WESLEY PRUDEN: A deal with Iran built on lies

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Discussion on The Washington

WESLEY PRUDEN: Obama reveals Israels nuclear program - Washington.
WESLEY PRUDEN: Obama reveals Israels nuclear program - Washington.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Obama reveals Israels nuclear program - Washington.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Obama reveals Israels nuclear program - Washington.

Barack Obamas love bomb




By Wesley Pruden, The

Disqus - 367 House members send letter on Iranian nuclear.
Disqus - 367 House members send letter on Iranian nuclear.

Disqus - 367 House members send letter on Iranian nuclear.

Disqus - 367 House members send letter on Iranian nuclear.

letter on Iranian nuclear





Disqus - MORTON KLEIN AND DANIEL MANDEL: Without Senate approval.
Disqus - MORTON KLEIN AND DANIEL MANDEL: Without Senate approval.

Disqus - MORTON KLEIN AND DANIEL MANDEL: Without Senate approval.

Disqus - MORTON KLEIN AND DANIEL MANDEL: Without Senate approval.

can void Iran deal

Hundreds gather as pastors Iran imprisonment reaches two years.
Hundreds gather as pastors Iran imprisonment reaches two years.

Hundreds gather as pastors Iran imprisonment reaches two years.

Hundreds gather as pastors Iran imprisonment reaches two years.

Islamic Republic of Iran.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Hillary Clintons presidential hopes are receding.
WESLEY PRUDEN: Hillary Clintons presidential hopes are receding.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Hillary Clintons presidential hopes are receding.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Hillary Clintons presidential hopes are receding.

Trifling with the iron rule of

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Disqus Profile - GeoWashington1787

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Disqus Profile - GeoWashington1787

Discussion on The Washington




red lines are missing,

Government regulations hamper hiring, economic growth.
Government regulations hamper hiring, economic growth.

Government regulations hamper hiring, economic growth.

Government regulations hamper hiring, economic growth.

Washington Times








Ernest Istook





WESLEY PRUDEN: Brian Williams is a reminder only God deals in.
WESLEY PRUDEN: Brian Williams is a reminder only God deals in.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Brian Williams is a reminder only God deals in.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Brian Williams is a reminder only God deals in.

only God deals in truths

WESLEY PRUDEN: Obamas blind indifference to Islamic terror.
WESLEY PRUDEN: Obamas blind indifference to Islamic terror.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Obamas blind indifference to Islamic terror.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Obamas blind indifference to Islamic terror.

Brian Williams

The Huffington Riposte: GUARD YOUR KITCHEN SINK.

By Wes Pruden. If youve got a nice kitchen sink, guard it well. A surrogate for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney (or someone pretending to be) could be lurking in the shrubbery under the kitchen window, plotting to scavenge something to throw into the campaign.. This was not much of a surprise, but it fed fevered speculation in Washington that the Reagan campaign had made a secret deal with Iran to delay their release to avoid giving Mr. Carter the happy surprise.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Feminists wrong on UVa rape story

The University of Alabama is celebrated as the nations foremost football factory. Georgetown is famous for having educated Bubba and infamous for the drunken students who have blighted the quiet residential streets surrounding its campus in Washington.

Barackalypse Now | Ed Driscoll - PJ Media

Police Remove Vietnam War Veterans at Memorial Wall, John McCormack writes at the Weekly Standard:Via William Jacobson, NBCs affiliate in Washington, D.C. reports that police ordered tourists and Vietnam war veterans who were. Or as Wes Pruden writes in the Washington Times:. ���Its a cheap way to deal with the situation,��� an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment... Clearly, someone made a deliberate choice to do that.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Hillary Clintons president dreams turn sour

By Wesley Pruden - The Washington Times - Monday, November 24, 2014. The Clintons got a particularly bitter taste of what probably lies ahead when they went back to Arkansas to campaign for Democratic candidates for governor and Congress. All were .

Nary kiss nor hug for a blind dissident - World Tribune.

Wesley Pruden. Barack Obama says he agrees with Abraham Lincoln (you could ask him) that America is ���the exceptional nation,��� a nation unique in a world of moral squalor, a beacon of hope for the ���tired, the poor, the. But after six days of negotiations between American diplomats and the Chinese government a deal was struck, and Mr. Chen left the embassy.. Would the Chinese government lie?. Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.

WESLEY PRUDEN: On Ferguson, Obama plays to his crowd

���A grand jury made a decision yesterday that upset a lot of people, and as I said last night, the frustrations that we have seen are not just about a particular incident. They have deep roots in many communities of color, who have a sense that our laws.

