The Germanwings crash wasn't just suicide, it was mass murder

Lil Chris songwriter broke down in tears hearing of singers.
Lil Chris songwriter broke down in tears hearing of singers.
The Germanwings crash wasnt suicide, it was mass murder - Quartz
The Germanwings crash wasnt suicide, it was mass murder - Quartz
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Thousands Rally Against Radical Islamic Terrorism in Texas.
Picassos ex-electrician gets two-year suspended sentence for.
Picassos ex-electrician gets two-year suspended sentence for.
Fifteen things to know about Australias incredibly effective gun.
Fifteen things to know about Australias incredibly effective gun.
Mass Murder in Gods Country - The Daily Beast
Mass Murder in Gods Country - The Daily Beast
Andreas Lubitz: Co-pilot of Germanwings flight 9525 wanted to.
Andreas Lubitz: Co-pilot of Germanwings flight 9525 wanted to.
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Suicidal Pilot May Have Locked Copilot Out of Cockpit : Sandra Rose
Pilot who flew Obama weighs in on Airbus A320 crash - NY Daily News
Pilot who flew Obama weighs in on Airbus A320 crash - NY Daily News
Andreas Lubitz Identified As Co-Pilot Of Crashed Germanwings Plane
Andreas Lubitz Identified As Co-Pilot Of Crashed Germanwings Plane
French prosecutor: Germanwings co-pilot appears to have crashed.
French prosecutor: Germanwings co-pilot appears to have crashed.
French Investigators Extract Voices, Sounds From Black Box of.
French Investigators Extract Voices, Sounds From Black Box of.
Germanwings A320 Crashes in the Alps
Germanwings A320 Crashes in the Alps

Steubenville Rapist to Appeal Because His Brain Isnt Fully.

Since his defense strategy, claiming that a 16-year-old rape victim wasnt so drunk, has failed, the lawyer for one of the football players convicted of rape plans to appeal a guilty verdict, and is now claiming that the 16-year-old. Walter Madison, the attorney for Malik Richmond, went on Piers Morgan Tonight on Tuesday, explaining why he would appeal Sundays verdict by 37-year juvenile court judge Thomas Lipps, and especially his sentencing of Richmond to at��.

The Dangers of the Appearance-Driven Diet

I put myself on a stricter and stricter diet of endless running and shrinking portion sizes. But that wasnt always enough���my body started rebelling with gnawing hunger and debilitating exhaustion. Whenever I felt like I was tempted to break my strict.

Links 11/28/12 | naked capitalism

kj1313 on Links 3/24/15Germanwings 4U 9525 crashed in the French Alps.. The only problem I have with this piece is that it implies that this is different than what the Democrats do every day of the week.. On January 27, 2011, ElBaradei returned to Egypt amid ongoing turmoil, with the largest mass protests in 30 years, which had begun two days earlier, on January 25, 2011.. I think, for me, canny is like timing a housing flip just before the market crashed.

New Yorks ban on the illegal shark-fin trade wont. - Quartz

. enacted similar bans. And while a Texas recently bill failed, one is currently in the works in Massachusetts.. Thats where fishermen cut off and keep the sharks valuable fin, chucking the wounded animal back in the sea to slowly bleed to death. But shark finning is.. But since the ship in question wasnt a fishing vessel, an appeals court overturned the fine, in what has to be one of the goofiest names for a court case in legal history, United States v. Approximately��.

A Dead Prosecutor and the Argentine President

The fallout from the extremely suspicious death of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman last month reached a new peak on Tuesday as it was reported that arrest warrants for both Argentine President Cristina Fern��ndez de Kirchner and Argentine Foreign.

The Germanwings crash wasnt just suicide, it was mass murder

A traffic sign warning of low flying aircraft stands near to LSC Westerwald flight club, where Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz had been a member, in Montabaur March 26, 2015.(Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach) .

Yes. Lets Move the Capital to Nebraska. Immediately. - The.

