The Perils of Partition
The public, or political, poems of W. H. Auden, which stretch from his beautiful elegy for Spain and his imperishable reflections on September 1939 and conclude with a magnificent eight-line snarl about the Soviet assault on Czechoslovakia in 1968.
In the meantime, the seasoned thugs in Tehran whom the president has appointed as his strategic partners in a new world order grow stronger and bolder: ever closer to nuclear breakout capacity, ever more confident in their hegemonic objectives.. In the first year of Obamas first term, a senior administration official would later tell David Sanger of the New York Times, ���There were more [White House] meetings on Iran than there were on Iraq, Afghanistan, and China.
The Constant Countdown: Never-Ending Hype, Hysteria.
Five days later, on October 16, 2012, Mitt Romney repeated that formulation, warning the town hall debate audience in Hempstead, Long Island, ���We have Iran four years closer to a nuclear bomb.���.. The Wall Street Journal published its own editorial on November 14, 2011, claiming that the new IAEA report ���lays to rest the fantasies that an Iranian bomb is many years off��� and insisted that ���[t]he serious choice now... joekano76 on US protesters demand the right���
Seven Problems With John Kerrys Iranian Nuclear Clock.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has repeatedly pledged that the prospective nuclear agreement being hammered out between the P5+1 world powers and Iran will extend the Islamic Republics ���breakout time��� ��� how quickly it can produce. Cap these variables at whatever levels are needed to lift the other side of the equation to a year, put in place an augmented inspections regime to make sure Iran isnt cheating, and voila ��� ten months back on the clock.
Israel Doesnt Need America on D-Day A leading voice of restraint is.
Amos Yadlin: I think Israel should not oppose any negotiations that can lead to a good deal���to a deal that will stop the Iranian capability to produce nuclear weapons. And for Israel, serious negotiations are a win-win situation because if a.
The Dow Will Hit 5000 Before It Hits 20000
On July 11, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average stood at 15,460, I predicted that the Dow would hit 5,000 before it hit 20,000. On May 13, the Dow closed at an all-time high of 16,715, and the index has risen by 5.9 percent since I made my gloomy .
Enabling Irans Nukes by Omri Ceren | Children of Jewish.
Frances foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, discovered late in the talks that his P5+1 counterparts were preparing to acquiesce to a deal that lacked robust checks on Irans plutonium work. He publicly blasted the terms.. The Iranians were right. By January, the Wall Street Journal was describing how ���Tehrans trading partners have lifted sanctions, sent delegations, agreed to export deals, and signaled their readiness to expand ties across nearly every major industry.
Iran nuclear talks: deadline extended to June 2015 ��� live.
Negotiations over Irans nuclear programme have been extended until the end of June next year in the hope that the broad outlines of a deal can be agreed within three months. The extension. During the talks in Vienna many gaps were narrowed and our positions with the other side got closer, Rouhani was quoted as saying by Iranian state television.. Today Iran has halted progeress on its nuclear programme and it has rolled it back for the first time in a decade.
Wide Asleep in America: The Phantom Menace:Fantasies.
On an April 15, 2006 edition of Fox News The Journal Editorial Report, Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens declared, [O]ur estimates that the Iranians are ten years or five years away from making a bomb were wildly exaggerated... In the June 2007 issue of neoconservative bellwether Commentary Magazine, Norman Podhoretz claimed that nuclear negotiations had only bought the Iranians more time in which they have moved closer and closer to��.
Why is Obama Allowing Iran to Build Nuclear Weapons.
Obama is giving Iran the time to develop nuclear weapons.. Departing from Geneva after another negotiation charade with the P5+1, Irans Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, assured reporters: ���we are all on the same wavelength.��� Secretary of State John. But neither Obama nor the Europeans are making such demands.. The Obama Administrations longstanding plans regarding Iran were laid out on the eve of the Geneva talks by the Wall Street Journal.
Deal or no deal? Iran says shut up and make one | The 5.
24 last year wasnt actually implemented until January of this year, leaving Irans uranium and plutonium production programs ���significantly closer to breakout capacity than if the Joint Plan of Action had been implemented on. he told his cabinet, ���Iran has made its utmost efforts and made the necessary adjustments to its demands and we hope that all the P5+1 countries, particularly the U.S., which occasionally seeks excessive demands in the nuclear talks, will��.
Can America Pivot from its ���Axis of Evil��� Doctrine? - Going to.
