My question is, How do we reinvent Pakistan?
Muslims, as we are, if we manage to evolve into a true and stable democracy and a strong economy we will be a shining beacon of hope in the world at large and Muslim countries in particular. @ The Author. Why isnt it enough to be a true and stable .
Nihon-no atarash�� yoake (Japans New Dawn) | Common.
There are a number of states involved, but the central feature of all disputes is Chinas claims to sovereignty and an economic exclusion zone over the entire area. The tens of. East Asia and South East Asia are amongst the regions with the highest growth in military expenditures, after the United States and Eastern Europe (which is starting from a lower base). China is leading.. But they reinforce the trend in Pacific navies and the likelihood of an arms race. Besides��.
US-China Relations | Thinking Beyond
China saw a chance to change its foreign and diplomatic policy at the dawn of the 2008 financial bubble that started in the US and later swept across continents of the world. So, China new assertiveness can be. Looking at the Chinese Military side, there was a great increase by 175% in its military spending between 2003 and 2012 to approximately $166 billion, which made China the second largest military spender in the world. (Perlo, et al) The spending on its��.
Parents, students and residents of Panjgur protest against threats to schools.
While the region of Panjgur has remained at the center of the Baloch nationalist insurgency and serves as the battleground for military offensives, girls education system and allied facilities have never been targeted by any group. Tragically, it.
China increases military budget, follows regional trend
BEIJING: Chinas military budget will grow by about 10 percent in the coming year, a legislative spokeswoman said Wednesday to AP. Despite slowing economic growth that fell to 7.4% last year, and which is expected to further decline in 2015, the fifth.
Information Dissemination: A Day in the Life of US Seapower
Rapid population growth, increased urbanization and migration into the littoral regions are exacerbating the impacts of multiple concurrent and diverse crises that challenge the capacity of nations to respond and threaten the continuity. USS CARL VINSON, having just completed a month at sea conducting similar flight operations, was heading to Jebel Ali for a short maintenance availability in preparation for follow-on tasking to support Operation NEW DAWN in Iraq.
What taking potshots at Pakistan really means
Nothing; just the election tactics. Politicians say anything to get elected; and get elected they do. There will never be a real war ever again between India and Pakistan. It is in both countries interest and they both know it. Risk is to big and stakes.
Red Dawn Alert | Voting American
China has announced that it will boost military spending by 11.2 per cent this year, in a move likely to cause concern about Beijingsrapid military build-up and stoke regional tensions.The increase was announced on Sunday��.
Which begs the question, why doesnt Pakistan have mandatory military service.
Of course, one major problem with all this is that it means increasing the military budget immensely and handing the country over to the armed forces. But then, Im fine with increasing that budget if it means the other areas can be linked to the.
With the grace of Allah, US will take the lions share of the revenue of the.
@raps aspirations based on false dreams while 90% of the citizens of India go hungry every night. Strength comes through strong economies, unity of all sections of society and peace in the region. India has not helped resolve Kashmir, its politicians.
Chinas Military Spending: At The Double - Business Insider
They see the relentless growth in Chinas military spending--double-digit increases almost every year for the past two decades, and now the biggest in three years--as going hand-in-hand with a determination to settle sovereignty disputes in its. Over the past decade, the country has striven to bring once-obsolete forces up to the point where they would make a regional intervention by America on behalf of an ally (above all, Taiwan) too dangerous to undertake lightly.
F-35, Osprey Enhanced by Japans National Security Strategy
Japans first national security strategy outlines goals that U.S. defense technology will be crucial for achieving.. A new report from the Rand Corporation finds that joint aircraft programs have historically not lowered Life Cycle Costs (LCC), and may increase these costs, undermining a core rationale for pursuing these over single-service program.. How to benefit from regional conflict... It is very likely China will fall into the middle income trap under current trends..
No, a Russian military occupation of Ukraine isnt on the table
A Ukrainian serviceman patrols the area as people stand in line to receive humanitarian aid near a delivery point in the government forces-controlled town of Debaltseve, Donetsk region, Feb. 6, 2015. REUTERS/Maxim.. The risks, trends, and opportunities that have our experts talking.. Komorowski said that Poland would raise its defense budget to 2 percent of GDP in 2016 and would encourage other members to increase defense spending as well. So the other��.
Indian Army tanks take part in the Republic Day parade in New Delhi. ��� Photo.
With its domestic defence industry struggling to manufacture high-tech arms, India is in the midst of a defence spending binge as it struggles to keep up with better-equipped Chinese forces and a range of military challenges in its volatile.
Emerging Geopolitical Trends and Issues in South Asia | Sri.
South Asia is the only region where military spending as a portion of GNP has gone up since the end of the Cold War, although it has declined substantially in most other parts of the world. 3. Human Security Perils. Dr Mahbub-ul Haq, who.. Chinas strategic clout in Sri Lanka has been increasing in recent years and stronger collaboration has developed with an aim of building closer strategic linkages with Sri Lanka. China became the largest development aid donor��.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Saudi Arabia King Salman. ��� AFP
During the Arab Spring, it spent billions more on social schemes to keep its population ���in check��� ��� building universities, generating jobs and giving doles ��� while orchestrating increased control through its brutal police. On the other. As the US.
