State Department shuts down its e-mail system amid concerns about hacking
The State Department scrambled over the weekend to secure its unclassified e-mails, shutting down the entire e-mail system after finding evidence suggesting a hacker may have been been poking around. A senior State. But on Sunday, after the.
Electric Politics | The U.S. Aggression Process and Its.
But the aggression pace and scale has been stepped up in recent years, based on a number of factors: The collapse of the containing power, the vested interests in U.S. power projection in the Middle East ��� the Israeli lobby, oil interests,... That no mention is made that Iran also has long advocated a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, as well as extending IAEA safeguards to all states in the region; and that every year the UN General Assembly votes by��.
Spains Real Madrid drops cross from logo to appease Gulf sponsors
Spanish soccer heavyweight Real Madrid dropped the Christian cross affixed at the top of its official crest after signing a lucrative sponsorship deal with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi. At an unveiling ceremony in the Gulf emirate earlier this week.
Turns out Pope Francis didnt make the pets-in-heaven comment
And Benedettini recalled that Francis was pleased when a group that looks after stray dogs once brought some animals to his general audience. When he made a Christmas season visit to a parish in Rome last year, Francis let a young girl place a lamb on.
Drug cartel members join Mexican militia in Michoacan
TEPALCATEPEC, Mexico ��� For a man who faked his own death by posing with red paint running down his neck and who has recorded a video tell-all to be sent to the DEA in the event he is murdered, Jos�� Santiago Valencia Sandoval seems to lead a .
Israeli and Iranian officials to attend European WMD meeting
Senior officials from both countries and most Arab states are due to take part in an EU seminar on creating a WMD-free zone in the Middle East.. Washington is demonstrating the importance it attaches to the meeting by sending Gary Samore, President Obamas advisor on nuclear weapons policy, to give a keynote address. Technically, this meeting is part of the. Cannes faces backlash after women reportedly barred from film screening for not wearing high heels��.
Wider cooperation with Iran would be in the EUs strategic interest
Iran is currently in talks with the UK, France, Germany, Russia, China and the United States over the countrys nuclear programme, with the aim of reaching a framework for a comprehensive deal before the end of March.. This means leading a drive to.
This future Army grenade could kill enemies hiding behind walls
���Airburst after detecting defilade is the first. Then, the default is point detonation or when it hits the target. Lastly there is a self-destruct feature which decreases collateral damage and reduces unexploded ordnance left on the battlefield or.
Justice Dept. announces new rules to curb racial profiling by federal law.
The Obama administration on Monday formally announced long-awaited curbs on racial profiling by federal law enforcement, but the new rules will not cover local police departments, which have come under criticism in recent months over allegations that.
Scenes from the chaotic attack on Yemens presidential palace
The prospect of civil war in Yemen raises significant security concerns for Washington. The State. The State Department abandoned its embassy in Tripoli, Libya, in July with help from Marines after fighting escalated there and raised new security.
Climate change threatens national security, Pentagon says
The plan was released as Hagel attended a conference in Peru with his counterparts from across North and South America. In remarks released alongside the 20-page report, Hagel said the Pentagon is nearly done with a survey that will assess the .
Netanyahus Congress Speech: Manipulating the Middle.
The battle over Irans nuclear capability is as much a struggle for the maintenance of a military power structure in the Middle East that is dominated by Israel and conservative Arab states as it is one of political power.
UN nuclear conference collapses over WMD-free zone in the Middle East
UNITED NATIONS ��� An attempt to strengthen and expand the worlds premier arms-control treaty ended in failure here Friday as international delegations squabbled over a long-sought goal of establishing a ban on weapons of mass destruction in the Middle .
Iran War Weekly - June 24, 2012 | War Is A
Other articles linked below include a useful piece on the status of the UN discussions about a ���nuclear free zone��� in the Middle East; a set of articles about the latest US ���cyberwar��� attacks; and an interesting review article about the life of. Iran and world powers have agreed to continue negotiations at a technical level over Irans nuclear program, staving off a collapse of talks after two days of difficult discussions in Moscow, where hard-line positions did not budge.
Reigniting the NPT - The Peoples Voice
On March 28, 2005, Former President Jimmy Carter, wrote for the Washington Post, While claiming to be protecting the world from proliferation threats in Iraq, Libya, Iran and North Korea, American leaders not only have abandoned existing treaty restraints but also have. At the 1995 NPT conference, member states unanimously supported a resolution backing the idea of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons as well as other weapons of mass destruction..
Time to establish WMD-free zone in the Middle East.
In 2015 the world community will mark 20 years since the 1995 NPT Review Conference called for ���the establishment of an effectively verifiable Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, chemical and��.
Approaching the Tipping Point: Nuclear Non-Proliferation in.
There have been suggestions by Washington as to, for example, reducing New Start levels. But the. And over and above that, since the last review conference, theres been a steady and growing drumbeat of whats being called the humanitarian initiative sponsored by over 150 states. And this, I.. You mentioned the fact that basically, theres been a���since, I think it was since 1970, Egypt first looked (ph) the idea of a nuclear���a WMD-free zone for the Middle East.
