China a Military Threat? No Wonder China is Nervous as.
In May the authoritative New York Times ran an alarming story to the effect that China announced a ���double-digit increase��� in military spending. In the actual text of the. China officially spent barely 10% of what the US does on its defense, some $90 billion, or if certain defense-related arms import and other costs are included, perhaps $111 billion a year. Even if the Chinese. [10] A glance at the map shows the nuclear holes in Panettas statement. Chinese missile��.
Obama Administration Plans to Aggressively Target Wildlife Trafficking
The shadowy wildlife trade takes place in auction houses and antique stores across the country, self-storage facilities in places like Chelsea and the Bronx in New York, and on the Internet, officials said. Smugglers bring in the items mainly through.
Chinas Changing Labor Conditions | The Diplomat
The countrys increasingly skilled labor force will need service sector reforms to accommodate it.. Latest Blogs. Japan and Indias Warming Defense Ties. March 04, 2015. Japan and Indias Warming Defense Ties. From defense sales to joint exercises, Tokyo and New Delhi are expanding the scope of military cooperation. Read Post.. See New York Times, August 20, 2014, Why the Middle Class isnt buying the talk about Economic Good Times. See CNN, Jared��.
Bury the Bomb Before It Buries Us - Original
Lawyer says Nemtsov received threats on social media. Given the increasing economic, political and military volatility of the global situation, the gradual decline of US influence coupled with its long-term stagnant economy, and the rise of alternative states including China, a major nuclear.. The New York Times noted last month that before Obamas deal with the Republicans the original idea was [a] modest rebuilding of the nations crumbling nuclear complex..
Obamas Budget Seeks to Loosen Austerity Reins
In his penultimate budget, Mr. Obama proclaimed victory in the long climb from deep recession and said the time had come to loosen the strictures of austerity to invest in the nations future, laying out a plan likely to shape the 2016 presidential.
Data News Countdown: Feb. 3, 2015
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said President Obamas FY 2016 budget request of $18.5 billion���a half-billion dollar increase over last year������is a clear vote of confidence��� in NASAs ���ambitious exploration program.��� [NASA] .
Store of Value - Credit Bubble Bulletin - Blogger
Friday, February 13, 2015. Paul Krugmans New York Times columns are widely read.. Its crunch time for money and Credit analysis ��� discredited Greek debt and the question of ongoing participation in the euro monetary experiment; faltering currencies and Credit at the EM ���periphery���; a runaway Credit Bubble in China; flagrant. Giving a small group of unelected officials full discretion to experiment with ���printing��� Trillions of new ���money��� is a recipe for unmitigated disaster.
Spending More Doesnt Make Us Healthier -
Chinas G.D.P. is $5.9 trillion (compared to Americas $14.6 trillion). So the United States, with a. The New York Times Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. What this means is that there is so��.
Against Other Threats, Obamas Security Budget Sticks to Asia-Pacific Pivot
The Pentagons budget includes $534.3 billion for regular Defense Department operations ��� an 8 percent increase over what Congress approved for 2015 ��� and an additional $50.9 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations that pays for ongoing wars and.
Bubbas buckraking points to more problems for Hillary
Politico: ���Less than a year after Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, former President Bill Clinton asked the State Department to approve a paid, videotaped speech he was asked to make at a gala in Shanghai, sponsored by a Chinese sports.
Sen. Sessions Releases Lengthy Timeline Of Obama Administrations.
The timeline begins in January 2009 with the administration ending worksite enforcement actions and, 50 pages later, ends on February 13, 2015 with the House Judiciary Committees revelation that the administration included a ���sneaky��� avenue for.
Interview: Kevin Rudd
As a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, he recently completed a policy paper on ���Alternative Futures for US-China Relations.��� The Diplomat sat down with Rudd in New York City to discuss his thoughts on current developments in Asia.
What Blows Up First? Part 2: Japan -
So the government then decided to aggressively increase public works and military spending, which means it will henceforth take in more money and spend nearly all of it, leaving the country with unsustainably-high. This would be the equivalent of the US borrowing $1.5 trillion, something that would not be considered progress by most observers outside of the New York Times editorial department.. 1/18 Top 10 things that will happen in 2015 ��� Zero Hedge��.
Indian Budget 2015: As It Happened - India Real Time - WSJ
The Wall Street Journal reporters in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore live blogged Prime Minister Narendra Modis first full-budget Saturday.. Award yourself 10 points every time Mr. Jaitley says ���common man.. be extended to local manufactures, especially in sectors such as defense, consumer appliances, optical fiber, smart cards, electronic product design, raw materials for electronic products, capital equipment for electronics manufacturing,��� said HDFC Bank.
BC-APFN-Business News Digest
NEW YORK ��� Popeyes CEO Cheryl Bachelder isnt shy about explaining the inferiority of fried chicken at rival chains. The 58-year-old executives frankness isnt surprising considering her turnaround of Popeyes represents a vindication of sorts after.
FPs Situation Report: The man in the middle of the US/���
The Wall Street Journals Anant Vijay Kala and Rajesh Roy on Indias budget: ���Indias government said Saturday that it would delay deficit-reduction plans to increase spending on infrastructure to help accelerate growth in Asias third-largest economy.
