'Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing'

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

97 OC Transpo bus collided on Slater near the Bronson St intersection

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

The former Kemptville and Ottawa resident was reportedly killed near

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

MP Steven Fletcher introduced private members bills to make assisted dying

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Police search McGuinty aides BlackBerry after finding signs he used it for





Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Senator Patrick Brazeau arrives at the Senate in Ottawa on Oct. 22, 2013.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird rises in the House of Commons Tuesday to

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Nigel Wright was the prime ministers chief of staff, who arranged a $90,000

Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen

MacKay: Government in no rush to pass new law on assisted suicide

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.


Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

After the War

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Ottawa gang member, bank robber shot dead (with video)

Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen

Supreme Court assisted suicide Lee Carter

Andrew Coyne: With assisted suicide, what begins in compassion.
Andrew Coyne: With assisted suicide, what begins in compassion.

Andrew Coyne: With assisted suicide, what begins in compassion.

Andrew Coyne: With assisted suicide, what begins in compassion.

Assisted suicide, a cause

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

hover for flyer

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.
Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Assisted death is the compassionate, merciful and right thing.

Valentines Day at Ottawa Citizen Style

Confession: the Healing Sacrament | Antiochian Orthodox.

The very word confession makes us nervous, touching as it does all that is hidden in ourselves: lies told, injuries caused, things stolen, friends deceived, people betrayed, promises broken, faith denied���these plus all the smaller actions that reveal the beginnings of sins.. An essential element of confession is doing all I can to set right what I did wrong.. Concerning the sick, aged, and severely handicapped, ���mercy killing��� and ���assisted suicide��� are now phrases much in use.

Bishop Tutu latest to support assisted suicide

I revere the sanctity of life ��� but not at any cost, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Peace laureate, said recently. I confirm I dont want my life prolonged. I can see I would probably incline towards the quality of life argument, whereas others.

Cultivating openness to life | Salt + Light Blog

Fr. Rosica offers a reflection as we prepare to March for Life in Ottawa this week and across Canada.. to satisfy the selfish desires of their own citizens, and instead, they can promote virtuous action within the perspective of production that is morally sound and marked by solidarity, respecting the fundamental right to life of every people and every individual.. Euthanasia is to intentionally cause death by action or omission of an action, for allegedly merciful reasons.

Thursday, Oct. 16: Euthanasia, assisted suicide debated

A judge who denies mercy should suffer the terminal years of constant pain. As a former administrator of an extended-care hospital, I say shame on those without compassion. Donald C. Chivers, White Rock. The debate about assisted suicide should not be .

Civil Warrior �� thewalrus.ca

Arvay argues that physician-assisted deaths ought to be guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, even though a similar Supreme Court of Canada trial in 1993 decided that we have no such right... By 1990, he left the governments employ, where he had found himself siding with the citizens he was supposed to argue against, and launched his eponymous firm. While Arvay.. He honed things down to a spear tip and went straight to the heart.

Canadian Supreme Court Considers Legalizing Patients.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of Canada heard arguments on both sides regarding patients right to die in cases of terminal illness. Canada currently bans doctor-assisted suicide, but this has been challenged on behalf��.

Consumer guide to hospice

The Washington Post has gathered data largely from government sources on more than 3,000 hospices that participate in Medicare, which pays for the vast majority of hospice care in this country. No single factor can predict the quality of a hospices.

Why cant we say euthanasia?

Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Oregon, Washington state, Montana, New Mexico and Vermont have legalized assisted suicide, defined as the act of helping a person commit suicide by providing the means to do so or information on how to proceed.. more.

Ebola outbreak: the deadliest in history - Vox

At a global health conference in Ottawa yesterday, I asked a room filled with researchers, physicians and global-health professionals working around the world whether they knew of any evidence or expert opinion that weighed in favor of these kinds of travel.. Either way, scientists know one thing we know for sure: the further along an Ebola victim is in the disease, the closer to death, the more virus builds in their bodies, and the more contagious they become.