A city focused on mass transit and walking. A city run on solar. If the capital were moved to Nebraska, the existing city would just become part of Maryland, with representation in Congress ��� which D.C. lacks ��� and all of the other benefits of being part of a state... A Crash in the Foothills of the French Alps. The Germanwings flight, carrying 150 people, was on its way to Dusseldorf from Barcelona.. Confessions of a Prosecutor Who Sent an Innocent to Death Row.

Obama and the Ongoing Expansion of Public Education

Commentators have wondered whether its just an empty promise or indeed a tangible effort to expand educational opportunity and provide some relief from the financial burdens of student debt. Admittedly, Obamas initial announcement wasnt completely .

The 2015 Oscars Played It Safe, Even as Winners Protested

Legends activist bent wasnt unique: Arquettes acceptance speech called for ���wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America,��� prompting cheers from fellow nominee Meryl Streep. The Imitation Game writer.

Haywire: The Education of Steven Soderbergh - The Wire

It was sort of both, wasnt it? And now comes Haywire, which is described in press notes as an action picture, and is certainly marketed as such, and yet there is a defiantly indie streak of meta curiosity running throughout it. Its action movie as. Just as there was really no weight or meaning behind all the epic death in Contagion, Haywire, about a burned special ops private contractor trying to get the guys who betrayed her, feels absent of actual stakes. Part of that is��.

The Hidden Cost of a Flexible Job

. thus may experience the stigma most often, but Williams says that it hurts everybody���everybody who is not a breadwinner married to a homemaker, because those lucky few are the only people who can realistically comply with the norm of work devotion.

Legally Married, but Their Boss Disagrees

They moved to Massachusetts and, five days after the state made it legal, they got married. They both continued to work in various positions at Walmart stores. In 2006, Cote was promoted to a management job, where she made significantly more money and .

How the Fed Flubbed It

The crash of 2008 drove Eichengreen to revisit the scene of his first triumph.. And this wasnt just public cheerleading: even in the semiprivacy of the Feds interest-rate meetings, Bernanke and his colleagues remained remarkably upbeat on the economy.

The Surprisingly Sharp Elbows of Michelle Obama - The Wire

Not just a mom-in-chief As The Wall Street Journals Carol Lee notes, Michelle wasnt merely playing out a ceremonial role promoting exercise and healthy eating. She also hounded President Obamas staff if it wasnt��.

Aint No Party: Examining the Origins of a Ubiquitous Phrase

When it was released, the East Coast-West Coast feud wasnt just a piece of 90s ephemera. Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur were still alive. In the mainstream media and in Washington, gangsta rap was viewed as a serious threat to society. Two months .

The Deconstruction of the K-12 Teacher

Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, saw his campaign rocked in 2010 when it emerged that even though hed been telling stories about having served in Vietnam for years, when in fact hed been only in the United States, as a member of.

The Loss of Harris Wittels

The circumstances of Wittels death might make him sound like the kind of tortured comedian of legend, like a Sam Kinison or a Lenny Bruce. But he wasnt like that at all. Even discussing the darkest moments of his life with Holmes, the pair constantly.

The Real Today Show Is Run by the Unpopular Bully Matt.

On the surface, you can see Lauer and executives stick to the tracings of the NBC script so far ��� that Currys exit wasnt his fault, that NBC executives made the decision, that Lauer was just caught in the crossfire. But Hagans��.

The Bulgers Public Connections, Explained in a Giant.

Its only when you understand the overlaps between Whitey (center image) and good brother William (the former president of the University of Massachusetts and head of the Massachusetts State Senate, pictured on the bottom. Mitt Romney and William Bulger Romney wasnt happy with Bulgers leadership of the UMass system or the fact that William was supposedly talking to his fugitive brother... Confessions of a Prosecutor Who Sent an Innocent to Death Row��.

Why Boston bombing victims get millions when. - Quartz

Hes deaths accountant. When the stands collapsed at the Indiana State Fair in 2011, killing seven, they called Ken Feinberg. When a gunman murdered 27 children at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut, they called Ken Feinberg. His is the. Until 9/11, the government was not in the business of remunerating victims of terrorism; the closest it came to compensating on a mass scale was natural-disaster relief... He said that $1 million simply wasnt going to cut it.

