About 150 injured in police suppression of protest in southern Brazil

Americas: 2011 - Committee to Protect Journalists
Americas: 2011 - Committee to Protect Journalists
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India and coal - SourceWatch
Panama Guide - Thousands of Articles in English
Panama Guide - Thousands of Articles in English
Ukraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ukraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Violent protests in Brazil leave 50 wounded. | revolution-news.com
Violent protests in Brazil leave 50 wounded. | revolution-news.com
La Prensa :: Portada
La Prensa :: Portada
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Injured | Conga Conflict
2014���15 Venezuelan protests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2014���15 Venezuelan protests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2 People injured, homes damaged in magnitude-5.8 earthquake in.
2 People injured, homes damaged in magnitude-5.8 earthquake in.
La Prensa :: Portada
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The CELESTIAL Convergence: 04/13/14
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Duke and Duchess of Cambridge await birth of 2nd child :: La.
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Controversial Topics: Doomsday Clock reads 11.57: Atomic.

Difficulty in ridding the world of nuclear weapons and harnessing nuclear power; Potential for nuclear weapons use in regional conflicts in the Middle East, Northeast Asia, and South Asia described as alarming; Difficulty dealing with.. global threat analysts and that some corporations have been spending billion of dollars in building under ground bunkers such as the one in the picture build East of Los Angeles in the desert Mojave High Desert where some has sold��.

Confrontation, repression in Correas Ecuador - Committee.

. by Carlos Laur��a. President Rafael Correa rips a copy of the national daily La Hora during a conference in. The nationwide police protests���which led to three fatalities, dozens of injuries, and the shutdown of airports and highways���also marked a low point in government restrictions on the news media.. And in April 2009, Brazil s Supreme Federal Tribunal voided the 1967 Press Law, a measure that had imposed harsh penalties for libel and slander. Regional��.

Alex Constantines Blacklist: Lexington Comair Crash, Parts.

CIA-trained police, cocaine smuggling, political murders. Whod think to find.. The firm, DDH Aviation, has fallen under the scrutiny of the Federal Aviation Administration as part of an investigation into a February 2005 crash at New Jerseys Teterboro Airport that injured 20 people. The jet is.. According to the Federal Times, the U.S. Southern Command contacted the GSA in October 2002 for help in hiring interrogators for the prison at Guantanamo Bay. The GSA put��.

Travel advisories for journalists | J-source.ca

These areas include points of entry from Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda; North and South Kivu provinces; Ituri district; Garamba National Park and the areas near the South Sudanese and Ugandan borders. The Democratic. A journalist and nine technicians were injured in the attack. Read the full report. La Voix de Djibouti reporter Mohamed Ibrahim Waiss was at a protest by the opposition Union for National Salvation when he was arrested. Read the full report��.

Trevor Loudons New Zeal Blog �� Panetta Hearing for.

In 1986, Panetta publicly endorsed protests against Reagans ���illegal and extraordinarily vicious wars against the poor of Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala.��� ���Panettas bias in favor of revolutionary Marxist movements in Latin America helps explain why the CIA has been spectacularly unsuccessful in stopping the advance of Hugo Chavez and his minions south of the U.S.. And what if any intel has he given to other countries that will hurt us in the future?

Pro-Russian rioters kill and maim Ukrainians in Donetsk

A mob of pro-Russian protesters savagely attacked a pro-Ukrainian rally with clubs, metal rods, rocks, tear gas, and smoke bombs, killing a 22-year-old local man and seriously injuring scores of others Thursday in Lenin. As the police succeeded in letting most of the pro-Ukrainian side leave the square, they themselves got surrounded by an angry mob, with about twenty bloodied people huddled together next to a police bus inside a protective circle of policemen.

Washington on Honduras: The Tight Rope Walker.

On this day in 1859, a French acrobat named Charles Blondin walked above the rushing waters of Niagara Falls on a tightrope ��� exactly 150 years later, President Barack Obama probably knows the feeling���. Mr Ikeda hit the nail on the head as he writes: ���Seeing as that Obama had promised the South American governments that we will follow an orientation of dialogue in conditions of diplomatic solutions, it seems that he is demonstrating a new role for the first��.

