An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria

Banned In Britain - Busy Recruiting From All Over.
Banned In Britain - Busy Recruiting From All Over.
Syria conflict Surge in fighting death toll - YouTube
Syria conflict Surge in fighting death toll - YouTube
UK troops training Kurdish forces in Iraq, says MoD.
UK troops training Kurdish forces in Iraq, says MoD.
Italian aid workers held hostage in Syria arrive in.
Italian aid workers held hostage in Syria arrive in.
2014 September 15 Breaking News ISIS ISIL video.
2014 September 15 Breaking News ISIS ISIL video.
Jailed - the British jihadist who travelled to Syria.
Jailed - the British jihadist who travelled to Syria.
Syrian Forces Kill American, British Citizen Accused.
Syrian Forces Kill American, British Citizen Accused.
Amazing Khmer - Turkey Trained PKK Women.
Amazing Khmer - Turkey Trained PKK Women.
[HOT NEWS] VIDEO American aid worker executed.
[HOT NEWS] VIDEO American aid worker executed.
[HOT NEWS] New ISIS Video Reportedly Shows the.
[HOT NEWS] New ISIS Video Reportedly Shows the.
David Haines, British Aid Worker, Beheaded By.
David Haines, British Aid Worker, Beheaded By.
BREAKING: British PM David Cameron Loses.
BREAKING: British PM David Cameron Loses.
ISIS claims beheading of US aid worker Kassig in.
ISIS claims beheading of US aid worker Kassig in.
Brigade of exclusively British jihadists fighting in.
Brigade of exclusively British jihadists fighting in.
Two British men jailed after Syria terror trip - YouTube
Two British men jailed after Syria terror trip - YouTube
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
British duo in Syria to fight ISIS reveal theyre avenging Alan.
British duo in Syria to fight ISIS reveal theyre avenging Alan.
Jordan unleashes wrath on ISIS: This is just the beginning - CNN.
Jordan unleashes wrath on ISIS: This is just the beginning - CNN.
Iranian Troops Besiege Israel, 130,000 Basij Fighters to Enter.
Iranian Troops Besiege Israel, 130,000 Basij Fighters to Enter.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free.
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
Isis has fighters just waiting for order to attack West, says.
Isis has fighters just waiting for order to attack West, says.
Sue Hemming tries to stem tide of young Britons joining rebels in.
Sue Hemming tries to stem tide of young Britons joining rebels in.
British duo in Syria to fight ISIS reveal theyre avenging Alan.
British duo in Syria to fight ISIS reveal theyre avenging Alan.
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
Syria civil war: Britain increases military aid to Lebanon, to.
Syria civil war: Britain increases military aid to Lebanon, to.
Syria | World news | The Guardian
Syria | World news | The Guardian
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
Asian Defence News: Yazidi girls aged 15 and 22 training to take.
Asian Defence News: Yazidi girls aged 15 and 22 training to take.
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
The USA President Barack Obama 2009
The USA President Barack Obama 2009
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria
BBC News - An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria

The origins of ���Islamic State��� - Workers Liberty

ISIS has been written off as a product of Western and Syrian intelligence agencies managing to pull together a number of disenfranchised senior military figures who have had expert training. Much of. That meant reducing civilian casualties, attempting to win over a range of Muslims internationally to fight the ���far enemies���, and downplaying Sunni sectarianism against Shia and other minorities. Al-Zarqawi.. 2730253.stm.

Election 2015: Seven-party TV debate plan announced

Broadcasters have published new plans for TV election debates including leaders of seven UK political parties. The BBC and ITV plan to stage debates involving the Conservatives, Labour, the Lib Dems, Green Party, UKIP, the SNP and Plaid Cymru. Sky and .

UK Ebola aid workers to qualify for medals says Cameron

Britons who have travelled to west Africa to help the fight against Ebola will be eligible for a new medal, Prime Minister David Cameron has revealed. The PM said he would. Two British nurses, William Pooley and Pauline Cafferkey, contracted Ebola.

TRNS News Notes- 2/19

The Pentagon says the U.S. has screened about 1,200 moderate Syrian rebels who could participate in a new training program so they can eventually return to the fight against ISIS. They will continue to be screened as they go through the process (tick.

Syria Two Years On: The Failure of International Aid | MSF.

Many Syrian health care workers have fled the country, and those who remain do the best that they can. Among those who remain are specialists, doctors-in-training and surgeons with no experience operating on war-related injuries. Dentists��.

