Bipartisan Senate deal aims to avert DHS shutdown

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Bipartisan Senate deal aims to avert DHS shutdown
Bipartisan Senate deal aims to avert DHS shutdown

SOPA Blackout Aims To Block Internet Censorship Bill

This is a signal that Hollywood is really rattled by these protests and worried about where this bill is heading, said Josh Levy, Internet campaign director for, a nonprofit media watchdog group. Both the House and Senate versions of the anti-piracy bill have enjoyed bipartisan support from Hollywood-friendly lawmakers, but momentum has foundered of late.. A means to shut down free speech by merely mentioning piracy, be it piracy or not.

Close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center - PolitiFact

19, the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act for 2014, which contained a provision making it easier for the government to transfer detainees to foreign countries. Before detainee transfers could take place. The deal was a sign of progress toward closing the prison, said Cully Stimson, a senior legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation and former deputy assistant secretary of defense for detainee affairs. Stimson said he expects the Obama��.

New GOP Senate Chairs Aim To Undo Obama Policies

The all-GOP Congress ��� Republicans also have a commanding majority in the House ��� gives the powerful Senate committee heads a newfound opportunity to steer legislation and help shape the national debate... Hatch could be a free-trade ally for.

Debt Ceiling Deadline Looming - YouTube

Senate leaders neared the completion Monday night of a bipartisan deal to raise the debt ceiling and end the government shutdown while the rest of the world.. Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) There is already very serious talk of cutting their losses and spreading their wealth elsewhere so as to avoid this kind of disaster from ever happening. The Republicans are a��.

House Dems block charitable tax bill

House Republicans tried to fast-track the bill, with time quickly running out on the current Congress and more pressing issues like funding the government still looming. Even if the House passed the measure, there was no guarantee the Senate would have .

Koch-Funded Group Says GOP Responsible For Pushing Policy In New Congress

In the 1990s Bill Clinton worked with a Republican Congress, which balanced the budget in consecutive years, passed truly historic welfare reform and passed [the North American Free Trade Agreement], he pointed out. We were healthier economically .

Democrats Warn Obama They Dont Have His Back On Trade Plans

. in his State of the Union address. Thats why Im asking both parties to give me trade promotion authority to protect American workers, with strong new trade deals from Asia to Europe that arent just free, but are also fair. He added, Its the.

Government Shutdown Threat Prompts Obama, GOP To.

It represents bipartisan agreement reached between leaders in the House, the White House and the Senate with the details being worked out by members of appropriations,��� said Sen. Daniel Inouye.. The Associated Press reports: WASHINGTON ��� President Barack Obama has signed the first rollback of last years health care law, a bipartisan repeal of a burdensome tax-reporting requirement thats widely unpopular with businesses. The bill Obama signed��.

Obama: There Were No Winners In This Government.

A little more than 48 hours after the 2013 government shutdown came to a close, President Barack Obama used his first weekly address since to stress that Washington needs to change. Obamas. If were going to free up resources for the things that help us grow ��� education, infrastructure, research ��� we should cut what we dont need, and close corporate tax loopholes that dont help create jobs.. The Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support.

Gaza in Arizona

Addressing the American people, he referred to bipartisan immigration legislation passed by the Senate in June 2013 that would, among other things, further up-armor the same landscape in whats been termed -- in language adopted from recent U.S. war.

Senators U.S.-Mexico Border Tour Runs Into Agents.

A bipartisan group of senators crafting a sweeping immigration bill vowed Wednesday that they would be ready to unveil it when Congress reconvenes in less than two weeks after getting a fir.. By CRISTINA SILVA, The Associated Press. which is close to finalizing a bill aimed at securing the border and putting 11 million undocumented immigrants on a path to citizenshipThe lawmakers reassurance that their work would be complete by the week of April 8 came��.

Wall Street firms accused of driving up commodity prices

Machinations by financial firms that have bought up huge swaths of coal mines, aluminum warehouses, or natural gas reserves could be leading to higher prices for consumers and companies that rely on those natural products, a new Senate report alleges.

Lawmakers Continue Pushing For Iran Legislation, Despite Obamas Veto Threat

Nobody around the world, least of all the Iranians, doubt my ability to get additional sanctions passed should the negotiations fail, Obama said earlier this month in a joint press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron.. Mark Kirk (R.

Ron Johnson Voices Support For Bipartisan Budget Deal

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) announced his intent to vote for a bipartisan budget deal in a statement on Sunday. The budget agreement was reached by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.). Politics �� Pollster �� Elections 2014 �� 2016 �� Eat The Press �� HuffPost Hill �� CPI �� Third Metric �� Howard Finemans Political Read.. Cox has taken it upon himself to mow and clean up the grounds around the Lincoln Memorial during the government shutdown.

U.S. collects trove of online data ��� BUSH CRITICS TURN.

U.S. collects trove of online data ��� BUSH CRITICS TURN WRATH ON OBAMA ��� Immigration debate hits floor ��� IRSs Mr. Spock apologizes ��� Christie appoints interim senator ��� 20,997 DAYS FOR DINGELL.. Detroit Free-Press, A1, ���Day 20,997 of service: Record set by Dingell,��� By Todd Spangler: ���A lunch with ex-staffers, dinner with a few family friends ��� an otherwise quiet Friday on Capitol Hill. Thats how John David Dingell Jr. plans to celebrate day 20,997 on��.

House Tries To Stop All New Government Rules

The measure, called the Regulatory Accountability Act, has been passed by the House before, but stood no chance in the Senate when it was controlled by Democrats. With the GOP in the majority, it is at least likely to get a vote in the upper chamber.

