Syrian Cultural Heritage Sites Endangered

Syrian Cultural Heritage Sites Endangered - Voice of America: Photo Gallery

UN voices concern over Syria cultural heritage | Islamic.
UN voices concern over Syria cultural heritage | Islamic.

UN voices concern over Syria cultural heritage | Islamic.

UN voices concern over Syria cultural heritage | Islamic.


UNESCO: Syrias Six World Heritage Sites Endangered | Global Research
UNESCO: Syrias Six World Heritage Sites Endangered | Global Research

UNESCO: Syrias Six World Heritage Sites Endangered | Global Research

UNESCO: Syrias Six World Heritage Sites Endangered | Global Research

six ancient sites in Syria

Congress is making its Modi-phobia evident: BJP - General News.
Congress is making its Modi-phobia evident: BJP - General News.

Congress is making its Modi-phobia evident: BJP - General News.

Congress is making its Modi-phobia evident: BJP - General News.

Syrian cultural heritage

Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.
Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

Directorate-General of

Aleppo Alive: Committing the Endangered Musical Heritage of War.
Aleppo Alive: Committing the Endangered Musical Heritage of War.

Aleppo Alive: Committing the Endangered Musical Heritage of War.

Aleppo Alive: Committing the Endangered Musical Heritage of War.

Heritage of War-torn Syria

Global Heritage Fund | GHF
Global Heritage Fund | GHF

Global Heritage Fund | GHF

Global Heritage Fund | GHF

of cultural heritage.

MEI Editors Blog: UNESCO Lists All Six Syrian World Heritage.
MEI Editors Blog: UNESCO Lists All Six Syrian World Heritage.

MEI Editors Blog: UNESCO Lists All Six Syrian World Heritage.

MEI Editors Blog: UNESCO Lists All Six Syrian World Heritage.

The human losses of the Syrian

Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.
Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

Directorate-General of

UNESCO World Heritage Centre - UNESCO Director-General condemns.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre - UNESCO Director-General condemns.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre - UNESCO Director-General condemns.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre - UNESCO Director-General condemns.

Site of Palmyra, Syrian Arab





Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.
Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

Saving Syrias Cultural Heritage-2013 | Embassy of the United.

of Syrian Archaeology

VOA - Voice of America English News
VOA - Voice of America English News

VOA - Voice of America English News

VOA - Voice of America English News

Soul Lounge host Shawna Renee catches up with soul singer and songwriter

GHN Posts Updated Report by Emma Cunliffe on Damage to Syrias.
GHN Posts Updated Report by Emma Cunliffe on Damage to Syrias.

GHN Posts Updated Report by Emma Cunliffe on Damage to Syrias.

GHN Posts Updated Report by Emma Cunliffe on Damage to Syrias.

In June, a car bomb exploded

Syria - Saving Antiquities for Everyone
Syria - Saving Antiquities for Everyone

Syria - Saving Antiquities for Everyone

Syria - Saving Antiquities for Everyone

Syrian volunteer networks

How Archaelogists Are Trying to Save Syrian Artifacts - SPIEGEL ONLINE
How Archaelogists Are Trying to Save Syrian Artifacts - SPIEGEL ONLINE

How Archaelogists Are Trying to Save Syrian Artifacts - SPIEGEL ONLINE

How Archaelogists Are Trying to Save Syrian Artifacts - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Photo Gallery: Saving Syrias

Islam Times - Its Not Too Late to Save Syrias Cultural Heritage
Islam Times - Its Not Too Late to Save Syrias Cultural Heritage

Islam Times - Its Not Too Late to Save Syrias Cultural Heritage

Islam Times - Its Not Too Late to Save Syrias Cultural Heritage

instructs us: ���Look back

Syrian Cultural Heritage Sites Endangered - Voice of America: Videos

Whale Watching Australian Family Has Close.
Whale Watching Australian Family Has Close.

Whale Watching Australian Family Has Close.