Is Costco Making Us Fat?

But he wasnt sure what, specifically, was having the greatest effect on obesitys rise. He gathered 27 things he thought might be contributing to obesity���everything from working hours to exercise trends to gas prices���and put them in what he calls a.

TV Guest Appearances by Cool Bands: Careful What You.

Any time a musician who wasnt Yo-Yo Ma appeared on The West Wing, it was trouble. Theres more than one episode that staged Rock the Vote or innauguration concerts to shoehorn some beyond-lame musical act like Jon��.

The Americans: Anatomy of a Messed-Up Marriage

In an episode fraught with the marital tension thats simmered since this season began, there was a sudden burst of tenderness between them, the kind that could really only come when you have that much shared history with a person. The Americans has.

Should Urban Universities Help Their Neighbors?

The empty lots are easy to spot on different blocks just a few steps from the university, gaps like missing teeth in the orderly rows of greystone and brick homes. In many college towns, employees and students hope to find somewhere to live thats.

A School District That Was Never Desegregated

Though extreme, the still-unresolved Cleveland case highlights the remarkable persistence of school segregation, despite decades of efforts to address it. As Scott notes, this isnt just a problem of the Deep South or small towns. The very same issues.

Is Classical Music in a Golden Age? - The Wire

Meanwhile, argues Mac Donald, classical music declinists--those alarmed by the lack of a mass market--fail to grasp that classical music never had a mass audience, and that todays audiences are far more reverent: The universal loathing. Furthermore, he adds, current standards of performance may be technically high, but artistically low: musicians, trying to meet the standards introduced by recording, work on precision first, and expression only later. Meanwhile��.

The Mysterious, Murky Story Behind Soy-Sauce Packets

Frederick wasnt satisfied with the soy sauce being served at the casinos buffets���he deemed it too salty, too metallic-tasting, and lacking in the rich, savory dimension of flavor known as umami���and its disposable packaging bothered him as well.

Glitter Bombs: Weapons of Mass Reactions - The Wire

A laughing response, such as Gingrich seemed to have in his video (though it wasnt shared by his security chief), can ensure the video recedes into memory after one news cycle. But when Mike Huckabee, who hasnt even been glitter-bombed, starts calling for the arrest and prosecution of those who would throw sparkles on presidential candidates, well, he just looks ridiculous. The glitter.. Confessions of a Prosecutor Who Sent an Innocent to Death Row. By Conor��.

Fifteen things to know about Australias incredibly. - Quartz

���As the Port Arthur gunman and several other mass killers had used semi-automatic weapons, the new gun laws banned rapid-fire long guns, specifically to reduce their availability for mass shootings.. It wasnt voluntary. Long-barreled semi-automatic guns were outlawed. People were able to turn them in to authorities and be compensated without fear of prosecution. ���The buyback was compulsory in the sense that retaining possession of the ���rearms was illegal,��.

How the deadly stampede outside the Kumbh Mela. - Quartz

The problem wasnt infrastructure. The crowds also. Rather than having a few police officers nervously waving bamboo batons and shouting at the masses, volunteers from the Kumbh could have been dressed in bright vests and lined along the path. They would keep the. As I mounted the stairs to reach the platform where nearly 40 people had been crushed to death just hours before, I saw a pile of shoes that seemed to have been tossed over the railing. By their��.

How the global banana industry is killing the worlds. - Quartz

But the bigger difference now is that, compared its 20th-century cousin, Tropical Race 4 is a pure killing machine���and not just for Cavendishes. Scores of other species that are immune to Race 1 have no defenses against��.

Author Peter Manso vs. Scathing New York Times Review.

The Opening Serve: On July 7, Garner penned a piece for The New York Times shredding Mansos newest book, Reasonable Doubt, which covers the Christa Worthington murder trial.. The way he scowls as if hes just caught you snatching his morning newspaper from the front porch.. Contacted by The Atlantic Wire, Manso said he wasnt satisfied... A Crash in the Foothills of the French Alps. Confessions of a Prosecutor Who Sent an Innocent to Death Row.

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