A large number of citizens are in queue to get petrol.��� PPI
Faced with a crisis in fuel supply, the government decided last night to shoot the messenger and suspend four officials from the bureaucracy, leaving ministers untouched. The minister for petroleum escaped accountability after telling the Senate and.
While it requires some military resources, they do not have to be such to bust the key downward trend in military expenditure. The growing Chinese forces are now and into the foreseeable future but a fraction of our own��.
PTI supporters during an anti-government protest rally in Islamabad on May 11.
Unbalanced civil-military relations, rampant constitutional engineering, and confrontational relations between the president and the prime minister, have shaped the incentive structures of individual politicians ��� be they in the opposition or the.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. ��� AFP/File
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation summit will see the leaders of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, India and Pakistan meet in Kathmandu on November 26 and 27. Recent exchanges of fire across the de .
US Pivot Rests on Power, Not Weakness, of Europe
In order to turn this occurrence into a trend toward a more equal alliance, NATOs European members must make their defense expenditures go further by increasing efficiencies and economies of scale through increased joint training, procurement, and operational execution. Europes strength as a ���normative power,��� if used appropriately, could serve to ease tensions surrounding the deployment of US hard power in the region, which clearly concerns China.
Opinion - Syria: A No Win Situation for the United States?
Even with the effects of the Sequester and no support from NATO allies, US armed forces have more than enough assets in the region to conduct a unilateral cruise missile strike. Although. Already the United States has started the process of incremental involvement within Syria as a result of increased aid given to rebel forces. A punitive.. How will US ultimatums and warnings given to China in the future be perceived if we dont follow through with our statements?
After ���AfPak���: Reframing Europes Pakistan Policy / ISN
There are also key threats emanating from Pakistan itself and these are independent of its perceived or real role in Afghanistan: a failed state, organised crime, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation ��� all with regional and global implications... [16] The Pakistani government and military seem to be willing to allow China to play this role even if it increases tensions with India as a retired Pakistani military general said in an interview, for example: ���If the Chinese want to use��.
The negative evolution
Right from the moment of its sudden inception in August 1947, Pakistan began to experience a number of socio-political fissures. The country constituted various distinct ethnicities, religions, Islamic sects and sub-sects. Instead of harmonising the.
Drone Wars: Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
While the Pakistani newspaper Dawn ran the headline ���Good Riddance, Killer Baitullah��� in celebration of the death of the man believed responsible for the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, Pakistanis typically condemn similar drone strikes. This study finds that, while armed UAVs increase the capacity of the United States military to fight insurgency and irregular warfare, their use in ���hunter-killer��� missions will not emerge as a dominant trend in the near future.
Why the Rise of China Will Not Lead to Global Hegemony
What follows is an examination of Chinas potential (or lack thereof), and an argument that the Middle Kingdoms internal problems are too numerous to be considered lightly. Since the Chinese.. While the U.S. spends more on defense than any other country, Chinas official military budget increased by 17.8% in 2007, and 17.6% in 2008, the latter being the eleventh successive time the PRC approved a double-digit increase in defense spending. This was well after��.
What Would Chinese Hegemony Look Like? | The Diplomat
That metaphor, from magnetism, suggests two large states with overlapping spheres of influence competing for regional leadership. The Cold War was a. Indeed, one possible explanation for Chinas expansion of its air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea is that a hard line seems to be working in the South China Sea. But Chinas... It is the American encirclement of China which has justified Chinaandaposs increased military spending. Actually��.
After ���AfPak���: Reframing Europes Pakistan Policy
There are also key threats emanating from Pakistan itself and these are independent of its perceived or real role in Afghanistan: a failed state, organised crime, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation ��� all with regional and global implications.
Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad. - APP photo
In the Asian region, the rankings include 112 universities.. This is followed by Peking University, Beijing (No 39 in world), University of Hong Kong (No 42 in world), National University of Singapore (No 55 in world), Kyoto University, Japan (No 60.
The Problem With the Pivot | Foreign Affairs
The decision to pursue the pivot was based on the premise that a newly emboldened China was challenging U.S. interests and undermining regional stability simply because it could -- that is, because its growing military power made aggressive diplomacy easier. Between 2009 and 2010, inflation increased more than tenfold, and in February 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao acknowledged that the worsening inflation resulting from the stimulus could ���undermine social stability.
Economic And Geo-Political Prognosis For 2015 - Analysis
Notwithstanding some lasting damage on the supply side through the 2008 recessionary trough, our outlook for 2015 is bullish weighing more on optimistic data trends than on continued negative sentiment proffered from some analyst quarters. By Dr.
Pakistan received just $169m foreign direct investment, which shows that no.
What is more worrisome is the size of FDI which is almost negligible if compared with regional countries, like India, China and Bangladesh. Pakistan received just $169m foreign direct investment, which shows that no serious investor turned towards this .