Trevor Loudons New Zeal Blog �� Black Criminals, White.

The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result. Over the past 10 years, on average, 150 police officers have been killed in the line of duty every year. Fifty-seven. At least seven people have been killed and hundreds, if not more, injured. Another... Mathaba (Libya) �� South African Communist Party.

About 150 injured in police suppression of protest in southern Brazil

About 150 people were injured Wednesday in the southern Brazilian city of Curitiba, capital of the state of Parana, when police broke up a demonstration staged by teachers to protest the modification of retirement rules. According to the Curitiba City.


Make success the Central Region Bandh on April 27 protesting the massacres and destruct ion perpetrated by the police, Special Commando/Grey Hounds and Ce ntral paramilitary forces of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtr a and. in the world are resorting to unprecedented brutality on the people, particularly the Adivasis, who have been victims of the most cruel exploitation, oppression, suppression, injustice, discrimination and neglect since generations.

Bolivia to Celebrate Che Guevaras 85th Birthday | Systemic.

La Paz, Jun 13 (Prensa Latina) The 85th anniversary of the birth of Cuban-Argentinian guerrilla Ernesto Guevara (Che) is remembered today in several places in Bolivia, and will include the screening of a movie in his honor��.

USA: bankster dictatorship in Detroit cuts water to citizens

A mere 60-days delay or a debt of more than USD 150 is enough to loose access to water under the draconian bourgeois dictatorship. Detroit is in bankruptcy since last year and this has been used as pretext to suppress��.

My View on Human Rights in The Buenos Aires Herald.

���The MOU, which is now being considered by Argentinas Congress for approval, is an affront to the memory of those citizens of Argentina who lost their lives and were injured by the barbarous act of terrorism in Argentinas capital city.. Nowadays, the appropriate terminology is ���trafficking in persons��� as referred to in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (also referred to as the Trafficking Protocol)��.

Anarcho-syndicalism in Peru, 1905-1930 - Steven Hirsch

Not surprisingly, given this context, the massive influx of European immigrants that catalyzed the anarcho-syndicalist labour movements in Argentina and Brazil bypassed Peru. Yet Peru was not. Although the influence of anarcho-syndicalism was strongest in Lima-Callao, it also spread to working-class elements along Perus northern coast, and central and southern highland regions1... Troops and mounted police were deployed to break up the demonstrations.

Press Freedom Index 2013

Azerbaijan (156th, +6) and Belarus (157th, +11) both fell last year after using violence to suppress opposition demonstrations and this year they just moved back towards their appalling former positions. Chile (60th, +20) is beginning to recover after.

Martyrs Day: Information from Answers.com

U.S. Army units became involved in suppressing the violence after Canal Zone police were overwhelmed, and after three days of fighting, about 21 Panamanians and four U.S. soldiers were killed. The incident is considered to be. Led by 17-year-old Guillermo Guevara Paz, 150 to 200 students from the institute marched to Balboa High School, carrying their schools Panamanian flag and a sign proclaiming their countrys sovereignty over the Canal Zone. They had first informed their��.


Former state home minister Nand Kumar Patel was also had the history of suppressing the people.. attack some innocent people and some lower level Congress party activists who were in fact not our enemies, were also killed and injured caught in the two-hour long gun battle that ensued between our guerrilla forces and the armed police forces.. He played a key role in forcibly taking away the lands by suppressing the people with support of brutal police force.

The Gun Ban Lobby and Its Funders - Trevor Loudon

Thus the gun ban lobby actually includes the ACLU, Women Strike for Peace, People for the American Way, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Physicians for Social Responsibility, National Council of La Raza, as well as labor,. (Yes, the gun control Left has captured the national leadership of such groups as the American Academy of Pediatrics, which has stated, ���The most effective way to prevent firearm-related injury to children is to keep guns out of��.

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