The Belmont Club: The Fight for the Rebound
Very shortly after the British committed to going down the diplomatic track, the Ayatollahs knew Whitehall was up against a dead-end. Mark Steyn, writing in the the Chicago Sun-Times put it succinctly: Even Oxford and��.
This Day, August 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell.
1851: Luis Schlesinger, a Hungarian born Jew who had fled to the United States after the failed revolutions of 1848 was captured by the Spanish at Pinar del Rio when he led an unsuccessful raid on Cuba under the auspices of Cuban General Narciso Lopez. (As reported... 2007: The Chicago Sun Times book section featured a QandA with Gail Carson Levine author of Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand and a review of What Goes Up by Eric J. Weiner. 2007: In a��.
This Day, August 9, In Jewish History by Mitchell A. Levin
Holtzman indicated to Verdi that he was ready to move from the Sun Times to the Tribune. Verdi contacted George Langford, the Tribs sports editor, setting in motion Holtzmans switch from Chicago s #2 paper, to the Windy��.
Year in review: From scandal-plagued politicians to natural disasters, here.
14 - Conrad Bain, a native of Lethbridge, Alta., who starred as the kindly white adoptive father of two young African-American brothers in the TV sitcom Diffrent Strokes, died at his home in Livermore, Calif. He was 89. 15 - Two massive blasts at.
Owner of halal meatpacking plant in Chicago plotted to kill.
Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts. ���Two Chicago men charged in terror scheme,��� by Natasha Korecki for the Chicago Sun Times, October 28 (thanks to Pamela): When FBI agents at OHare arrested David Headley en route. Helicopters, trucks and SUVs could be seen in front of the building during the raid���. Mickey Motoon thanks to... Only After Zooming Will The Pic Of Her Fail Be Obvious! 30 of the most��.
Obama: The Islamic State ���is not Islamic��� - Jihad Watch
���Obama: ISIL is unique in its brutality ��� full transcript,��� Chicago Sun-Times, September 10, 2014: ���Still, we. In acts of barbarism, they took the lives of two American journalists ��� Jim Foley and Steven Sotloff���. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.��� (Sahih... Only After Zooming Will The Pic Of Her Fail Be Obvious!
Baghdad: Sunni jihadists murder 51 with car bombs in Shiite.
Two other dead bodies, a man and woman, were found in the southeastern district of Zafaraniyah, another police officer said. The number of corpses found with gunshot wounds has been on rise recently in a grim reminder of��.
Immigration: Chicago and the new underground rail.
All of that having been said, I think it would be a disaster for the United States to become a de jure bilingual country, a la Canada and Belgium.. All of that leads me to this article from Chicagos Sun-Times, which reports that Chicagos city council has passed an ordinance prospectively nullifying some versions of proposed federal legislation insofar as they relate to the provision of social... I wasnt there two months when my apartment block was raided by SWAT.
Free speech, war, and academic freedom | Philosophers for.
Fred Rodewald served a two-year prison sentence for commenting that Americans ���would have hard times [unless the Kaiser] didnt get over here and rule this country.��� Albert Brooks was arrested for demanding: ���[T]hose who��.
The Belmont Club: Rezko, Auchi and Obama
In 2002, officers from the Serious Fraud Squad raided the offices of one of Auchis drug companies as part of an investigation of what is alleged to be the biggest swindle ever of the NHS.. The gist of the Times story is that the Rezkos were broke at the time the Chicago property developers wife bought a garden lot for full price just as Barack Obama was sold the house adjacent at a $300,000 discount. Obama later... [Sweet column, Chicago Sun-Times, 3/8/07].
Tangible Information: USA murder-robots kill and mame
He writes frequently for academic publications and newspapers, including Global Affairs, Middle East Quarterly, The Philadelphia Inquirer, National Review, and the Chicago Sun-Times. Coalition Against Terrorist Media
Occupy DC thugs plan violent disruption of CPAC - Jihad.
The planned disruptions at CPAC come only days after U.S. Park Police raided Occupiers��� tent cities at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., confiscating a number of tents, and prohibiting Occupiers from. While our soldiers fought and died in Korea and Viet Nam and we played chicken with Russia, our major universities employed communist professors who indoctrinated a generation or two of young Americans with the evil ideology we were��.
Marathon Pundit: June 2006
Now, according to the Chicago Tribunes Phil Rosenthal, Yusef may be interested in buying Chicagos # 2 newspaper, the Sun-Times and various suburban newspapers. From the Tribune (free registration required): But with��.
Change of Subject: GOP now the Party of `Noooooooooo!
Jihadist guerrillas, attempting to spring their buddies with a raid on the remote supermax prison, deciding, while theyre in the neighborhood, to attack a nuclear power plant 22 miles away and bomb skyscrapers in Chicago 150 miles away!. Theres no pleasing the GOP at this point; when a majority of them believe Obama stole the election, thats a good sign that any attempt by the president to appease or even listen to them is a waste of valuable time and energy.
Report: Islamic State has executed 100 foreign jihad.
London (AFP) - The Islamic State extremist group has executed 100 of its own foreign fighters who tried to flee their headquarters in the Syrian city of Raqqa, the Financial Times newspaper said Saturday. An activist. According to the British press in October, five Britons, three French, two Germans and two Belgians wanted to return home after complaining that they ended up fighting against other rebel groups rather than Assads regime... Ramadan Death Count��.
Travel news - Wikitravel
9 Jan. French police have stormed two hostage sites in the Paris area, killing three hostage takers. Two brothers suspected in the Charlie Hebdo magazine shootings died in an assault at a warehouse where they had been holding a hostage��.
Photos of the day - Montreal Gazette
TOPSHOTS A Syrian Kurdish woman walks in a refugee camp in the town of Suruc, Sanliurfa province, on October 17, 2014 during sun rise. Kurdish rebels have been infuriated by the lack of action by Turkey against Islamic State (IS) jihadists trying to take the mainly Kurdish town of Kobane just across the Syrian border. ARIS MESSINIS... Guests congratulate a bride and groom after they were married outside the Civil Registry headquarters in. Opperations Manager��.