7.6-magnitude earthquake strikes off Philippines - World News
Updated at 11:45 a.m. ET: An earthquake of 7.6 magnitude struck off the Philippines on Friday, destroying roads and bridges and sending people fleeing to higher ground in fear of a tsunami, authorities said.. Warnings that were in effect for several Pacific islands and Taiwan and Japan were canceled. Watches. We are in a wait and see situation, some bridges and roads were damaged and people panicked and are now on higher ground, he told local radio later.
Trans-Serving Orgs. Respond to Leelah Alcorns Death: Provide Needed Support
In December, the LGBTQ community was rocked by the suicide of transgender teenager Leelah Alcorn, who ended her life after her parents rejected her trans identity. Alcorn posted a suicide.. This may mean that adults in a youths social world need to.
Quake shakes Mexico, no reports of damage or injuries - the.
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) ��� An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 shook southern Mexico on Thursday, including parts of Mexico City, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The quake was centered about��.
CATDAT estimated loss after Japan tsunami : +100 billion US$
UPDATE 22:53 UTC : The north-eastern coast of Japans main island of Honshu, called Sanriku, has experienced four destructive tsunamis in the last 115 years, and with more loss of life than any tsunami-prone region in Japan or perhaps the world... UPDATE 21:16 UTC : Tokyo Electric Power Company says radiation levels at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have risen above the safety limit but says this posed no ���immediate threat��� to human health.
South Pacific islands rocked by strong earthquakes; No immediate damage.
Earthquake, Pacific earthquake, PApua New Guinea, Tonga, Samoa, earthquake hit nations Magnitude-7.7 earthquake struck at a depth of 65 kilometers (40 miles), about 50 kilometers (30 miles) southeast of the town of Kokopo in northeastern Papua New .
6.7 earthquake strikes: current seismicity in the Philippines.
The Philippine Islands are surrounded by complex plate boundaries, and the Philippines Plate rather consists of several micro-plates ��� squeezed in between two convergent plate margins. The lines with black. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage, and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that based on all available data a Pacific-wide tsunami is not expected. [Source]. Bosnian (Latin), Hindi, Romanian. Bulgarian��.
Local News from All Over
. allows Cairo to veto upstream projects. Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda ��� six of the nine countries through which the Nile runs ��� signed an agreement last year that seeks to allow irrigation and hydroelectric projects to go.
WHAT THE SCRIPTURES SAY; 2011 | Sheihu Salawatia
Muslim leaders and scholars should collaborate with world scientists to unearth some useful technologies to make life much more comfortable and easier and to solve some of the worlds major problems. SADAQAH.. Residents of the city said that though there was no damage in Bam itself, they felt the earthquake there. Reply.. The series of storms originating in the Pacific are known as the ���Pineapple Express��� because of their origin near the Hawaiian Islands.
Ten Years Ago: December 26, 2004: Indian Ocean Tsunami.
Indian Ocean Tsunami. Why did the Information Not Get Out? by Michel Chossudovsky. December 26, 2004. One of the most destructive and powerful earthquakes in recorded history, more than a quarter of a million recorded deaths, local economies destroyed, the lives of. Three days earlier, on the 23d of December, a M-7.9 earthquake was recorded with an epicenter off the South Pacific MacQuarie islands The PTWC issued the following routine tsunami advisory:.
Evacuations Ordered in Japan; US Authorities Weigh In
A massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake shook Japan, unleashing a powerful tsunami that sent ships crashing onto the shore and carried cars through the streets of coastal towns.(STR/AFP/Getty Images).. Though the full extent of the damage is not yet.
Flood warnings issued from Illinois to Florida; Mississippi breaks its banks
May there be NO loss of lives. May there be NO damage to residences and infrastructure. IF only canals could be built and taken the excess rain water to the dry areas then there would be no forest fires and bushfires and there would be greenery all.
Earthquake - Encyclopedia of Earth
. of frictional stress. Most aftershocks are smaller than the main earthquake, but they can still cause considerable damage to already weakened natural and human-constructed features. Earthquakes that occur under or near bodies of water can give rise to tsunamis, which in cases like the December 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Island earthquake reult in far greater distruction and loss of life that the initial earthquake.. Pacific Ocean, East of Oshika Peninsula, Japan.
Tsunami Latest News Real-Time Updates - NewsBlogged
Tsunami latest news updated in real-time by rss feeds, for the latest earthquakes see this page!. Major 7.7 earthquake strikes off Papua New Guinea, tsunami warning issuedSydney Morning Herald No. There are qualms beyond not being able to thwart the storm ���. SYDNEY (AP) ��� Officials are warning that hazardous tsunami waves could hit some coastlines in the Pacific after a powerful earthquake struck near the South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea.
Experienced my first earthquake yesterday! - One Mile at a.
As to my own experience, when I was ten years old I experienced a really strong earthquake at the Ahwahnee Lodge in Yosemite National Park which was strong enough to knock me out of bed; however that luxury hotel is. The other Californians and I just directed the other attendees away from under the chandeliers, but it passed quickly with no damage.. We later learned that there was a minor earthquake in one of the neighboring islands that was felt in Bali.