In our view, the success or failure of the nuclear talks ultimately hinges on a more fundamental question���something that Hillary pointed out in a ���primer��� on nuclear diplomacy between Iran and the P5+1 that NBC News recently published, see.. ���Incorporating the new data, JP Morgan Chase estimated the economy contracted at a 0.8 percent rate in the first quarter, the Wall Street Journal reported.���... US Political Breakout Demand Could Derail Iran Nuclear Talks
Iran, Orientalism, and Western Illusions about Syria���A View.
It is powerfully insightful on the ways in which orientalist stereotypes about the Muslim world warp Western views of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the conflict in Syria, and the demands of Arab populations for more participatory politics.. from Wall Street Journal: WASHINGTON���Frustrated by the stalemate in Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry has been pushing for the U.S. military to be more aggressive in supporting the countrys rebel forces. Opposition has come��.
Here Are the Big Gaps Remaining in Iran Nuclear Talks
. Journal. Irans parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani said this week that ���viewpoints have gotten closer on many of the points discussed.. The U.S. is seeking constraints on Irans nuclear program that would extend from three months to one year the.
The Elephant Bar: ���In Sarajevo and in Syria, these are.
US and Iran moving closer to nuclear deal, EU diploma.. The Wall Street Journal reported that the United States and Iran were exploring the option of a 10-year nuclear freeze as part of talks over Tehrans nuclear program.. Western powers aim for a deal lasting at least ten years under which Iran will be left with its centrifuges, but would need at least one year to produce enough highly enriched uranium for a single nuclear bomb, the so-called breakout capacity.
Deal or no deal? Iran says shut up and make one
24 last year wasnt actually implemented until January of this year, leaving Irans uranium and plutonium production programs significantly closer to breakout capacity than if the Joint Plan of Action had been implemented on Nov.. On Wednesday, he.
Deal or No Deal? Iran Says Shut Up and Make One | Jewish.
24 last year wasnt actually implemented until January of this year, leaving Irans uranium and plutonium production programs ���significantly closer to breakout capacity than if the Joint Plan of Action had been implemented on. he told his cabinet, ���Iran has made its utmost efforts and made the necessary adjustments to its demands and we hope that all the P5+1 countries, particularly the U.S., which occasionally seeks excessive demands in the nuclear talks, will��.
Wide Asleep in America: Panic, Predictions and.
It has been three years since I published The Phantom Menace: Fantasies, Falsehoods, and Fear-Mongering about Irans Nuclear Program, a timeline of constant American, Israeli, and European assertions regarding the supposed... in the Wall Street Journal, former U.S. secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and George Shultz wrote that the recently-signed interim agreement leaves Iran, hopefully only temporarily, in the position of a nuclear threshold power���a��.
POTUS Obama Sent Secret Letter To Irans Leadership.
Presidential Correspondence With Ayatollah Stresses Shared U.S.-Iranian Interests in Combating Insurgents, Urges Progress on Nuclear Talks. articles/obama-wrote-secret- letter-to-irans-khamenei-��.
Here Are the Big Gaps Remaining in Iran Nuclear Talks.
Heres a closer look at the main unresolved issues: Break Out. The U.S. is seeking constraints on Irans nuclear program that would extend from three months to one year the time the Islamic Republic would need to ���break out��� of a safeguards regime and produce enough fuel for one. Negotiators say those will remain unless Iran complies with UN Security Council resolutions, which demand that Iran clarify whether any of its activities were intended to build a bomb.
Obamas Iranian Deal is a New Disaster - Accuracy In Media
The headline of the lead, page one article in The Wall Street Journal on Friday, November 8 was ���U.S., Iran Close In on Nuclear Deal��� with a sub-headline ���West Set to Ease Some Financial Sanctions in Exchange for Tehran Freezing Most Advance Work.. for Defense of Democracies, noted that ���From the beginning of Irans nuclear talks with the U.S. and Europe, the country has managed to win delays and move their weapons program closer to the point of breakout.
Prison boss Peter Severin in quick getaway
NEW prisons boss Peter Severin has been in the job for less than a month and hes taking time off for a three-week, taxpayer-funded trip to Mexico for a conference. Mr Severin will jet off to Mexico for the International Corrections and Prisons.
Briefing on Iran Nuclear Negotiations
Iran has met all of its commitments with respect to its nuclear program: neutralizing the 20 percent stockpile; capping their 5 percent stockpile; not installing new components or testing new components at the Arak facility; not installing new advanced.