The Crooked Bridge: Mahathir's Revenge

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The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today
The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

It was the crooked bridge that never came to be.

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today
The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

FREE MALAYSIA TODAY. COMMENT. The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge

The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The.
The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The.

The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The.

The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The.

The benefits of demolishing the old causeway were many.

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today
The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge | Free Malaysia Today

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The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The.
The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The.

The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The.

The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The.

Notice the water pipelines that were missing from the crooked bridge

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The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge

CROOKED BRIDGE: Mahathirs revenge for the day he had to beg S.
CROOKED BRIDGE: Mahathirs revenge for the day he had to beg S.

CROOKED BRIDGE: Mahathirs revenge for the day he had to beg S.

CROOKED BRIDGE: Mahathirs revenge for the day he had to beg S.

CROOKED BRIDGE: Mahathirs revenge for the day he had to beg Spore for





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The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge

It was the crooked bridge that never came to be. A proposed. A raised semi-bridge which would allow sea-going vessels to pass unhindered beneath its spans, potentially allowing the free-flow of water and sea traffic for the first time in more than.

Mahathir managed economy better

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FREE MALAYSIA TODAY. COMMENT. The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge. Freelance education researcher Jenny Gryzelius who studied how the voucher system worked in three US schools as well as the nationwide programmes in Sweden and Netherlands came up.

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COMMENT. The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge. KUALA LUMPUR: ���The stigma among Malaysians that men who do womens work at home are like ���pondans��� (transsexuals) should be eradicated as it can have a negative effect on the family institution,��� said.

The Crooked Bridge: Mahathirs Revenge - Malaysians Must.

mahathir crooked bridge2 It was the crooked bridge that never came to be. A proposed new bridge to replace the Pre-War Johor Causeway, it was arguably a thing of breathtaking beauty. The benefits of demolishing the old. A raised semi-bridge which would allow sea-going vessels to pass unhindered beneath its spans, potentially allowing the free-flow of water and sea traffic for the first time in more than half a century.. Now have a glance at The Causeway today:.

Another Brick in the Wall: Pak Lahs tiada maaf raya revenge

The first thing that Pak Lah did when he took over as Prime Minister was to cancel Mahathirs pet projects. The Crooked Bridge to Singapore was one and the Double Tracking Project was the other, which Pak Lah shelved the��.

Putrajaya wont revive crooked bridge. | Din Merican: the.

The proposal to build a ���crooked��� bridge to replace the ageing Causeway, linking peninsular Malaysia to the island republic, was mooted by Dr Mahathir when he was the prime minister... He wants revenge. Now he is appealing to nationalistic and racial feelings to justify his actions that from the beginning was bad. In fact he was cutting his own nose to spite his face. He could have very well told Singapore to go to hell and used the money to make tremendous��.

The real Mahathir Mohamad as seen by Barry Wain | Din.

Malaysia has squandered an estimated RM100 billion on financial scandals under the 22-year rule of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, according to a new book about the former prime minister. According to Barry.. he was a nobody. When he became the PM he exacted out his revenge to the full on these perceived enemies.. It should include how much money was lost due to the cancellation of the crooked bridge and the Johore Baru to Padang Besar railway. 6. What is the��.

Hey, Mahathir���listen up! | *SUSAN LOONEs Blog*

Yes we as Malaysians of all races must REJECT such Racist Opportunists such as Mahathir Mohammad and Ibrahim Ali and say YES to REFORMASI and Yes to 1 Malaysia ! Menyalak-er says:... Dopey should be.. wits0 says: June 30, 2010��.

Next Poll: Should Kedah charge Penang for raw water?

Mukhriz Mahathirs Kedah may try to extract water charges from Penang to raise the states revenue. At the same time, the. Now, why should Malaysian Natures water be used as a commodity to be haggled, demanded payment for and parlayed around as if a state has 100% land-right to its usage/consumption? Or was there a water.. Just like the m kutty who wanted to charge 3 cents to RM6.00, that is 200 times or revenge with a crooked bridge. Singaporean said��.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad: Cancellation of bridge to Singapore

Cancellation of the Bridge to Singapore The Singapore Government had not objected to the building of the Malaysian bridge to replace the Malaysian half of the causeway. This bridge would be 25 metres above the water to��.

Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH: Azalina questioned.

All have been tangled in the web of Umno connections surrounding the ���Crooked Bridge���, planned in the 1990s to replace the Malaysian half of the Johor Causeway, and heavily backed by Mahathir Mohamad, then prime minister, the Johor palace and. 2013) REACHED 12 MILLION HITS TODAY (11.12.2013) THANKS FOR THE CONTINUED SUPPORT.. A lesson for Malaysia: Free ride please, were Gre... Bitchy Nazri takes revenge on Ambiga for exposin.


Ketika Anwar mengadakan komplot sulit dengan sekutunya, Nur Misuari dari MILF, mungkin beliau terlupa memikirkan kekuatan dan kemampuan pasukan keselamatan Malaysia untuk melindungi negara daripada... AsiaOne The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez The Malaysian Insider It was the crooked bridge that never���. Free Malaysia Today Asking a Muslim to remove her tudung for work is wrong Free Malaysia Today Mas Ermieyati���

rockys bru: Pitting a BN elder against another

He keep hounding and pounding on Dollah..for cancelling the crooked bridge project.and support Najib..even he was wrong..because Najib put his son in as a deputy Minister..and performed as he direct from the back.. Other generations turn now. 2. Dr Mahathir though not perfect, managed to rapidly developed Malaysia to what it is today. Did a good job in chopping off Sleepy head Dollah from Putrajaya and save the country from further rapings and destruction��.


The Free Malaysia Today newspaper reported in its article, ���10,000 Tausugs to sail to Sabah,��� that : Thousands of Tausug... The crooked bridge: Mahathirs revenge ��� Andrew Gomez - The Malaysian Insider. 12/21/2014.

The Edge pushes Mahathir off the edge | *SUSAN LOONEs.

Enter the Edge, snippets of the article Lest we forget in Malaysian Insider: Despite Dr Mahathirs selective memory, he cannot absolve himself from the sacking of the Lord President and two other judges in 1988.. Now more than ever the crucial issues are to free up the media, clean up the judiciary, straighten out the police, flush the civil service of deadwood and sleaze, and resuscitate optimism, joy and spontaneous harmony amongst all the cultures and races that��.

Mukriz to stay on in UMNO, deserts Mahathir too | *SUSAN.

So now that Mukriz has deserted his father, too, what now Mahathir? Earlier.. mukriz must follow his father,now he is keeping quiet,i dont think he can become ketua pemuda umno malaysia,i suggest he better get lost. Muda says:... carried out. My goodness, AAB give him his crooked bridge to play and that might just sooth his rage a little, after that give him a rolls royce and all will be ok... Now his free to ampu UMNO more and support his botak boy ! I am sick of��.

Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH: CAN NAJIB SURVIVE.

However, Najib is now facing another thorny problem. Najib is. Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had severely criticised Najibs administration on his blog in August this year, and declared the withdrawal of his support for Najib. However, as Najib. It seems like Najib is wrong for not being obedient, just like Tun Abdullah Badawi who scrapped the crooked bridge plan to replace the current Causeway between Malaysia and Singapore. In addition��.

mi1: RM20mil lobbying fee adds to public wariness over Dr.

News of a RM20million lobbying fee and the Sultan of Johor having a personal stake has added to public suspicion that former premier Mahathir Mohamads crooked bridge project was the usual overpriced government vehicle used to carry out massive. The 85-year old Mahathir ruled Malaysia with a fist of iron from 1981 to 2003 and has been accused of massive corruption, squandering at least US$100billion on wasteful, extravagant and grossly over-priced mega projects.


Video is Rahims sweet revenge. Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz. Can you believe after having done this odd job for Anwar for so many times, he suddenly has a change in heart, stirred by the pangs of conscience and is now thinking in the interests of the nation? Probably what. (Eskay is best known among the media circle as the Johor businessman who is suing the government for rescinding its decision to build the crooked bridge linking Johor to Singapore. Eskay, was��.

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