FLORIDA SPACErePORT: October 18, 2014
Qi Faren, former chief designer of the Shenzhou spaceships, has said the Long March 5 will be launched from the new center in 2015. (10/18) A Step Toward Asteroid Mining: Planetary Resources to Launch Test Satellite (Source: Puget Sound. United Launch Alliance is starting to develop a whole new rocket system and will be restructuring its processes and workforce to slash launch costs in half amid smaller military budgets and competition from SpaceX.
The US Navys New Surface Warfare Strategy: Distributed.
Image Credit: Official U.S. Navy Page via The tactical ���distributed lethality��� shift is largely due to the increasing anti-access/area denial capabilities of the armed forces of China and Iran but also Russia... only 10% is considered modern... So all these military posturing are a complete waste of time and resources, since even here in New York our SWAT team by itself could take out those Islamic supposedly-terrorists���albeit with some extra armaments.
US military spending will never be enough
The US national debt clock near Times Square was ticking in the $16-trillion range when I left New York two years ago. On Tuesday, it. The US monstrous defense spending is more than the combined amount of the next top 10 countries. But in.
Japanese Military Set for Big Budget Gains As Economy Shifts
After a decade of budgetary decline, it may see itself as merely attempting to keep pace with China, which has a budget nearly three times larger at $132 billion. Indeed, Defense Minister Yuriko Koike said on Friday before the��.
The Road from Westphalia
Though the book discusses Asias new leaders���Chinese President Xi Jinping, Japans leader Shinzo Abe, and Narendra Modi, Indias just-elected prime minister���Putin, Russias leader for fifteen years, is not mentioned except for one passing reference.
Emerging Stocks Retreat From Three-Month High on Fed Rate Bets
The MSCI developing-nation gauge has risen 3.6 percent this year and trades at 11.9 times projected 12-month earnings, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The MSCI World Index has gained 3.8 percent in 2015 and is valued at a multiple of 16.8.
Rhodium Group �� A Better Abacus for China
Second, we re-estimate Chinas 2008 nominal GDP ��� the most recent year which available data permit us to dissect properly, to have been 13 ��� 16% bigger than official figures previously showed. Finally, Beijing. This time the changes will also be remarkable (Figure 1). f1expds. In November 2013, Xu announced that China would employ the 2008 SNA and that the transition would accompany the 2013 economic census, with a new 2014 CSNA published in 2015.
Japan Wades Into South China Sea Issue | The Diplomat
Japan is becoming more involved in the South China Sea disputes through increased outreach to Southeast Asian partners.. And while the overall U.S. role will not change any time soon, regional dynamics are in flux as Japan develops a more robust foreign policy that seeks to promote Japanese interests and project influence abroad ��� starting in Southeast Asia,.. BTW,Japanese 2015 defense spending is only 25% of Chinese and will be about 10% by 2025.
Top Asian News at 4:30 am GMT
BEIJING (AP) ��� Chinas military budget will grow by about 10 percent in the coming year, a legislative spokeswoman said Wednesday, despite slowing economic growth that fell to 7.4 percent last year and is expected to further decline in 2015.
Chinas National Peoples Congress: not a tea party | Daily.
China will increase military spending by 11.2 percent this year, a spokesman for the nations parliament said on Sunday, building on a nearly unbroken succession of double-digit rises in the defence budget across two decades.. According to The New York Times Wens speech focused on ���the slowdown in Chinas growth is coupled with the beginning of a structural transformation toward a consumer-based economy, a change long advocated by economic experts.
Chinas Military Budget Increasing 10% for 2015, Official Says
BEIJING ��� The Chinese military budget for 2015 will be about 10 percent bigger than last years, a senior Chinese official said on Wednesday, meaning that such spending is growing at a pace faster than the overall growth rate of the Chinese economy.
Obama: Congress delayed far too long on Homeland Security
WASHINGTON (AP) ��� President Barack Obama says Congress delayed far too long before passing a bill funding the Homeland Security Department through the end of the budget year. The House voted 257-167 Tuesday to approve the bill. Obama says .
Wealthy Chinese investors eschew residential real estate for.
For years, wealthy Chinese have been transferring billions worth of their money overseas, snapping up pricey real estate in markets including New York, Sydney and Vancouver despite their countrys currency restrictions.. Those servicing the new wave says Chinese investors are also looking to put down roots and build a local business for their children, with British Columbias mild climate and clean air increasingly seen as more desirable than Chinas pollution-hit��.
What Blows Up First? Part 2: Japan -
The dilemma is clear: Japan has to keep spending to satisfy its growing population of retirees, offset the effects of higher taxes and counter Chinas military build-up. And a big part of that spending has to be borrowed.
Top Asian News at 5:30 am GMT
BEIJING (AP) ��� Chinas military budget will grow by about 10 percent in the coming year, a legislative spokeswoman said Wednesday, despite slowing economic growth that fell to 7.4 percent last year and is expected to further decline in 2015.
Global Paradigm Shift - Fedge
In the wake of hurricane Sandy, New Yorks mayor is proposing groundbreaking flood defenses to protect the Big Apple. BIG/Splash News/Corbis Last week, The New York City. THE Ood are an odd bunch. Among the more enigmatic of the aliens regularly encountered in ���Doctor Who���, a television series about a traveller in time and space,.. China military budget to rise 10%. Chinas military budget will rise by about 10% in 2015, an official says, in another double-digit increase.