8/8/14), tries to avoid applying the word torture in its own voice to the tortures described in the recent Senate Intelligence.. None of these examples involve NPR journalists describing torture as torture in their own voice; theyre all consistent with Shepards position that to do so would be to choose sides in this���debate..
Rio Goes High-Tech, With An Eye Toward Olympics. - NPR
In fact, a few years ago a deadly storm inspired the mayor to commission the Operations Center. Now, alarms sound in the. Journalists say it has made the city operations more transparent and effective. Before, we used to. NPR Cities: Urban Life In The 21st Century. Keeping The. They will know, for example, what roads have been closed because of an accident and they can avoid that stretch, making it easier for rescue workers to do their jobs. Wuhans newest��.
Smell Something Rotten? ��� FAIR
Disproving him: Those workers hes talking about are from an entirely different mine owned by Massey--which has appealed the ruling, so even those workers arent back on the job yet (AFL-CIO Blog, 4/16/10).. I can only imagine Dans revulsion to realize that today NPR treats a journalist who has worked for them for 10 years with less regard, less respect for the value of independence of thought and embrace of real debate across political lines than Nixon ever��.
NPR Segment is an Intriguing and Annoying Look at Police.
For example, journalist Lawrence Mower of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, talks with NPR host Neil Conan: MOWER:.. As much as I have to cringe over complaints that cops who kill people (justified or not) are being treated too harshly, it is a (sort of) fair point that police were hired to do a certian job which entailed the potential for deadly force.. Facebook �� Twitter �� Tumblr �� Blogger �� StumbleUpon �� Digg �� Delicious �� Reddit �� Google; Linkedin; Kindle. PRINT��.
Informations Deadly Price: A Dangerous Year for Journalists
This is the time of year when you will read a lot of roundups of media news, but one thing that usually doesnt make those lists is the high price of getting some of the toughest stories.. The Lens photography blog produced tributes to Mr. Hondros and Mr. Hethertington in April. Write A Comment. The race, ethnicity and culture reporting in NPRs series ���Changing Races��� is part of the networks strategy to ���do better about mirroring America,��� the chief executive says.
Now The Details: Why Is Managing NPR So Damn Difficult?
Stern, who Ive known professionally for the ten years he was with NPR, was always regarded as a very smart but impatient guy, with strong ideas and a particular vision of where he wanted NPR to go.. In spite of the best efforts of journalism schools to encourage a sense of professionalism, j-schools graduates are not considered journalists at the moment they receive their diplomas or even once they land their first jobs in a... Simple template. Powered by Blogger.
Your Pocket Guide To Speaking Palinguage (Vol. 1. - NPR
As a social worker I have spent the last 20 years discussing how to reduce the number of teen pregnancies and yesterday I heard a convention attendee say they were thrilled to hear that this child was pregnant. I cannot express how... They will undoubtedly love their child, whom they are choosing to bring into the world, but its going to be a tough road, much tougher than if they had planned ahead and at least finished high school and found jobs first. This difficult��.
NPRs Weekend News Shows Skipped Any Journalism on.
NPR correspondent Michele Kelemen reported on Secretary of State John Kerry for 4 minutes and 22 seconds without a single word about Libya.. MICHELE KELEMEN: Its a job that caps a long career in public service and its likely to be his last chance to make his mark on U.S. foreign policy, so Kerry has been diving right in, spending a lot of time on the thorniest issues in the Middle East. Kelemen. ���For Year-Round Buzz, Beekeepers Fast-Forward Darwinism��� 4.
Embraced by Fox, Juan Williams Blasts NPR | The Maynard.
NPR fired Williams from his news analyst job after he told Bill OReilly on Fox News The OReilly Factor that Muslims dressed in Muslim garb on planes made him nervous.. The National Association of Black Journalists questioned NPRs commitment to diversity a year ago after Greg Peppers, one of two black men in NPRs newsroom management, was fired less than 24 hours after the.. Ed Bark blog: NPRs dopey dismissal of Williams is worthy of a dunce cap
Drop in Journalism Majors May Open New Doors for Niche.
Tamara Keith filled in as host for Scott Simon and related letters she wrote almost 20 years ago to Simon and top NPR correspondents Cokie Roberts and Liane Hansen. ���It was 1995 and. Ultimately, it led to Keiths first radio job.��� And Simon���get. I saw an excellent new documentary film last night called Let the Fire Burn about the longtime feud between the city of Philadelphia and the controversial radical urban group MOVE and their deadly climax May 13, 1985.
Your Question for Sarah Palin : Daydreaming : NPR
What is her plan for providing affordable health care to more Americans, especially the working poor, unwed mothers, children of the unemployed and those with pre-existing conditions who have lost their jobs? Sent by Dennis.. As someone who went to 5 different colleges over 6 years to get her Journalism degree, I would ask Ms. Palin what she will do as vice president to make a college education more affordable and accessible for average Americans. Sent by��.
Code Pink vs. Republican Convention : News and Views : NPR
We believe that the arrests and harassment of working journalists by the police, local and federal officials at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions go against the nature of our democracy... However, just as this freedom does not allow you to shout Fire in a crowded theatre causing a potentially deadly stampede, there are limits on the methods one can employ to exercise these rights.. You can find a list of current NPR blogs at
Video Shows Philly Police Kicking Suspects : News. - NPR
Two days after the fatal shooting of a Philadelphia policeman, (the third city officer slain on duty in two years), video captured by a news helicopter has the citizens of Philadelphia in an uproar. AOL Black. Not knowing the context of this stop, its unfortunate that NPR chose to take sides with this story - exactly what true journalists are NOT supposed to do. Sent by.. News and Views is the companion blog of NPRs news magazine show, News and Notes. It extends��.
Video Captures Deadly Argument at a West Bank Checkpoint
Includes unlimited access to everything on , six print and digital issues of the magazine one week before it goes on sale including this years current Global Thinkers issue, weekday delivery of Morning Brief��.
NPR Counter-Terrorism Series Omits Inconvenient Truths
Listeners never learn from the tax-supported network that FBI agents detained the Khans on four counts of conspiring to support deadly terrorism overseas and funding the Pakistani Taliban with approximately $45,000 from 2008 to 2010.. NPR likewise avoided information that al-Omari lost his state job for, in part, failing to disclose previous employment at Columbus State Community College, from which, according to The Columbus Dispatch, and as noted by a post��.
The Phone That Helped Andy Carvin Report the Arab.
My job at NPR is to be a journalistic test pilot: I experiment with new ways of conducting journalism and figure out what works and what doesnt. At the beginning of the Arab Spring,. But much of the time, the goal was to do a long-term experiment in social media and mobile journalism in which I wasnt working under the assumption that my tweets would ultimately develop into some type of news product, like a blog post or a radio piece. Instead, engaging with people��.