Fraser Island, a UNESCO world heritage site, has a reputation for great whale watching.

Israel : The Real History of Israels Origins (Full.
Israel : The Real History of Israels Origins (Full.

Israel : The Real History of Israels Origins (Full.

The voices of Orthodox Jews who rebel and voice against Zionism is.. +Suzie Zeman LOL@you.

Raccoon Tightrope Walks Across Utility Wires In.
Raccoon Tightrope Walks Across Utility Wires In.

Raccoon Tightrope Walks Across Utility Wires In.

North Korea Wants Joint Investigation With U.S. Over Sony Hack 2014-12-20 11: 11:.. Hey.

Syrian Cultural Heritage Sites Endangered - Voice of America: Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

The blood antiquities funding ISIL

In Iraq, which has experienced a continuous loss of antiquities since the 2003 US-led invasion, nearly 4,500 archaeological sites are now under ISIL control. Looting of its archaeological riches is likely under way. The satellite study shows Syrias.

This Rescued Bunnys Incredible Recovery Is Testament To Hard Work Of Pet.

. Ping required a bath -- almost always not recommended for rabbits, unless under the supervision of a veterinary professional -- to help remove the dry slime he was covered in. A final surgery took care of an abscess that occurred at the site of.

Doggy Day Care In Hawaii Accused Of Covering Up Dogs Gruesome Death

Ponter said when the Manfredis found out, they told us not to talk to anybody and that they had the vet say that he died of natural causes. A few employees quit immediately after the incident, the lawsuit notes, but Ponter said she stayed with the.

Israeli PM Netanyahu: Iran is your enemy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered one of his sternest warnings to date about Iran, suggesting the U.S. is failing to see the countrys intentions in either the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or Iran. Iran is.

NOAA Warns Of Rapid Deterioration of Endangered Corals Due to Deep.

A month ago, state regulators raised the alarm over silt from the Deep Dredge killing Miami corals. Now the feds are stepping in as well. According to documents obtained by New Times, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has issued a .

Cat Hiking Is A Real Thing. A Real, Wonderful Thing That You Can Experience

Every day at Best Friends animal sanctuary in southern Utah, cats are fitted up with a harness and leash and taken for an amble through the spectacular scenery. The reality is a lot of these cats are going to spend the rest of their lives here, says.

Magic Parrot Picks Locks And Escapes Owners

They named him Magic, but they might as well have called him Houdini. A British family is frantically looking for their escaped pet parrot, after the crafty bird apparently picked the locks on his cage and literally flew the coop. Magic was being.

Relics for rifles: Syrian rebels trade antique treasures for weapons (VIDEO)

. Syrian rebels. I am proud to help them,��� he tells RTs Maria Finoshina in a hushed voice.. Syria has six UN world heritage sites, including the capital, Damascus, and the ancient city of Aleppo, which were placed in 2013 on a UN list of.

Sea Lion Attacks Diver Off Santa Barbara Coast (VIDEO)

Sea lions may be adorable -- they surf, they snuggle, they even boogie -- but they can also be terrifying. One freediver had a close call with an aggressive sea lion while spearfishing off the coast of Santa Barbara, California. Chris Okamoto was using.

This Is A Chicken Sneezing. That Is All.

According to, a website dedicated to poultry-raising, sneezing is among the ���most common veterinary complaints of backyard chickens. Chickens suffering from respiratory illness should always be isolated from other birds, and ���given.

Syria: The Twice Betrayed Christians of Maloula

The Monastery of St. Thekla, Maloula, SYRIA ��� It is a truly unique cultural heritage site, the hamlet of Maloula, with Christian sanctuaries and monuments stretching back for more than 16 centuries into the past, yet it has been scarred, traumatized.

Dog Of Nurse Hospitalized For Ebola Wagging His Tail, Safely In Quarantine

As our brave health care worker told us, this dog is a significant part of her life, and we vowed to her family we would do everything in our power to care for her beloved pet, Rawlings said in a statement. I am thankful to the team who has made.