Chronicle ��� The Patriot Post

Those two Iranian warships that went through the Suez Canal in February docked at the Syrian port of Latakia, a long-sought Iranian penetration of the Mediterranean.. More Lies: ���[Congressman Paul Ryans budget plan will] protect tax breaks for millionaires, oil companies and other big money special interests, while slashing our investment in education, ending the current health guarantee for seniors on.. ���Washington Times editor emeritus Wesley Pruden.

Low Popahirum, March 27, 2015 | The Hayride

Washington Free Beacon. ���Saudi Arabia will not rule out building or acquiring nuclear weapons, the countrys ambassador to the United States has indicated.��� ��� UK Independent. ���Irans foreign minister sought Friday to dismiss concerns that his countrys. Wesley Pruden/Washington Times. It matters because the White House, when confronted by who Bergdahl once, sought to smear the people who pointed out he was a deserter instead of dealing with reality.

Writing The Wrongs: Pruden dissects Obama, Netanyahu.

Pruden dissects Obama, Netanyahu and Useful Idiot American Jews. PRUDEN: A Come-to-Moses moment at hand. By Wesley Pruden The Washington Times Friday, May 13, 2011. The State Department, which has never been particularly friendly to Jews, is getting a little cover for its. Obama and Netanyahu, in diplo-speak, ���An opportunity for the United States and Israel to review the full range of issues, from Iran to the regional change to the peace process.���

The Huffington Riposte: OBAMACARE IS ABOUT TO BE.

For 70 years, liberals have been spinning the yarn that FDRs New Deal, despite all the evidence that it exacerbated and prolonged the Great Depression, quickened our economic recovery. Indeed, I remember scratching. But environmentalism based on the man-made global warming theory is about regressing from the advances that unfettered minds have made. Its also about pushing the.. --Washington Times editor emeritus Wesley Pruden Secretary of State��.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Obamas terrorism ignorance dooms us to remember more.

This is not your grandfathers country, where resolve thrived, multiplied and prospered, as were reminded a hundred times a day. Resolve is like ice cream, delicious and satisfying in the moment, but it melts quickly. Some of the most heroic.

FRANK GAFFNEY: Obamas Big Lie on Iran

He insists that his diplomacy has ���frozen��� and even ���rolled back��� the Iranian nuclear program and that a deal this spring will usher in a new era of peaceable relations between our two countries. When confronted with a Big Lie, a Truth Squad is needed.

ARMSTRONG WILLIAMS: When it comes to Iran and Israel, Obama is way off.

In Washington, a firestorm of controversy has been sparked, but not over Irans continued intransigence, its stonewalling of international arms inspectors, its expanding sphere of deadly influence in the Middle East or even its gross repression of.

Pundits blame the victims on Obama Muslim myth - Pollster.

former Washington Times editor Wes Pruden writing that Obama found his inner Muslim in Cairo, and Weekly Standards Michael Goldfarb asking if the president hasnt been concealing some greater fluency with the language of the Koran. Gaffney later made the bizarre claim that the alleged resemblance of the Missile Defense Agencys new logo to the Islamic crescent and star proved that Obama was trying to submit the United States to sharia law (he��.

Iran running clandestine nuclear facility; group says it has proof

In this file photo taken on Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during a debate on a vote of confidence for his choice for the new minister of Science, Research and Technology, Mahmoud Nili Ahmadabadi, in an. more >.

How an Accused Child Sex Predator Covered Up Racism.

The revelation of Cassedays alleged solicitation of sex with a child is emblematic of the culture of lawlessness and arrogance fostered at the Washington Times by its president, Douglas Joo, editor-in-chief Wes Pruden and managing editor. In a letter written by her lawyer, Lynne Bernabei, that was delivered to then-Times senior counsel Allen Farber and made available to The Nation, Hopkins alleged that over cocktails one night at the convention Coombs grew��.

IAEA: Iran withholding cooperation on nuclear disclosure

By Guy Taylor - The Washington Times - Thursday, February 19, 2015. A confidential IAEA report, obtained Thursday by Reuters and The Associated Press, said Iranian officials have continuing recently to withhold full cooperation in two areas of a.

Obama Sequester Doomsday Preppers Versus Reality.

���Well maybe the reason its news, Marc, is that its the first time a journalist has taken his mouth off Obamas tailpipe long enough to say something critical of this White House. Evidently youve been.. Reaching a deal on immigration, meanwhile, relies on winning over some skeptical House Republicans, whom the president has been relentlessly bashing in this sequester fight. Whats ironic is... Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times. Read more:��.