Jonathan Kay: Why my generation will be the one to enshrine the right to.

But even for the majority of us who never will avail themselves of the right to assisted suicide, there still will be enormous psychic comfort in knowing that, if things get truly unbearable, the option is there ��� that our precious sense of control.

Sanity versus revenge: Eaton Centre shooting set to go to jury

He will likely offer them four options for a verdict: guilty of first-degree murder; guilty of second-degree murder; guilty of manslaughter; or not criminally responsible by virtue of a mental disorder. On Friday, Mary Humphrey, the Crown Attorney.

Ireland court rules paralyzed woman cannot get help to.

assisted suicide. When life is no longer viewed as gift and sacred, it is easy to resort to such measures, after all, we have seen this same attitude with regard to abortion.when life become a burden we end it. It is no wonder our. NOW she is at the complete mercy of others.. Thats not very compassionate.. Life is not always pleasant and I wouldnt recommend that you do the dirt nap thing until you have received some counseling, but, you do what you feel is right.

Barbara Kay: Beware euthanasias friendly face

Right now, though, palliative care is accessible to less than a third of the population. And in. In general, even intelligent and educated people have rather fuzzy notions about euthanasia (which is not assisted suicide, though many people conflate.

Having a hard time finding a good place to die? Consumer Reports tells you.

���We are not prepared to say theres no such thing as a good for-profit hospice, but there have been problems with them,��� Nancy Metcalf, senior health editor at Consumer Reports, said in an interview. ���We think this checklist will give people a better.

Defence wants suicide predator to go free in Kajouji case

Lee Greenberg published an article in the Ottawa Citizen today explaining that the lawyers for William Melchert-Dinkel are trying to have the charges dropped against their client who was charged with assisting the suicide of Nadia Kajouji,. In April, Melchert-Dinkel was charged with assisted suicide for his involvement in the deaths of Nadia Kajouji, an 18-year-old Brampton girl who killed herself in March 2008, and Briton Mark Dryborough, who hanged himself in��.

General: Share Your Thoughts on Abortion and Euthanasia

Canadas population is ageing fast and senior citizens will outnumber children in about a decade.. The right to select. It was the doctors who were making selections in the Nazis death camps. It is the doctors today, in conjunction with pregnant women, who are making ���choices��� in the abortion chambers. The right to select in the past and.. The funny thing is that conservatives would also say that the abuse of power, especially by governments, is the central problem of government.

Catholic Church scraps welcome to gays, showing divisions among bishops

VATICAN CITY ��� Catholic bishops scrapped their landmark welcome to gays Saturday, showing deep divisions at the end of a two-week meeting sought by Pope Francis to chart a more merciful approach to ministering to Catholic families.. He said the key.

SPCA investigates alleged abuse at Alberta facility after disturbing video.

An animal rights group has released a video taken at the Western Hog Exchange facility that shows hogs being kicked and struck with what appears to be a club. Mercy for Animals Canada says the video was taken undercover and it also shows some of the .

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Alex Schadenberg.

The one that has been drawn from the beginning of our country and that is universally accepted around the world: a citizen cannot cause death another citizen, for any reason except in cases of self-defence...This is the red line that the Government of Quebec with Bill 52 wants to blow, to strike and to be replaced by something else that is not quite clear, a shapeless and subjective thing that is evoked by words such as medical aid in dying and terminal palliative��.

The Crime of Assisting a Suicide | Barbara Coombs Lee

President, Compassion and Choices. Those misguided laws hearkened back to feudal England, where citizens were deemed to belong to the king, and killing oneself amounted to destruction of property obligated to the crown.. The contrast between aid in dying, in which a knowledgeable, merciful physician gives his elderly, dying patient the means to halt end-of-life suffering --- and assisted suicide, in which a malicious predator seeks out and victimizes physically��.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Alex Schadenberg.