ISIS Beheadings: Part of the ���Training Manual��� of. - Syria 360

Lest we forget, from the outset of the war on Syria in March 2011, the US and its allies supported so-called ���Freedom fighters��� largely composed of the Al Nusrah and ISIS brigades. Trained in Saudi.. Like every Western mainstream news outlet, the BBC has been biased on the Syrian issue and has defended the Western-backed Free Syrian Army right from the beginning. Confronted with this.. SYRIAN ARAB ARMY ON FACEBOOK [ENGLISH] �� SYRIAN ARAB��.

ISIS beheads 21 Christians: Egypt bombs targets in Libya in revenge for murders

State TV said the strikes earlier this morning had targeted camps, training sites and weapons storage areas. Egypts President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has said his country had the right to respond against IS, the BBC reports. It comes after a sickening.

If a renowned jihadi cleric cant get through to Islamic State, who can?

Qasim al-Obeidi said that the Islamic State burned 45 captives alive in the Anbar Province town of Baghdadi yesterday, according to the BBC. While his assertion. After Maqdisi was released from prison last summer, his first intervention was to try.

Islamic State crisis: World leaders pledge Iraq support

Thirty countries have pledged to help Iraq fight Islamic State (IS) militants by all means necessary. A joint statement by foreign ministers taking part in a major conference in Paris said support would include appropriate military assistance. The.

Have modern politicians lost the art of rhetoric?

When we listen to politicians, we often complain that their words dont seem to mean anything. And thats because they dont, explains Mary Beard for a BBC Newsnight report. Theres a mismatch between political ideas and politicians words. Its not.

Syria: Army of the Mujahideen Challenges ISIS Gains | Al.

It seemed that many actors wanted to take advantage of ISIS retreat to bolster the Free Syrian Army (FSA), with renewed attempts in recent days to resurrect the latter. But what is. The split was due to the fact that ISIS had come under USA control, which was arming, training, financing it and organizing it to continue to fight the Syrian government and then to invade and ���lead��� the partition of Iraq as the.. A New Face for the Exploitation of Syrian Workers in Lebanon?

An English IT worker trained to fight in Syria

He has no military experience and no roots in the region. So what is a former IT worker from Dorset doing at a training camp in Syria, hoping to fight against Islamic State extremists? Foreign fighters have become an intrinsic part of the conflicts in.

The History of ISIS Beheadings: Part of the ���Training Manual.

Lest we forget, from the outset of the war on Syria in March 2011, the US and its allies supported so-called ���Freedom fighters��� largely composed of the Al Nusrah and ISIS brigades. Trained in Saudi.. Like every Western mainstream news outlet, the BBC has been biased on the Syrian issue and has defended the Western-backed Free Syrian Army right from the beginning. Confronted with... English �� Fran��ais �� Espa��ol �� Italiano �� Deutsch �� Portugu��s �� srpski �� ��������������.

Will NATO and Turkey become Actively Involved in Syria War?

In-depth Report: SYRIA: NATOS NEXT WAR?. You probably saw todays news, John, that Turkey is claiming theyve killed something like 117 Kurdistan Workers Party fighters in southeastern Turkey near the Iraqi border.. even the Daily Telegraph in Britain was quoting an official of so-called Free Syrian Army stating there were 15,000 fighters ��� he didnt specify their nationality, incidentally ��� but 15,000 fighters inside Turkey receiving material support and training.

Serving British soldier joins Kurdish fight against ISIS

Members of his battalion have been part of the UKs operation against IS, helping to train Kurdish forces in infantry tactics, but its not known whether the soldier had taken part in training. A Ministry of Defence (MoD) spokesman said: ���We are aware.

UK mercenaries fighting Islamic State terrorist forces in Syria

A former British infantryman who served in Afghanistan is among a growing cohort of Britons joining the ranks of westerners travelling to Syria and Iraq to fight Islamic State (Isis) militants, the Observer has learned.. He appears to be fighting Isis forces alongside his friend Jamie Read, from Newmains, north Lanarkshire, whose Facebook page reveals that he trained with the French army... Views of Isis in Arabic language social media and news articles. A study by��.

The U.S. and Syria: Facts you should know - Workers World

Timeline reviews the progression of U.S.-NATO intervention in Syria and counteracts the Big Lie in the corporate media aimed at preparing open imperialist military aggression against the Syrian people.. BBC world news editor Jon Williams admitted in his blog June 7 that there was no evidence whatsoever to identify either the Syrian Army or Alawite militias as the perpetrators of the May 25 massacre. United Kingdoms Channel 4 senior reporter Alex Thomson said��.

Washington Risks Falling for Syrias ISIS Strategy, Again.

. as many as 31,000 ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq murdering and enslaving anyone who opposes them ��� a death cult obsessed with publishing its own brutality online, such as the latest beheading video of British aid worker��.

Italian Aid Workers Abducted in Syria are Freed | Foreign.