Japan - Blogs - Rediff.com
by a massive quake in Japan reached Taiwans coastline without causing any damage. up to 40 feet (12 meters) and killing 194 people in the South Pacific,. stocks falling sharply after a powerful earthquake rocked the countrys. was caught up in the massive ��� Japan earthquake is largest since 1900. Indian Express -. Japans biggest earthquake since records began hit the northeast coast on. Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that inundated everything in its
Japan earthquake - Friday 11 March part one - The Guardian
A series of powerful earthquakes have struck Japan triggering warnings of tsunami as high as 10 metres and shaking buildings in Tokyo.. the devastating impact of the earthquake and Tsunami. -. 9.11am: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is warning that the tsunami triggered by the earthquake is currently higher than some Pacific islands which it could wash over... There were no immediate reports of damage. Authorities on the��.
2012 Articles of Interest - Disaster Survival Resources
Philippines Rocked by a 6.5 Earthquake. Areas of eastern Mindanao felt the jolt of a strong earthquake early Saturday morning, according to a Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) Earthquake Bulletin Nov. 3. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the temblor, which hit at 2:17 a.m. local time and was recorded at 6.5-magnitude on the Richter scale. The U.S. Geologic Survey.. South Sandwich Islands Region. A Huge Coronal Hole about��.
7.3-magnitude quake in Indonesia, tsunami warning issued
A powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake rocked the Maluku Islands in eastern Indonesia Saturday, sparking a tsunami warning for areas up to 300 kilometres (185 miles) away and causing panicked people to flee their homes, AFP reports. There were no .
Very strong damaging earthquake in the Nepal / Sikkim (India)
More than 10 days after the 6.9 earthquake rocked Nepal, people in the country continue to talk about the temblor, have cold feet and suffer from frequent nightmares... 14 in the East district, 1 in the South district and 4 in the Western district.. Daily News and Analysis India writes : Geologists warn that another earthquake in the region might lead to changes in the region and may even affect the course of Teesta, the major river flowing through this region and part of a��.
To discover the point of sleep, scientists breed flies that nod off on demand
As Daniel Bushey from the University of Wisconsin writes, ���Sleep is perhaps the only major behaviour still in search of a function.��� Traditionally. They showed that fly neurons do indeed develop more synapses when the insects are awake, and that.
Japan Nuclear Crisis: New Power Plant Construction Renaissance in Peril
I dont think right after a major environmental catastrophe is a very good time to be making American domestic policy, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on Fox News Sunday. My thought about it is, we ought not to make American and .
Japan nuclear crisis: Japanese fear blunder over rising levels of radiation
The discovery added to public concern that contamination would spread to Japans seafood-dependent food chain, despite government assurances that there was no health risk and that the threat would dissipate within a week. Since the plant was damaged, .
Russian city being eaten alive by epidemic of sinkholes.
Citizens of Samara, in south east Russia, live in fear of the ground literally disappearing beneath them after huge sinkholes have started to appear all over their city, leaving devastation in their wake... Indian Express April 5, 2013. An earthquake rattled the Pacific resort of Acapulco and was felt as far north as Mexico City, causing buildings to sway, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The US Geological Survey said the 5.4-magnitude earthquake late��.
WrestleMania: Worldwide appeal of pro wrestling turns WWE into a global.
Berkeley researchers lead effort to better understand earthquakes.. The transit agency increased the number of express buses to accommodate all of the out-of-towners and started their expanded service four hours before the matches as opposed to.
Current Affairs : January 1, 2012 - General Knowledge Today
As midnight of 29 December ended, the two South Pacific island nations fast-forwarded to 31 December, missing out on 30 December entirely.. Earthquake in Japan: A major 7.0-magnitude earthquake rocked Tokyo and surrounding areas. There were no immediate reports of damage or injury and no tsunami warning was issued. Its epicentre was located near Torishima, an island about 560 kilometres south of Tokyo and was about 370 kilometres deep. Nigeria: 50��.
CATDAT estimated loss after Japan tsunami : +100 billion US$
UPDATE 08:33 : What normally would be headline news in the Tokyo newspapers (Earthquake of M 6.0 close to Tokyo and on the coast (see below), becomes due to all other news almost a fait divers.. The powerful aftershocks are closer and closer to.
A new epoch takes shape
On December 28, Newcastle, the second-biggest city in NSW, was rocked by an earthquake that reduced the city centre to rubble and took 13 lives, with 160 injured. The quake was of relatively low intensity, measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale, but it.
Messages from the deep: Interactive map plots the sprawling growth of the.
While the scale of damage caused by natural disasters is by far the greatest, the most prevalent incidents of breakage are invariably a result of human interference.. If more than one cable fails and there is not enough spare capacity in the mesh.
April 3, 2012 ��� TOKYO - After a winter of record snow and avalanches ��� not to mention last years record strong quake, mega-tsunami, and series of powerful typhoons ��� Japan is once again being battered by the elements. This time. April 3, 2012 ��� CANARY ISLANDS - IRIN volcano 24 hour monitoring network of the National Geographic Institute (IGN) recorded two earthquakes of 1.7 and 2.7 magnitudes on the Richter scale this Sunday on the island of El Hierro.
Water Supply to 40 Million People Continues to Dwindle
Lake Powell is the other massive hydrologic savings bank on the river. It receives water in large measure from runoff originating in the Rockies, including the Upper Colorado River Basin in Colorado, where I live. Based on how much water flows into.
FULL TEXT: President Aquinos State of the Nation Address 2014 in English
Confusion is not an option, and you must have a response for every question, suggestion, and criticism���and you must have all the answers even before the questions are asked. This is.. Just this past 2013, for the first time in history, the.
Earthquake shakes Papua New Guinea
A powerful earthquake rocked the South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea on Wednesday, officials said. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake measured magnitude 7.1 and was located .