Singapore police arrest teen for anti-Christian online comments
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A Singapore teenager, who criticized Lee Kuan Yew on social media soon after the former leaders death, has been arrested and will be charged with making insensitive and disparaging comments about Christians, police said on .
Indians ask what has changed since Delhi gang rape
A 27-year-old financial executive accused a taxi driver licensed by Uber, a popular US online cab service, of raping her late on Friday as she travelled home from a party. The alleged attack. Police say he was arrested for raping a woman in 2011.
College CUNY fails to award 9/11 victims memorial grant before telling.
The first $100,000 was used to rename a conference room, while the remainder was used to fund up to two students a year at the college. She also called on Alexanders old company Reuters to donate $50,000 worth of books with a special memorial to her .
MIT researchers recommend government agency to protect power grid from.
The threat of cyberattacks on the U.S. power grid should be dealt with by a single federal agency, not the welter of groups now charged with the electric systems security, researchers said on Monday. While acknowledging there is no absolute insurance .
People Freak Out Over Marketing Campaign That Unleashes Remote-Controlled.
If you havent heard of it, the movie follows a newly married couple Samantha (Allison Miller) and Zach (Zach Gilford) who are expecting a child. If youve seen any of the previews, it turns out Samanthas pregnant with the Antichrist. The films not.
No drink, no drugs, no talent? Von Trier worries
Von Trier, who has shocked audiences with sexually graphic films such as Antichrist and Nymphomaniac, said he will be sober for 90 days as of Sunday and is going to meetings at Alcoholics Anonymous every day. The filmmaker was quoted by the .
Singapore Police Arrest Teen for Anti-Christian Online.
Singapore Police Arrest Teen for Anti-Christian Online Comments. by Reuters on March 31, 2015. A Singapore teenager, who criticized Lee Kuan Yew on social media soon after the former leaders death, has been arrested and will be��.