I am aware that there is a tendency amongst proponents of euthanasia and assisted suicide to try and relegate opposition by Christian citizens to the backwaters of public policy debate. Let me be. The first Legal Right mentioned in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (as well as Article 3 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights) is the Right to Life.. Ottawa palliative care specialist, Dr. John Scott wrote an essay in which he stated:.

Father Raymond J. de Souza on euthanasia: An unwelcome revolution in the.

Plaintiffs before the Supreme Court claiming assisted suicide to be a constitutional right are asking the Court to rule against three principles otherwise considered foundational in public policy. The first is that human life is always good. That is.

Andrew Coyne: With assisted suicide, what begins in compassion seems to end.

Advocates, impatient with such arbitrary distinctions as that between suicide and assisted suicide ��� of what use is the right to kill oneself, they ask, if you are physically incapable of carrying it out? ��� are nevertheless at pains to preserve the.

Raymond J. De Souza: The Church vs. The Sexual Revolution

���The bishops of Africa are prophetic in reminding us that the role of the Church is to transform the culture, not to be transformed by the culture,��� Dolan said. ���Im afraid sometimes we in the West might say, Oh, I guess we ought to dilute things, I.

FINAL EXIT: This doctor sees death daily ��� but should he.

Those who work closely with him describe Borod as uniquely calming, a doctor who uses extraordinary tact, compassion and honesty when delivering bad news. His approach. If she had asked for euthanasia when she was first diagnosed, and if Bill 52 were then law, she would have satisfied all the legal criteria for assisted death, Borod says later in the privacy of his office.. Borod says his profound unease with Bill 52 isnt a ���religious thing,��� or a right-to-life issue.

The fight for the right to die - Macleans.ca

Canadas first assisted-suicide law draws fire in Quebec.. Long the crucible of the countrys thorny ethical questions, abortion included, the province would be the first in Canada, and one of the few places in the world, where such a thing would be legal. And the proposed.. The feds have already come down squarely against Quebecs right-to-die bill, setting the stage for a legal battle between Quebec and Ottawa. A court... It is the only compassionate thing to do.

BBC - The Editors: Euthanasia debate

I dont know why celebrity endorsements mean a gosh-darn thing as far as euthanasia is concerned unless they themselves are terminally ill and going through the crisis.. This system is not about prosecution of anyone; its about wisdom and compassion, making the wisest, most compassionate decision that we can... Euthanasia does not involve a choice for the individual concerned, assisted death involves giving people the right to make their own choice. Assisted��.

Remembrance Day hits close to home

���Well war, the idea kind of scares me but I think the soldiers that fight are very brave and I think it is a good thing that they do it because they give us freedom,��� said 12-year-old Sophia Lasnowski.. Remembrance Day isnt just about the.

Assisted Suicide and Unassisted Suicide: Whats the.

There are six reasons typically given for prohibiting assisted suicide: the tragic death; preferred alternatives; the social good; upstaging God; the slippery slope; the possibility of abuse.. Some claim that no one should have the right to unilaterally make a decision that will affect others: ���We are individuals living in a society, a community, and the community has rights when it comes to an individual members behaviour.. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services, 1995.

Letter of the Week: Euthanasia says suicide is acceptable

To say that we who are against assisted suicide are lacking in compassion is as ludicrous as children saying that their parents dont love them because they are not allowed to do whatever they want. OK, I understand; we are freethinking adults and we.

Marc Kajouji becomes a suicide prevention advocate after.

Marc Kajouji, who has become a suicide prevention advocate with the suicide prevention group Your Life Counts responded to the Ottawa Citizen concerning the conviction of William Melchert-Dinkel that:. The motion was to frame the euthanasia and assisted suicide debate by making sure the federal government clarified Section 241 of the Criminal Code, which outlaws counselling or aiding suicide, to apply to online predators.. Right to die becomes a duty to die.

Vaticans bishops lighten up: What new report says about homosexuality.

The Vatican wants to now ���apply it in ways that make mercy, forgiveness, taking into account everyones woundedness as a starting point, and creating a church thats much more focused on inclusion and healing than it is on judgment and exclusion,��� he.

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