Italian Aid Workers Abducted in Syria are Freed �� | Foreign Policy | the Global Magazine of News and Ideas.. Two Italian aid workers were released and arrived in Rome early Friday after being held hostage in Syria. Vanessa Marzullo and. A Pentagon spokesman reported Thursday that the U.S. military plans to deploy more than 400 troops, as well as hundreds of support personnel, in the spring to help train Syrian rebels in the fight against Islamic State militants.

Building a Syrian State in a Time of Civil War - Carnegie.

The Islamic militant organization Jabhat al-Nusra and the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) through its local Syrian arm, the Democratic Union Party, are building parallel institutions that challenge the nascent state. This is fueling political fragmentation and could further prolong the civil war. With institutions. Providing compensation and training will help build a more professional force. Accelerate the transformation of the National Coalition of Revolutionary and��.

Serving British soldier joins Kurdish fight against ISIS -

Keep up with the news by installing RTs extension for. Never miss a. Members of his battalion have been part of the UKs operation against IS, helping to train Kurdish forces in infantry tactics, but its not known whether the soldier had taken part in training. A Ministry of. In December, it emerged that two ex-soldiers had traveled to Syria to fight the Islamic State after feeling ���compelled��� to join Kurdish forces following the murder of British aid worker Alan Henning.

Ed Balls red-faced after forgetting name of Labour business supporter

Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has said its an age thing after failing to remember the name of one of Labours main business supporters. In an interview with BBC Newsnight, he described Bill Thomas - who helped draw up the partys small business.

British army creates team of Facebook warriors | UK news.

The new brigade is being named the 77th in tribute to the Chindits, the British guerrilla force led by Maj Gen Orde Wingate against the Japanese in Burma during the second world war. Wingate adopted unorthodox and��.

Pope Francis condemns beheading of 21 Coptic Christians by ISIS

Pope Francis has today condemned the beheading of 21 Coptic Egyptians by ISIS militants, saying all Christians be they Catholics, Orthodox, Copts or Lutherans are one faith, proclaiming the murdered men martyrs. The Pope unexpectedly went off script .

Miliband in apprenticeship guarantee for school leavers

The policy would be paid for by private companies bidding for public sector contracts. who would be required to have two year apprenticeships, and by diverting money from in-house training to proper apprenticeships.. In a speech to workers at the.

Non-Muslim foreign fighters volunteering to fight in Syria.

It is not clear how many foreigners are fighting alongside Kurdish groups such as the Peshmerga, The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and its offshoot the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units (YPG). The PKK is a designated.. [2] 2014. American Fighting in Syria. 2014. BBC Radio 4 News Hour, 28 October. Available from: [3] Exclusive: American explains why hes fighting ISIL. 2014. USTODAY, 7 October. Available from:��.

No Tory triumphalism over economy

In a televised debate with Jimmy Carter during the 1980 Presidential election, Ronald Reagan asked viewers a simple question: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Voters realised they were not and Reagan romped to the White House.

Italian Aid Workers Abducted in Syria are Freed

A Pentagon spokesman reported Thursday that the U.S. military plans to deploy more than 400 troops, as well as hundreds of support personnel, in the spring to help train Syrian rebels in the fight against Islamic State militants. The training will be.

The Trojan Horse Affair: British Muslims and the Narrative of.

I was watching BBC News this past Sunday evening when the coverage inevitably turned to Ofsteds looming report on the so-called Trojan Horse plot to take over Birmingham schools. To my amazement, the BBC chose to illustrate this story with pictures of. For example, for a while this past March the headlines were dominated with stories of young British Muslims, especially girls, going to fight in Syria. In particular, there was a story about two 17 year old British girls��.

Britains Secret Proxy War in Syria | Syria |

The UK has been instrumental in consolidating relations between the disparate and isolationist opposition groups in Syria���not because the British elite want genuine democracy, of course, but because Syrias President Assad would.. and Amman: ICG; On the training of collaborators in the art of social networking, see: USAID, ���Secretary Clinton Announces Civil Society 2.0 Initiative To Build Capacity Of Grassroots Organizations���, News Release, 3 November, 2009;��.

Two British men jailed after Syria terror trip

Two British men who went to Syria to join rebel fighters have been jailed for 12 years and eight months each. Yusuf Sarwar and Mohammed Nahin Ahmed, both aged 22 and from Birmingham, were sentenced for engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist .

Election 2015: Testing opinion in two UKIP targets

Its a reflection of how UKIPs appeal has evolved and broadened in recent months that in north Lincolnshire the party hopes in Mays general election - to win two constituencies: one, Great Grimsby, from Labour, the other, Cleethorpes, from the.

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