Pet Detective Works For Free, Just Wants Cats And Dogs Back Home Where.

Those long days entail checking websites like where people post photos of their lost and missing pets. Thats followed by a check of Craigslist pet sections. From there, Steele checks a host of different shelters and animal rescue.

How Do You Make Republicans Care About Animal Testing? Anthony Bellotti.

A few years ago, Bellotti merged these two paths with White Coat Waste, a nonprofit whose aim is making folks on the right care about the estimated 25 million vertebrates used every year in U.S.-based laboratories -- many in horrific-sounding.

Cesar Zamora Santana Arrested After Calf Found In Car

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) ��� Police in Southern California have arrested a suspected calf rustler after the animal was found in the back seat of his car. Riverside Animal Services spokesman John Welsh says an officer approached Cesar Zamora Santana early .

Bead by Bead, Saving the Rainforest and Fighting Climate Change

Maintaining their cultural traditions, including handicrafts, is an important part of the Suru�� s 50-year life plan for their territory. This plan has developed to include the sale of carbon credits, whereby the community receives funds for.

Aleppo Alive: Committing the Endangered Musical Heritage.

It is a concert borne of a sentiment to help save the endangered musical heritage of Syria ��� especially of Aleppo, a historically significant centuries-old artistic hub of civilizations.. It may even cause or stimulate a type of altered state known as���tarab��� in listeners, which is typically translated as musical ecstasy and is considered to be an important part of Arab music culture.. The musical voice of Arab America in the Bay Area is Aswat, which is sponsored by Zawaya.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre - UNESCO Director.

To date, three UNESCO World Heritage Sites -- Palmyra, the Crac des Chevaliers, and Aleppo including the Aleppo Citadel -- are being used for military purpose and this raises the risk of imminent and irreversible. I appeal to all parties to the conflict in Syria to abstain from using for any military purpose cultural property or their immediate surroundings, in order to avoid exposing such property to further destruction or damage.. Latin America and the Caribbean

UNESCO: Syrias Six World Heritage Sites Endangered.

Theme: US NATO War Agenda. UNESCO on Thursday added six ancient sites in Syria including a fortress of Saladin and a Crusader castle to the endangered World Heritage list, warning that more than two years of war had inflicted heavy damage.. In February, at least 18 ancient mosaics depicting scenes from Homers ���The Odyssey��� were stolen during illegal excavations on archaeological sites in the countrys northeast, Syrias culture minister said at the time.

Its Not Too Late to Save Syrias Cultural Heritage - Uprooted.

Syrias cultural heritage As Marcus Aurelius instructs us: ���Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future too.��� By definition, our shared global heritage, which has been in the custody of the. today at archeological sites not under the control of fighters on either side of this horrific internecine conflict out of a felt urgent duty to preserve, protect, and even in some instances to reconstruct our endangered global heritage.

UNESCO Lists All Six Syrian World Heritage Sites as.

Putting Middle Eastern Events in Cultural and Historical Context. Friday, June 21, 2013. UNESCO Lists All Six Syrian World Heritage Sites as Endangered by the War. My frequent posting of old pictures as nostalgia for the weekend will be a little different this week, since UNESCO has listed six Syrian World Heritage Sites as endangered due to the fighting there. Weve posted many earlier posts about.. The US and Syria: Diving in or Testing the Waters?. Graham Fuller on Turkey��.

US-led Sanctions Contribute To The Destruction of Syrias.

According to archeological experts here, Syria, with its six UNESCO world heritage sites testifying to its deserved reputation as being one of the most archeologically well-preserved cradles of civilization, may soon to be the most wantonly.. I tried to explain that we have a culture clash in America that means that many Americans overwhelmingly support UNESCO and the work of all sixteen of the UN Specialized Agencies but we also have politicians like Arizona��.