JUDSON PHILLIPS: Al Qaeda would like to thank Obama

Just a week after the horrific terrorist attack in Paris, Barack Obama is showing his true colors again. He would not go to Paris and he would not stand with world leaders against Islamic terrorism. Now, he is once again working to help the terrorists.

WESLEY PRUDEN: John Freeman a British diplomat not easily forgotten in.

It was from Delhi that he was called to Washington to repair strains on ���the special relationship,��� with considerable titillation in London in anticipation of how he would get along with Richard Nixon. In the event, his cool, detached manner apparently.

How the media size up scandals | The Augusta Chronicle

Washington Times Editor Emeritus Wesley Pruden quoted a National Park Service ranger at the outset of the selective closures: ���Weve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can... Im not a fan of any political party, but my dislike of the left grows more and more each passing day, caused by their own lies!. You idolize Reagan, who raised taxes 11 times, and was involved in selling weapons to Iran and giving money to the Contras, a terrorist group.

President Barack Obamas Six Months of Blunders | The.

Others too have made similar discoveries, none more memorably than Victor Davis Hanson who celebrated July 4, 2011 by stating that the Founding Fathers vision of government had been vindicated.. As Wes Pruden said in the Washington Times on July 5, this ���one-year delay in enforcing the employer insurance mandate for Obamacare, which might not even be legal,��� had top White House advisors heading for the exits and ���Minions���hastily assigned to explain��.

U.S., Iran may extend nuclear talks

���Our goal has consistently been to shut off a whole bunch of different avenues whereby Iran might get a nuclear weapon, and at the same time make sure that the structure of sanctions are rolled back step for step as Iran is doing what its supposed to.


Wesley Pruden, editor emeritus of The Washington Times on June 16, 2009 wrote: ���Iranians, like everybody else, have a right to elect whomever they want, and even to steal elections without outside interference. ���The reality��.

FRANK GAFFNEY: Whos lying about Islamic supremacism?

President Barack Obama speaks at the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Summit, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015, at the State Department in Washington. The White House is conveying a three-day summit to bring together local, federal, and international leaders .

Books for Christmas | The American Spectator

Drawing on extensive interviews with the worlds leading economic thinkers and policymakers, Guy Sormans Economics Does Not Lie: A Defense of the Free Market in a Time of Crisis (Encounter) reminds us that, despite our current woes, capitalism works.. Yes, he made mistakes -- many -- but unlike so many other political or military leaders of his time or ours, Washington did not forget them, and he learned from them... Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of the Washington Times.

CHARLES ORTEL: Will Egypt show America how to win the war on radical.

This Monday, May 5, 2014 photo released by the presidential campaign of Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi shows the candidate greeting supporters at a gathering of some 600 women in Cairo, Egypt. El-Sissi acknowledged the importance of Egyptian women in shaping .

CNN, NBC blame Obama opponents for smears advanced.

On December 12, Greenfield explained on the CNN website that he was making a joke when, during the same segment, he compared the similarity of Obamas business casual clothing to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejads.. In his January 23 column, Washington Times editor-in-chief Wesley Pruden cast doubt on the veracity of InsightMag.coms accusation that Obama attended a madrassa, but he never denounced the second, baseless part of the story��.

Washington Times ���Scare Quotes��� Are History - City Desk

Longtime Washington Times readers know well what this is all about: Under the regime of Wesley Pruden, the Times, unwilling to acknowledge anything so radical and immoral as gay marriage, treated the term in its pages as gay.. This is the heart of the person who tells you that I and millions of other Americans dont deserve to fall in love, get married, make a family, build a business, go to worship, or walk in the sunshine hand in hand like other couples do.

WESLEY PRUDEN: Obamas tax riot will make a memorable State of the Union

George W. Bush identified Iran, Iraq and North Korea as ���the axis of evil��� in one of his eight State of the Union speeches. Bill Clinton promised in 2000 that ���the era of big government is over,��� and Richard Nixon pronounced the Watergate scandal over.

WESLEY PRUDEN: A deal with Iran built on lies

That was Lie No. 2. Theres nothing in the ���framework��� that leads to a conclusion like that. The world wont be safer, because when Iran gets the bomb ��� and theres wide agreement that its not ���if��� but ���when��� ��� a half-dozen Islamic countries in the.

JEFF BALLABON: Time to be honest about Israel

FILE - In this Oct. 1, 2014 file photo, President Barack Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. President. The charge is that he is undermining Americas purportedly.

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