The momentum toward a world free of nuclear weapons has reversed
There was more amusement than alarm at a conference of 800 nuclear specialists in Washington, D.C., in March, when a senior Air Force general, eerily channeling George C. Scott in ���Dr. Strangelove,��� offered a nostrils-bared defense of ���an ability to.
Iran and the G20 meeting: Creating a Crisis to Cover Divisions
The movement further called for the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East and called for a comprehensive multilaterally negotiated instrument which prohibits threats of attacks on nuclear facilities devoted to peaceful uses of nuclear energy.. But after the 1979 Iranian Revolution overthrew this U.S.-imposed dictatorship and reasserted national control over Irans own oil and gas resources, Washington ended all nuclear cooperation.
What is Charlie Hebdo, the provocative satirical newspaper attacked by gunmen.
In September 2012, Charlie Hebdo chose its next moment, after a low-budget American anti-Islam film sparked riots in the Middle East. The images of. Wednesday. Over the years, Muslim anger at the weekly publication has burned slowly in the background.
A Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East | Univ.-Prof.
The Review Conferences to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1995[3] and 2000 also called for negotiations on a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, and the final document of the 2010 NPT Review Conference[4]. 2010, the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) adopted a resolution[5] welcoming the initiatives on the establishment of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the Middle East; at the��.
AUSPC2013 | Exercising Its Role in World Affairs ��� Prince.
The statement specified Syria, a Middle East WMD Free Zone and Israel-Palestine as among the cases behind its dissatisfaction with the UNSC and that Saudi Arabia could not join the body ���until the Council is reformed and enabled, effectively and practically,. The scene was set for the long anticipated keynote remarks from Prince Turki Al-Faisal, former Ambassador to the United States, to the annual Arab-US Policymakers Conference in Washington on Tuesday.
France backs off sending Mistral warship to Russia in $1.7 billion deal
French officials said Wednesday that they will not deliver the first Mistral-class amphibious warship that Russia had ordered from Paris as part of a $1.7 billion weapons sale, a strong rebuke after months of aggressive actions by Russia in eastern.
2012 Conference on a WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East.
conference should adopt a declaration confirming the commitment of conference participants and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to establishing a WMD-free zone in the. Middle East. In conclusion, I believe that the conference will be. positions and the dominance of the old Israeli-Egyptian nuclear dispute over the conferences agenda.. States is unable to invest any political power to make it happen (perhaps after the November election,.
National Security UN nuclear conference collapses
U.N. nuclear conference collapses over WMD-free zone in the Middle East. By Dan Zak May 22 at 11:18 PM. UNITED NATIONS ��� An attempt to strengthen and expand the worlds. Washington Post, - 39 minutes ago��.
Regions That Say No: Precedents and Precursors for.
In the following report Michael Hamel-Green reviews the historical and institutional precedents supporting recent proposals to establish a nuclear weapons free zone both on the Korean Peninsula and in the wider Northeast Asian region... 2012 UN Middle East WMDFZ conference to be hosted by Finland is a major and critically important initiative for addressing nuclear and WMD proliferation in that region and averting a potential collapse in the whole NPT non-proliferation regime.
Hegemony and Appeasement: Setting Up the Next U.S..
Bush, the Washington Post reported, ���reversing three decades of nonproliferation policy,���persuaded Congress to make an exception for India despite its not having signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.��� Within disarmament and non-proliferation circles. Despite the fact that Iran advocates the establishment of a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East���as does every other state in the region, with one exception. Despite the fact that in order to satisfy the��.
These 14 walls continue to separate the world
According to data researched by ��lisabeth Vallet, a scholar at the University of Quebec in Montreal, and visualized by The Washington Post, the number of walls worldwide remained stagnant after the fall of the Berlin Wall briefly. However.. The.
Might Israel Ever Surrender Its Nukes? | Consortiumnews
Israel last week sent its first observer in 20 years to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference, which is held every five years at U.N. headquarters in New York. Israel, which is not a NPT member and has never confirmed that it possesses nuclear weapons, also has taken part in five rounds of negotiations in Geneva on establishing a WMD-free zone in the Middle East. However, the veil fell away for the worlds worst kept secret when the U.S.��.
The tragic plan for a monument to Qatars dead World Cup workers
Controversy surrounds the questionable award of the 2022 soccer World Cup to Qatar. FIFA, the sports governing body, still faces scrutiny over how the tiny Gulf state managed to triumph over what seemed to many to be far more realistic bids.
I had to fight my little inner demon: The scramble to save wounded Marine.
The platoon ��� with 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines, of Camp Lejeune, N.C. ��� had worked under fire for most of the previous day to build an outpost, Patrol Base Dakota, named after another Marine, Lance Cpl. Dakota Huse, who had died nearby two weeks .
Wide Asleep in America: The Language of Power: Obamas.
Early last year, an unnamed U.S. intelligence official told the Washington Post that Iran has not decided to pursue nuclear weapons, explaining, Our belief is that they are reserving judgment on whether to continue with key steps they. Iran has long championed a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East and is a party to all disarmament treaties on weapons of mass destruction, including the Biological Weapons Convention, Chemical Weapons��.