EU Attacks Syrian Global Heritage Sites | Veterans Today

Passed under pressure from the usual suspects (the US, France, Britain, and the international Zionist lobby), the EU measure targets 12 government ministers, none of whom wields or holds police authority of any type. Not a single one. The EU is abandoning Syrias World Heritage sites. The EUs.. The Syrian government has given high priority to the preservation of cultural heritage, a policy that presumably not many in the EU would openly disagree with. Yet the��.

Syria: The Twice Betrayed Christians of Maloula | Foreign.

The Monastery of St. Thekla, Maloula, SYRIA ��� It is a truly unique cultural heritage site, the hamlet of Maloula, with Christian sanctuaries and monuments stretching back for more than 16 centuries into the past, yet it has been scarred,.. As the voices of the few parishioners of St. Thecla flowed for a short while, filling the winding paths and alleys with praises to God and humanity, it seemed almost that even the hundreds of opened and vandalized burial caves on the��.

Relics for rifles: Syrian rebels trade antique treasures for.

Syria has six UN world heritage sites, including the capital, Damascus, and the ancient city of Aleppo, which were placed in 2013 on a UN list of endangered sites. Many treasures from Syrias museums and ancient cities are��.

Hawaii marine reserve may get world heritage status.

Summit County Citizens Voice �� Entries RSS. SUMMIT COUNTY ��� By the end of this month, planet Earth will have a few more of its most cherished spots designated as World Heritage sites, recognized internationally for their outstanding natural and cultural values. And this year, the. Many of the islands and shallow-water environments are important habitats for rare species such as the threatened green sea turtle and the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

READ THIS BOOK ��� October 2014 | VDS Voices | Vanderbilt.

Readers will find this short but deep book rewarding not only because it is a hidden pearl of the Christian mystical tradition but also because it offers a timely opportunity to encounter the diverse heritage of the religious and ethnic communities of Northern. First, the centuries long presence of these minority communities offers us a different picture of the Middle East than the common misperception that the cultures of Iraq and Syria are monolithically Arab and Islamic.

UNESCO adds 25 new sites to World Heritage list | Summit.

The World Heritage List now numbers 936 properties: 183 natural sites; 725 cultural; and 28 mixed. U.S. World Heritage sites include the Grand Canyon and the Everglades, and there is also a list of candidate properties,��.

Top 10 Headlines Today: Fake Rain Created. - Voices

. officially begins this week as the summer solstice marks the longest day of the year. For Americans, summer will begin either on Thursday or Friday���depending on which time zone you live in.���. 6 Syrian World Heritage Sites Now Endangered. ���All six of Syrias world heritage sties have been put on an endangered list by the UNs cultural organisation amid mounting international concern about the countrys increasingly destructive civil war.��� The Guardian. Ancient��.

Can UNESCO save Jewish sites of Iraq and Syria? - Point of.

Last week, a UNESCO conference was hastily convened at its Paris headquarters to discuss what can be done to preserve whats left of heritage sites in Iraq and Syria. But is it too. When a JJAC delegation, accompanied by CRIF, the body representing French Jews, submitted a list of 100 endangered Jewish sites to Mrs Bokova in June, she lent a sympathetic ear.. She called for cultural zones to be established, starting with the great Umayyad mosque in Aleppo.

Syrian Heritage Sites, Holy Places Destroyed In Civil War.

On July 2, 2013, UNESCO director-general Irina Bokova expressed deep concern for Syrias cultural heritage, noting that its loss represented a loss for all mankind.[1] Amnesty Internationals senior crisis response advisor��.

Syrias Conflict and Ancient Plunder - Histories of Things to.

Six new sites inscribed on UNESCOs World Heritage List Jun 27, 2011; Director-General of UNESCO appeals for protection of Syrias cultural heritage Mar 30, 2012; UNESCO Director-General deplores the increasing.. At Europos-Dura ��� explored by French, American and Syrian archaeologists since the 1920s ��� about 300 gang members are using heavy machinery to carry out ���fierce excavation��� that has destroyed 80% of the 56-hectare site with holes up to��.

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