Republicans Wage Last-Minute Campaign To Undermine Net Neutrality Rules

President Barack Obama, who supports stronger regulations, has asked the FCC to reclassify broadband Internet under Title II of the Telecommunications Act, a move that would allow the agency to prevent Internet providers from charging customers for.

Key Obamacare Official Stepping Down

Like Burwell, Slavitt boasts a background in corporate management, which may aid his prospects for Senate confirmation should the president ultimately decide to nominate him for the top post. But any nominee would face a confirmation battle in a Senate .

Libertarian lawmaker blocks international tax treaties.

has been holding up treaties with Hungary, Luxembourg and Switzerland in the Senate for well over a year now, a turn of events that has angered business interests that have called approval of those sorts of agreements routine. ADVERTISEMENT. Liberal groups have more recently joined in the efforts to free up the treaties, which they say would help smooth the implementation of a law aimed at cracking down on Americans who use foreign banks to cheat on their��.

Dreamers At State Of The Union Hope Obama Continues To Push Forward On.

In 2014, it was Avila. And this year, 21-year-old Dreamer Ana Zamora was one of Michelle Obamas guests. Other undocumented immigrants, some of them Dreamers, also attended this year, as guests of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Reps.

Government Shutdown: Obama Signs Bill To Reopen.

The Senate voted 81 to 18 Wednesday night to reopen the federal government and raise the nations borrowing limit, hours before the Treasury Department faced the possibility of bei.. ���The House has fought with everything it has to convince the president of the United States to engage in bipartisan negotiations aimed at addressing our countrys debt and providing fairness for the American people under Obamacare, Boehner said after he finally waved the white��.

In 83 Speeches, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Pushes For Climate Change Action

The Rhode Island Democrats ever-changing, ever-present floor speeches ��� warnings over rising sea levels, warmer oceans, eroding coastlines and more ��� make him the Senates loudest, most persistent voice on the dangers of climate change.

Unions aim to lock collective bargaining into state. - The Hill

���It should be engrained in a way that it cant be at the whim of a newly-elected politician or a statehouse or a state senate thats flipped over.���. The United Auto Workers, headquartered in Detroit, accounted for $3.3 million of the donations, with another $1.5 million coming from the National Education Association and $1 million from the Teamsters.. McConnell moves to prevent Homeland Security shutdown.. Bipartisan demilitarization bill to be released Tuesday��.

Rory Cooper of Cantor Press Shop Lands at Purple Strategies

Cooper, left, is joining a bipartisan firm.. He padded his r��sum�� in a number of roles: policy adviser at the Department of Energy, government affairs director at NASA and, at the White House, as a member of the team that helped create the Department of Homeland Security after the Sept.. As any one of his more than 8,500 Twitter followers knows, hes a devout Tigers, Red Wings and Lions fan, having grown up in Franklin, Michigan, just 20 miles outside of Detroit.

Mitch McConnell: Keystone XL Pipeline Will Be My First Bill

WASHINGTON -- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who will take charge of the chamber next month when the new GOP-led Congress takes office, offered a taste of his priorities Tuesday, telling reporters the first action taken on his watch.

A Republican Congress Cant Repeal Obamacare. That.

With control of the Senate assured after Tuesdays elections, is the GOP poised to undo the Affordable Care Act root and branch, as soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is fond of. Here are some of the most likely provisions of Obamacare a fully Republican Congress could take aim at... This happened because of Obamas policies, their effects on stagnant middle class wages, and his complete inability to negotiate bipartisan solutions.

Mitch McConnell Pledges Fast Action For Secretive Trade Deals

During his first presidential campaign he criticized trade deals and even pledged to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement.. But McConnell said giving Obama the power to proceed would be an example of Republicans coming together with.

Warren digs in against Obama pick

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) delivered her most stinging rebuke yet against President Obamas top Treasury nominee on Tuesday, railing against the cozy relationship between Washington and Wall Street. ���The revolving door rips the heart out of.

Child Protection News (gathered nationally ��� find your state.

SC: Aiken DSS deals with high volume of child cases.. The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) has a new online training opportunity for mandatory reporters who are required by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect... Last night, the U.S. Senate approved bipartisan child welfare legislation aimed at reducing child sex trafficking, increasing adoptions and improving child support collections... Detroit Free Press ��� September 18, 2014

Morning Briefing | Kaiser Health News

The Associated Press: Treasury Issues Reprieve For Health Law Tax Errors.. John] Barrasso, who is one of three Senate Republicans tasked by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell with shaping a GOP replacement plan if the court sides with the challengers in the case... The Hill: Rehab Hospitals Press Congress To Avert Payment Cuts A trade.. New Mexico is the only state with a 24/7 registered nurse call center that is free to all residents, whether insured or not.

OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Keystone clears hurdle in Senate

McConnell moves to prevent Homeland Security shutdown · McConnell moves to prevent. McConnell is splitting the fight over immigration from Homeland Security. Giuliani: Obama comments hit a nerve. Giuliani: Obama comments hit a. ���I said it.

This Week in Washington - McDonald Hopkins

On Tuesday, House conservatives looking to bring down House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) fell short, showing that leadership, emboldened by a massive majority in the House and compatriots leading the Senate, may have an easier time operating amid fickle and. While Keystone opponents are scrambling to prevent a veto-proof majority, theyre also planning Senate amendments aimed at forcing Republicans to take tough votes en route to passing the bill.

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